Show under ARREST A STRANGE proceeding tim THE citizens of this portion dortlon of the united states have been accustomed lo 10 fitness au manner of extraordinary movements judicial and executive 1 wherein where n a member of the 11 mormon church is concern edaun e especial sp ly w when be n it IC is believed liev llev insull edhe he ean can e an be injured iny llred tired or an insult or indignity can be put pat upon him and again especially when nhen this can be done needlessly A circumstance of this kind occurred yesterday the case of george reynolds reynold was up in the third district court on a point urged u by the prosecution that the sentence of the count court should be immediately carried out the appeal of the defendant to the supreme court notwithstanding the defendant WAS under bonds of or tb timothe the tho court pending the appeal eliut iu t on the cabe cage coming up py yesterday esterday on the point named oj the defendant was arrested by a deputy marshal marshai an ant ani aal I conveyed to the coutt court room two or three other deputy marshals jol joi joining ning in the procession on the way this was a a singular proceeding p the bonds bond 9 were as fixed by the co court urt the I 1 sure sureties I 1 ties were y arg solid men mend of I 1 the city acceptable to and accey accept t el by the cout coutt the tho defendant was bound bounel to obey the orders of th the e court every one who knew huew j krow know the defendant knew that lie he would promptly a answer i any order of the court directed to him yet in in the face jace of all thi officious deputy marshals mame mare hals hais must step in and place the tho defendant under arrest why was this done by whose orders judging bythe by the language and the evident surprise of the court on hearing of the arrest we must conclude that the arrest wag a proceeding oce eding wholly without the erler order order erder authority sanction for or knowledge of the tho court where then did the deputy marshals obtain their authority for the arrest who authorized them to step in between the defendant and the court wholly without or consent of the latter why was this thi 9 extraordinary arrest made where was the use of it in what particular did it answer the ends of the law or contribute to the administration of justice or further the interests of peace and good order or increase respect for off officers leers of the law or magnify the dignity of the court courtl we are unable to see the least spark of good the leat lea iea t atom of subservience to the public weal in this extra official hasty ill considered and absolutely unnecessary act if the defendant had resisted or treated with contempt the order of the court then there would have been leen a justi justl justifiable flaule flable reason for his arrest upon the order of the coutt court by the marshal or his deputy ty marshals but such was not the case no such resistance or contempt existed edi odi and no su sueh such cli ell order of the court was issued the marshal fraternity it appears acted solely upon their own motion so extremely anxious were wre they to see the law executed that they went beyond the bonds which the court had bad named nd ind accepted aa as sufficient and acted as if they considered that the appearance of the defendant in court ought to be made doubly sure and so he bvm held heid in bonds barid and under arrest anest both at one and the samme ame time verily the thel officers of the law have some remarkably curious modes of procedure in utah in cases where mormons cormons Mor Alor mons are concerned A visitor from another part of the union where they do things differently and ad adopt t a coNri more rational m mode ode odo of pro procedure e i r 0 would naturally come to the conclusion that some of the officers of the law here are grossly ignorant of their duties or are so and vindictive in their spirit as to recklessly rido ride over and trample under foot law reason and justice and ineather in either elther case enee the conclusion is ls not sot of the cst ost carst cat flattering nature to them mc |