Show V ' 1 I 4 Movie Premiere Ties to Bicentennial LAKE CITY— An old- fashioned movie premiere with red carpets search lights and plenty of celebrities has been scheduled as one of the first activities of the Utah American' ob-Revolution Bicentennial j SALT servance Two premiere showings of the movie “Where the Red Fern Grows” have been set for ABSORBS PRODUCER-DIRECTO- R A BIG jh FOR MONEY DROP-A- LL HOLLYWOOD (UPI)— No (Served from 4 to 7 : pm) 265 Roast Utah Tom Turkey Savory dressing Whipped potatoes Pan gravy Vegetable Cranberry relish Hot bread Pumpkin pie WINNER OF 5 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS Choice Soup salad tomato juice INCLUDING BEST PICTURE! - fT pj I 111 £ E m ROOM DINNER SPECIAL ‘‘adventure Wednesday in all four Trolley Square theaters in Salt Lake City Having won the endorsement of- -state the Bicentennial 'Ji' mm greater love hath any woman for her art than producer-directo- r Virginia Stone who flung herself from a helicopter 70 feet above the Caribbean for her new movie “The Treasure of Jamaica Reef” Virginia’s derring do came about because she couldn’t afford a stunt girl She made the entire picture for less than Elizabeth Taylor’s usual salary Commission the movie will be production as well as young! Others expected to be present the Mental Stewart Petersen who won the! include Norman Tokar director sponsored by nfjlead role in the story about a 'of the movie Lymann Dayton Rptflriatinn boy’s adventures with his two producer Wilson Rawls author Utah 0f the book and the two Red Red gone R0uncj d0gS Proceeds from the $10 a The Osmond Brothers who Bone Hound dogs who appear in ticket 2000 seat premiere will wrote several musical numbers the movie are also Tickets for the 7 and 9 pm go toward the development of for the production to be present at the showings are available at all scheduled an learning ZCMI stores the Trolley Square recreational park” on property premiere who Williams and the Ice Cream theaters Andy Singer owned by the Utah State in Trolley Restaurant Store the four in numbers sings Training School Square On hand for the movie’s movie has been invited opening will be actress Beverly ZCMI Garland and actor Jack Ging rwho hold major roles in the UB Sunday March 24 1974 Standard-Examine- r 1 il n84 6Ut$?STAIt z : 13:":““ — P 1 l P C Vi ¥ 5 'WITH I I IrtenwafeBis 35 swats': 8 fe’ Including 1LJ 'L i L u BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR— JOHN HOUSEMAN 1 o gw FLY ME Miumu u Lox 7:45 show 3:15 mw m vv tni m Weeknights £ 6:30 8:05 9:40 Sat and Sun 2 sc' NOW SHOWING la“ ‘ Veal ‘‘"‘a in le s Sot weeknights & Wt knights l COLOR IT'S 11MOTHY f ELLIOTT KASTNEfi prescrtsAROBERT ALTMAN ELLIOTT GOULD a I THE LONG LINDSAY VT PA! HOUSEMAN JHt t’AfMUHAX" ROOPJCK PAUL r b J AM( S D'LCXS! S JOHN JAY OSOOUN J(V WILIAMS Tl t SliMYUHnH NPT MA'ht K mJOHN Lt ORIDGCS JAMES t A BY luxl 'OAGNtA-K5H- COtOftQvOtiuM Vim: tAVUBkN m Permit MAP GOODBYE — "Imperor Co-H- it of the North Foie" WHAT Sunday hoodwinked the courts ' embarrassed an empire while 'swashbuckling their way to fame and fortune? V Directed by Ogden's own HAL ASHBY $ v a 2:154:05 6:00 7:45 end 9:35 pm 7:159:00 pm - BOTTOMS- (VOD0U C THOMPSON Ftn de CONCERT” (IN —JUDITH CRIST New York Magazine Shows PM 2:35 4:10 5:45 7:20 8:55 10:20 ooeg IjAST a gem of a film!” s - m°us! itRtSH detail “-i- Sa- the ROBERT TOWNE “THE k UctinS Cottonwood High School Auditorium reserved seats: 375 450 550 Best Screenplay RANDY QUAID S? NOMINATIONS N1GHBLSQM K Actor- - Best Supporting ' one performance only TUESDAY APRIL 9 — 8 II BEST and arrangements which -"- ACADEMY AWARDn AGTOR-JAG- "CHARIOTS OF THE GODS tl MANN THEATRES ft United Artists EGYPTIAN 5439 r WASHINGTON BIVO 394-99- 1 1 Hint: Itt not Haldeman EhrUchman and Mitchell NOW SHOWING JOHN 1 A WAYNE PANAVISION f TECHNICOLOR' HEW FONDA — Hilarious reserved seats: JAKES STEWART THEATRES Motor-U- SIM liMTED -- u rrfm 375 450 500 by Northwest Releasing QHECHEYEWiESQCIALruiB) MANN OF SUGAR AND SPICE Tickets for the above attractions on sale at all five ZCMI stores Produced - J2s?est Co-H- it A 17 YEAR OLD MIXTURE SATURDAY APRIL 20 — 8 PM Cottonwood High School Auditorium Jw taw STATES H il MARSHAL Drive-I- n SOUTH 1050 WfST 394-- 7M IN EASTMANCOLOR SEE THOSE See the Classified Box 7:30 show 8:00 TWO WILD SISTERS "CINDY AND DONNA" ROY Open Daily 6 theatre — Box office 7:30 PM at dusk Show ‘Tiddler on the Roof’ (G) pius "A Fistful of Dollars” (PG) Tuesday ip o NOW PLAYING "Bamboo" 7:50 11:00 "Sugar" 9:30 0 TO HONG KONG FROM HARLEM Where Champ Cal Jefferson whipped the Kung Fu Killers at their own game TIM HAS Ladies’ Nifjht t PET rattlesnake FILM RATING GUIDE tKkiley For Parents and Their Children ACADMEY AWARD PG' Answer It is the new 1974 version of “The Three Musketeers? Nominee "Best Actor" COLOR WILL MAKE YOUR SKIN CRAWL SCNERAL AUDIENCE AM n “SERFSC® Color by TECHNICOLOR PAAENTAl GUtOAMC SUGGESTED Son Malarial May Not Be SatoJ For ts starts thurs NO 2 CO-HI- T Agn AdnutM Tl 5 J V eX£ ' Box office 7:30 Show at Dusk HEATERS COLUMBIA The ESTWICTED Uotitr 1 7 ragoae accompanying faint ot Adult Guardian f1 Pic to STANLEY S KRAMER GEORGE C £2 ProOuceon SCOn FAYE DUNAWAY JOHN MILLS NO ONE UNDER 17 ADMITTED (Age I imit my very JACKPALANCE I On A WEK1 6 PAUL ROBERT NEWMAN RED LORD ROBERT SHAW SAMUEL Z ARK OFF Prawn's "THE an American International Picture 81 STING" DAVID S WARD GEORGE ROY HILL S HEE5FORD CLASSIFIED ADS JTOGETHERI IVERt THE IVflY 13TH BIG SUGAR HILL’sunngMARKI BEY ROBERT QUARRY Color by DON PEDRO COLLEY Movielab OKLAHOMA CRUDE STHliSATJD HELD OYER! Show Time 393-727- BEST PICTURE BEST ACTOR BEST DIRECTOR Including "Bang the Drums Slowly" Vincent Gardenia Nominated Best Supporting Actor Ph READ THE NOMINATIONS CO-HI- T in cvritMn mwmi THEATRE ACADEMY AWARD She’s FASCINatin’but ASSASSINatin’ Today "Sarplco" 1:30 5:30 9:3S "Drum" 3:50 7:50 Monday "Drums' 7:30 "Sorpico" 9:30 NORTH DOME An American International Release ill Paramount Releasej OryjirMi Sountltrirli A'fxm Fjrtmount Rttorpi Tape CINEDOME 70 CO-HI- I NO 2 T STANLEY KRAMER HAL DAVIO Reco fANAVlSON- - PG Exclusive Showing sf th Davis only PESEM tOOK PURE GROUMD TONY BILL and & JULIA PHILLIPS AUWtRSAl PCTuf6 Mkt taGuri' Ow MC tCOa aap U S j Ljsmqmiac Sat BEEF Sun 13:45 iCAFNCTMATK Matin 3:10 end 10:35 PG flfifNllU SlHGlifCE SUCUSH9 C CINEDOME 70 S00 Daily 5:35 Shew A w am MICHAEL T'fN CaO SOUTH DOME THEATRE HURRY! MUST END THURS Academy Award trIImiin)aGi©in)8 Including: EMARSHA MASON BR’ BURGEE — BEST ACTRESS c MON TUES J 0 f o WED ONLY II ENJOY A CUP OF Ceyy fo JAMES CAAN AT MARSHA MASON and all ELI WALLACH PARTICIPATING IVO-irJ- COLOR G 3433 WASHINGTON 4160 HARRISON LAYTON Spnie AAorL is o of the Registefed Trode Company Coco-Col- a Jv00 1:30 & 3:45 BY DELUXE PANAVISION big CINEDOME 70 WEEKt NORTH DOME THEATRE L5 4 |