Show first tav-for- the it fin u if advertisement international time-- an n if n n n if ii n ii n i o reveals the “inside” story: Jet-Sett- er mn n o the Beautiful People cannot afford to be fat! Those stunning sleekly-slicouples who grace the pages of the fashion magazines and society columns who spend each new Season in New York and Cannes and Saint Moritz and Saint Tropez who live surrounded by a horde of admirers and photographers must remain youthful and slim right up to 50 60 70! And yet they eat lavishly feasting on exotic cuisines as they travel the globe but always retaining their fantastic figures And if you were to ask them what they do to maintain their Beautiful P eople Bodies the answer would always be the same : “J don’t do ANYTHING I don’t diet!” Yes m That’s right! The Beautiful People Don't Diet! They enjoy the finest food in the world and yet the needle on the scale barely moves! IIow do they do it? ' For the first time Luciana Avedon (former Princess Pignatelli and now the wife of the European cosmetics executive Burt S Avedon) reveals the "BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE MIRACLE FORMULA” responsible for all those lusciously svelte figures on the society pages How they NEVER go on fad diets NEVER take dangerous diuretics or diet pills and NEVER give up their amphetamines favorite foods either! How they simply go right on eating the foods they like -- but in a special way that keeps them always fashionably slim without their having to jump on and off the diet merry-go-rou- To give just a few examples: One California socialite says: "I always keep my weight fluctuation within two pounds It’s bad for the face when you go up and down” Another stunning fashion leader says: ‘ I weighed more at age 25 than I do now” (She's now 37!) Another says: “Sitting down to nothing but clear soup or health depresses me it makes me feel like an invalid” frd And another Italian Beauty confesses: “Take away pasta and I would die!” But yet they know how to splurge like this without incurring disaster on the scales! They get their food kicks— constantly-fi- ur their figures never show it! in finest food the world the eat the delicacies (even They and "tempters” you’d be horrified to touch) but they do it in a way that never lets them put on more weight than they can simply "peel off" in a few days any time they decide to! (In fact these Beautiful People secrets of delicious are so powerful that when one young overweight model was introduced to just one of them she lost 22 pounds in one month and staved at that weight from hen on! And another young girl when shown how lost 20 " impossible " pounds in two short months even though net a single meal demanded special preparation!) So From Now On Forget About Debilitating Diets! The Beautiful People Don’t Use Them-W- hy Should You? Once again let us emphasize that the Beautiful People think dieting is a “bore” They eat well— very well— and they are not fat! They wouldn’t think of doing without their favorite foods and the needle on the scale barely changes! Why then shouldn’t you follow their plan and lose weight— pounds and pounds and pounds of it! The process is the same even if you start with a 50 pound handicap And you do it all by yourself (without “fat” doctors or the group therapy approach of diet clubs) And yet (to repeat once again) you do not "sacrifice ” the foods you love for a single minute! Yes you can still enjoy parties restaurants business lunches or vacations You can eat all the foods dinners and “super-relaxed- ” ABOUT THE AUTHORS: Roman-bor- n Luciana Avedon the former Princess Pignatelli was educated in Switzerland Her husband Burt S -- Avedon is Director of European operations for Eve of Roma an internationally famous cosmetics firm She has been a fashion designer and coordinator and is currently a beauty consultant Her first book The Beautiful People’s Beauty g Book was a title here and abroad Jeanne Molli was formerly on the staff of the New York Times Ladies’ Home Journal and Newsweek best-sellin- The exquisite authoress: Luciana Avedon the former Princess Pignatelli you usually do and still find the pounds and inches gradually permanently melting off! but Listen As The Beautiful People Tell You How To: Condition yourself by developing your own built-i- n "Fat Radar” so that the minute your weight starts to shoot up you can shoot it down! Take off fat while it’s still “soft” before the body has had a chance to make it part of 'he muse'e structure Before it marbelizes as in a fat steak and becomes even harder to lose! Make the natural diuretic power of food even MORE effective so that accumulated tissue water drains out of your body faster and you NEVER get that bloated look! Lose tons of weight-- all in the right places-a- nd NEVER get ’scrawnv” looking in the face Actually melt unwanted pounds right off vour body and still retain that “youthful” bloom in your face the Beautiful People way! SPECIAL ADDED BONUS: How The Beautiful People “Smooth Away” Ugly Cellulite The EASY Way! Yes while these Beautiful People are incredibly slim and at supple all ages— actually glowing with good health-th- ey have also learned how to FREE themselves of ugly and distorting CELLULITE! (Cellulite as you may know is “orange peel fat”-t- he hard lumps of hideous fat that stick to the back of the thighs knees arms buttocks and back The same ripply fat pockets that cause desperation and in thousands of American women who cannot walk down unhappiness a beach or t0 a husband or lover without feeling unattractive or just plain ugly!) up This is not ordinary fat by any means And it can’t be gotten rid of by ordinary means Instead it’s bumpy hard lumps of toxic material-real- ty e a substance— that become trapped in bubbly immovable pockets just beneath the skin It’s found in pencil-slimodels and housewives alike In fact its reputed to disfigure almost 90 of the women in the world! But not the Beautiful People! Wbv? B tCuA4Utv S 1 W PLE “CELLULITE CHASERS” RIGHT IN YOUR OWN oTr2ExY?VSELF HOME JUST A FEW MINUTES A DAY! doctors or expensive health spas to be able tn farewell ?eedfancy unsightly globules You can achieve spec-Pag- e ts simfly by following these two simple steps beginning on 2§esu First attack the cellulite you’re carrying around now through ' vS SCv treatment designed to break right it up and quickly g mess right out of your body Second follow the unique Program that will help your natural circulatory system to rid body of annoy- CHUNkToF FAT °RE thSy Can bUild UP Cmd become IMMOVABLE nTt y£urs- - as just one section of this °''eTAl g°dy Beauty Plan yours to read from cover tnmvpr fntirli at our risk! gel-lik- m PLUS How to be thin as a model and still have the energy and stamina truck driver! The Beautiful People’s special “Secret Elimination Diet” that disintoxicates your system drains out internal poisons at exactly the same time that you are painlessly losing weight! The Beautiful People “Easy-DiPlan” a permanent part of your life so that you continue to lose weight for as long as you wish and yet NEVER feel deprived! How to prevent your body from automatically to your first massive weight loss so that it actually "adjusting” prevents you from taking off even more pounds What to do if you are a “sandwich fiend” and don’t want to cut them out of vour diet Why the Beautiful People make sure that they never lose more than 18 pounds at a time How they painlessly “retrain their nervous system so that they don’t go on eating binges during an “anxiety attack” The most carefully guarded Beautiful People secret: how to lose weight super-fas- t purify your body and heighten your senses to a new state of awareness at exactly the same time! The hypnotherapy approach to weight loss! How the Beautiful People lose weight while they are traveling How the Beautiful People keep their children from developing unhealthy and fattening eating habits What the European Beautiful People do at once when their skin looks bad they have trouble sleeping or they are just feeling dreadful Why tve Beautiful People feel that American men are a “disaster overweight and under-sexed- ” And what Beautiful People Males “over 30” do to retain their very special attractiveness The Beautiful People “cure” for sporadic In other words how to eat your cake and have a knock-ou- t figure too! of a wf et over-tobacco- figure-distortin- ly I mail NO RISK COUPON TODAY! IMPROVEMENT BOOKS CO Depi 5645 13490 NW 45th Ave Opa Locka Fla 33059 over-alcohol- Yes The Beautiful Peocle Have Been Looking Fabulous For Years THIS Wav Now You’ll Learn How WITHOUT RISKING A PENNY! You are just as capable of keeping younger slimmer and more attractive as any of the Beautiful People prettier you’ll read about in this book And once you know their " secrets " you’ll be well on your way to loining the ranks of all the Beautiful People all over the world who realize that being beautiful also means being slender Return the Coupon today and BE A BEAUTIFUL $59? in fifilaymnt’lnaLt'3"! Enclosed is check or MO for $ YOU MAY CHARGE MY: MASTER CHARGE Q e- Acc’t r- i cd No-Ri- PERSON TOMORROW! IMPROVEMENT BOOKS CO 13490 NW 45tti Av Dept 5645 Opa Locka Fla 33059 © I L N Y & Fla res please add appropriate sates tax I enclose |