Show mrs colebrooks PIONEER ST lull attl ild ORE 1854 S vosa aay goy V a OY JUST ARRIVED LADIES TRIMMED HATS LADIES TRIMMED BONNETS lug nug ilio 1110 nn tuscan pedal chip and cactus iian S untrimmed billat illat and bonnet shapes F lowers flowers ribbons feat feathers hers laces blondes Hl ondes falls fails ornaments etc all our goods will arill lc be scold S old oid 1 it lo 10 iv prices to suit tye the lic times ap our friends in tho the country ard arc re inott d to favor us with a call I 1 hanks banks for past favors and a continuance or of thosa mc Op opposite deseret telegraph 23 3 icart tempi street i wo southwestern SOUTH WESTERN STAGE liwes LINES AILY ally LINE OF STAGES FROM THE DAILY terminus of the utah southern rall kali read through southern utah and southeastern neva niva to tho the following points beav beaver neaver fayson payson star district salt creek san francisco dist dinst fillmore pioche and all ali intermediate points connect at payson uri tri weekly far for all in 44 tri trl at calt salt crek creek for ild lid the coal fields and all parts in san salt pet c 69 arkly tri trl weekly atY nty leaver reaver tor for parowan carowan Pa rowan cedar ard and ahi ari st george time to pioche nifty fifty alve hour bour principal office wells welts fargo cos building salt I 1 ake ako city I 1 I 1 w ws s HUGH whitt proprietor etor actor ita GEO A ae FRINCE PRINCE at CO tho the oldest I 1 largest and mot 1104 perfect manufactory 21 anu factory in tho the united states vow NOW IN rs no other musical instrument ever obtained tho the same fame popularity sa send for prfto lists address bui buy fralo fraro N T rae fsr having no agent lo 10 sait salt lako city at the present times we a announce that urs until further notice we shall fall orders f rom nom salt lake city and vicinity althe same discounts as to dealers who purd purchase hase from fro m to annually the fact of our being the oldest and lata lara est factory in thell theil the cited datesy l with organs and melodeons melode ons cons now in use uge will attract buyers and the merits of the instruments wil sell them wa GEO A CO GET i HIS A AL P P PI L E T 0 S encyclopedia ralphb lk LATEST ISSUED most THE L comprehensive of any clog da y now pa published antt h giving information on on all ail suba subjects ec it la illustrator with several engravings and ku nn niclous lithographic alups the first volume was issued julat 1873 and the set will be completed in 16 december IMAI 1874 1824 it Is a complete library within iwai itself f and the possessor of ad 60 valuable a work will have but little need to enquire outside of its lids for information on any subject whatever gme ff subscribers can suit cult the time of delivery to the their irown frown own convenience by taking one or more volumes at a lime time subscriptions received by ami S escort ESCOTT Tn AGENT S sag SAM lake lakly city ais als dilly ly box bex 01 ly IV twin BAIN xin awo A V V V aloo afoo ALGO ons ans T AM NOW RE RECEIVING MY llly SPRING STOCK OF THESE celebrated WAGONS 9 no wagon JL ever sold in utah lim has 3 given better satisfaction than thail hm the BAIN WAGON in the past tinee thice years and mr bain assures me that he never never was so to well weil prepared to make t good wagons 11 as he is for this season and that he will send a better waon wa on nov dow to utah than he ever did before call an and d see soe my stock constantly arriving of the th C various kinds of FREIGHT FARM earm 7 ore orr AN A L I 1 SP R I 1 N G OF ALL SIZES AND STYLES oti materiel Mate riel Biel eod eoa ant al eiarl the most complete and carefully selected in utah W walter aifer alter A we oil mowing and caping 19 aka aga ehin chin es addock ap guilty may sla ke tibe tibo best ild lid tho tsie united states a ails I 1 toek tock of the celebrated coara conn and alad ten roelie broche BS concord biggles Eng eug gies a and and hd carriages the tiye nest best est and most improved Sm proved lows plows and harrows col com cultivators etc guy gur I 1 guarantee e all I 1 sell to give satisfaction and I 1 sell at the most reasonable pric prices P OT sw U OF TEM TITE kew kaw iem ISM A rv A M E address HOWARE SEBREE salt lake city 1 notice to tt t t the thlu public I 1 lic ilc i T ili lii EE YEARS experience HAS TAUGHT US THAT WE CANNOT DE AL IN TWO different makes of wagons with satisfaction to the tho manufacturers ourselves and the tho public therefore we shall hereafter only buy and sell th he e wagi wari A 11 mig mir 4 OW ona FIS JD D JL V 1 they have been so steadily and deservedly gro growing wing in favor that we find it next to impossible to sell any other wagon ask any person who has bought one for the last two years and he fie will tell you be hns haa never mever had a tire or spoke loose or a wheel broken or out of repair he will tell you that ahat the fish brothers wagons run the easle easie easiest t and are the best in am all respect i the balance of our stock of on liand wo we offer for sale at cost wo we thank the public for its ita generous patronage in the past and shall try to deserve your kind favors in the future wo we know from tho the letters written us and the thousands of words of com commendation mend received from purchasers that in offering you the FISH BROTHERS WAGON wo we offer you the best Oest laa tap wagon IMP on wheels wheels I 1 V 0 10 r 17 X 4 0 M H 04 bap ja i we sell no wagons on commission fish brothers wagons dont need to go round the country begging for purchasers wo we can sell outright all the wagons the manufacturers can furnish us and supply their other demands and when a wagon leaves our yard it is sold Y yours ours very respectfully t f J ja boim IT w TV lowell 11 OWE LL co COS t w I 1 I 1 sail sall nare late wy city march harch i ista 1875 |