Show IT 1 av mower hower at work mower folded 2 5 ai A 14 showing gearing the above cuts represent the celebrated cayuga chief mower ami nd ile Ite aper manufactured at auburn N Y by the cayuga chief manufacturing company the tile new machine ko no 6 combined possesses all the advantages of the other cayuga chiefs in their most improved and popular form as heretofore constructed the leading features of which are arranged and combined in the most mosi de desirable si rable rabie compact and symmetrical form making it superior to anything of the kind hereto heretofore yote fore produced MR 1111 WHEEL ER whose name as an inventor and patentee is familiar not only to manufacturers of reapers readers and mowers but to the agricultural community generally has spent twenty one consecutive salons seasons in the harvest nield field in experiment for the past tuo itco years he has devoted his whole time to the organization and dest test of this machine which embraces all the most important and valuable improvements hereto heretofore fore jore made anapa and patented fahim to him combined in the most simple substantial and symmetrical form with other improvements made by him which by practical and thorough test in the field under inspection bis his and supervision have proved valuable and successful in introducing them to the farming public of the far west we desire to call attention to some of the important nea features rea tures of these standard machines and ask an examination of the same by all who contemplate tern tera plater purchasing a mower or combined mower and reaper the ensuing season being satisfied satis nied fied that inspection will lead to a sale an examination of the he machine will show that the main or d driving riving wheels are of large size sized and are placed further ap apart rt on their axle than usual giving the machine greater steadiness when in use especially on rough uneven ground two frames are emp employed oyed in the construction of this machine and the same system of gearing as used in the other chiefs but it is arranged cent centrally raYy 1 an 1 a the thel framo frame rame which serves also to shield and protect it the lifting devices for the finger el bar are the most perfect and effective the cutting Ap apparatus aratus a 0 very important feature is entirely different ferent t aro from m all others and its advantages will be apparent on inspection its folding arrangement as shown in cut is the only convenient modo mode of transportation by which the machines can be perfectly balanced perfectly safe and can be driven ANYWHERE A TEAM CAN GO As a reaper it has hasi a rs light compact platform which can be quickly attached to or detached from the machine the tho belr self rake is the same popular wheeler rake rale so long and successfully in use en on our other nha lAa machines chines and is entirely di different berent derent from any other in use in its application to this machine all its Talu valuable able ahle features are retained whilst its application is so simpli simplified nned fled that it requires but a few moments to attach it ito toor or detach it from the machine two eye bolts serve to hold it in place by clamping it to the pivot pins of the main shoe these have simply to be loosened to remove it from the shoe by the location of the R rake ko upon the shoe and the hinging the shoe to the cutter frame fiame the platform p tf orm wheel has lias no lio part of the weight ofilio of tho rake rale to carry thus overcoming C ma ng th the e difficulty experienced in machines when tho the large shoe is located outside of the road wheel by the great weight carried on the platform causing it to sag and the machine to run hard with often severe side draft the platform is readily adjusted to cut at dif dit different heights and is the most durable platform made in america the gearing as shown by the cut Is arranged in the centre ot of the machine in a compact p a e t and empl simple m manner being completely encased thus thua protecting it from all dirt and d hed grit it F r r of the tho machine 11 1 duplicated and tonn toua of extra parts are now on n hand at t t tho dy agencies gencie 1 in utah LOOK TO 1 Ix i TE reser rever BE ver and before pu purchasing rc hasing basing a mower r or reaper It caper or horse rake call on aldress or Mat matti Mattl mattison tisou tison son sou johnson agents for lyo n U ahl N evada nevada idaho and montana egr I 1 B maty naty T lson na sait salt bluke uk e wa A J ogden utah itar itai SOAP THE U 0 OF nineteenth WARD SALT LAKE LAKs CITY to tn the public a variety of first OFFER offen 0 class c lass lasa soaps including thomas patent soap pale savon castile walnut oil shaving shavings inay ingy variegated toilets scouring or fullers soap soapy also alea or can dies which are guaranteed to be equal to any in the market cash paid pad lor for groise greiss gre oro lse ise aad irai Iral tallow lovyl and also for tor boxes return returned td d our soap Is eold sold in all the tho cooperative operative co ive stores in the ter atory and ac at the factory orders add addressed essed to john south ass Aas assistant lamit lAwit secretary PO box receive prompt attention A if ital IlAL EIGIl prest WIL wll A W carl CAKL SONi secar NOTICE 0 BENJAMIN F butner BUTLER or to whom T TO it may concern take tako notice that 1 I M T Gisborn have haTO done dono work on tho silver sliver tall tail mine bline ophir mining ining district tooele amele county utah ta territory tory to the amount of 0 sixteen hundred 1600 dollars and your share hare amounts nis to fur sur 2 r hundred atoo teem dollars and it if you fall fail to pay your portion within ninety ty days your our inter interest yat vat in thi the said mine will vili bo be forfeited by operation 0 of law MATT T GISBURN dated ophir city march 3rd ard ardi 1875 wo NOTICE 0 john sullivan george T henry J 11 TO walker walter kers kerp idaniel driskel driskell charles adler adlert or to whom it may conc concern erny ernt take notice that we frank worthing michael michaei X baright a right and john gillooly bave have dono deno work on iho harrington balne ophir mining district tooele thoele county utah territory to tho iho amount of four hundred and sixty doi dol dollars lars and your several shares amount to two hundred and twenty five uve sa dollars and it you all ali ail fail to pay your portion within ninety days your interests in the said Eald mine ili will III be forfeited by operation ope ration af 6 law FRANK WORTHING r bli MICHAEL CHARL JOHN GILLOOLY dated ophir city feb yeb lb 5 |