Show of Suh WASHINGTON - (AP) ' The company confirmed the $350 million cost increase after was disclosed by Rep Les and said this Aspin would boost the contract to $214 billion Going beyond Aspin’s disclosure a Litton spokesman said it estimates that rising costs of materials will add another $485 million cost to be shared under the contract by Utton and the Navy Litton also did not dispute Aspin’s contention that some of the ships could be delivered fiv months late D-W- '444 404 - 4 ''y'4- - v'i yf&m sy ri- vr'4s yS 4" St $ 4 i-- 0" v tMh 'S£pi - -- - h y4 f Ir'mT’ i- - 4I m 44 '0404 44404 £' ' 7W- s ?ss's y ' y& ! - 4? 44 - iMB£& one-tim- one-tim- it’s beautiful” says Joseph Bell curator of birds at the zoo Tiger bitterns are native to the Amazon region of Brazil Still To Be —Byrd the assistant Senate By CARL P LEUBSDOOF 'Democrat leader who has been WASHINGTON (AP) — While I the W hite House is prepared to continue discussions and to look tor ways to cooperate further with the committee” Nixon feels very strongly “about his constitutional duty not to irreversibly erode the office of the one-side- newly-hatche- For Mixon Appears adding that xt IF A CONTEST were held to determine the ugliest chick in the Bronx Zoo it would undoubtedly be won d tiger by this bittern chick “It’s so ugly Lawmakers' 3024 - presidency” As for the description of the March 21 conversation about alleged hush money to W'atergate defendants Ziegler said: “The White House is conON SCHEDULE cerned and alarmed at the selective inter“As of now we’re on sched- biased and ule” a spokesman for Litton’s pretations of the tape which are Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp said attributed in part to congresin a telephone interview “but sional sources” we’re fainthearted” Noting the White House has The new antisubmarine de- often said the tape “can mean ' stroyers are being built at In-- ’ different things to different galls’ Pascagoula Miss ship- people with different motives” he said some who have listened yard under a new assembly-lin- e to the tape “have a different ship construction method Aspin called the $350 million opinion of its meaning” a cost overrun and blamed it TOO IMPORTANT on “Litton’s mismanagement “This matter is too important and waste at its new Pascato the country than to tolerate goula Miss yard” d of parial Litton said it is not a cost this kind of evaluation and comoverrun but rather the said materials” Ziegler e pany’s bid for the “Secondly it should be pointprice adjustment permitted in ed out that piecemeal dist!fs contract for the ships in this fashion leaked closures e The adjustment is are a clear violation of the being negotiated with the Navy Committee’s but Aspin predicted “The Navy House Judiciary own rules will totally cave in to Litton’s Ziegler said “we have aldemands” ready provided the committee EXPECTED INCREASES with 19 tape recordings of conHe said a letter from Deputy versations and over 700 docuSecretary of Defense William ments which have been proP Clements says “anticipated vided to the grand jury and will be are in the process of providing contract increases boxloads of other documents” million” in excess of $350 The Navy’s latest report to The committee he said has Congress reveals it already has access to all of the testimony revised its own estimates for before the Senate Watergate the ship construction costs $200 Committee “and are apparently million upwards going to receive further mateshould rials from the grand jury” Aspin said the Navy “get tough with Litton and not He added: “We understand that they are give them an extra dime in a process of evaluating “Big corporations like Litton jmust be punished” he said some 100000 pages of information” “not rewarded for their 444 ' mee- is 30-sh- ip 2977 Continued from first page V been made to provide additional tapes to the committee “The White House position has not changed” he said “We feel that the committee should define the scope of their investigation and their charges In short they should be specific as to what further information they want and why Logically the committee can only be spe- cjfjc after it assesses the mas- jsive amount of material al-- it ready provided to the com- -- er contract and said it expects to rise $485 million above Lit- - ton Industries confirmed Satur-:cost- s day it has asked for a $350 million boost on its DD963 destroy- - Ogden Standard - Examiner Sunday March 24 1974 2A RELINQUISH Tenn (UPI) takes” — “I put my pants on that day COST EXPERIENCE just like I do every day” said But Litton contended the original contract’s $179 billion tarMrs Linda Lusk But when she appeared in get price for the 30 ships “was General Sessions Court wearing' theoretical” and e the contractthe adjustslacks last month it touched off permits ment to base the price on ac- a local furor contempt cita-jtucost experience tions and a $400000 federal! It blamed the cost increase and possible schedule de’ays on court suit Mrs Lusk 28 a teacher aide manpower problems and short- wras fined $10 last week for ages of some materials which wearing the slacks into the it said at the moment include courti ooro McDonough President Nixon tours the na-- ! increasingly critical of the accused Nixon of tion seeking to bolster his President standing with the public his 'making “unjustified and vicious support appears to be eroding! attacks” on Congress tc “shift-ithe Congress that may ulti-- ! the blame from himself’ —The latest Gallup and jlar- mately decide his fate A series of developments last ris polls taken after theftrst week at a time when the em- Nixon’s recent series rf"T0w$ e' battled President was receiving conferences and about several former top aiddi 'wm-indictefriendly receptions in Chicago showed further jlrop? Nashville and Houston raise in of the President 5o some question of the effective- 25 approval 26 and per cent respectively' ness of his efforts More than ever before outCHILLS? ‘ spoken criticism of Nixon is j v tta-tim- UPI WEATHER FOTOCAS1 FORECAST— Partly sunny and unseasonably cold weather will prevail over most of the nation today Snow will fall in Tennessee Kentucky and West Virginia and a low pressure area in South Georgia will move gradually northward the Atlantic coast Highs are located in the Great Lakes bringing showers along Standard-Examiner UPI Telephoto area and in Oregon — THE WEATHER TODAY Wintry Storms Nip Plains United Press International Winter was officially gone snow storm but a January-styl- e and some of the coldest spring temperatures on record pun ished the Midlands Saturday On the third full day cf spring there was up to six inches of snow from Kansas through Illinois Mo Louis St West Interstate 70 was tied up for about four hours with a series of minor accidents on the snow' slicked roads As many as 4C cars were reported off the roadway at one time The National Weather Service warned “This storm is still in its developing stages and is expected to intensify and move into the Ohio Valley and Lower Great Lakes by early morning fell to the Temperatures occasion The Weather Service said “low temperatures typical of mid January or lower are of -- to roll out of the Southwest since Spring s debut Earlier a cold Wednesday storm front sent tornadoes ripping through the Southland killing five and the Northeast with snow The Weather Service looked for four inches of snow or more through southern portions of Missouri Illinois and Indiana Travelers’ warnings were issued from northeastern Oklahoma and northern Arkansas to northern Kentucky The weather forecasts: plastered coming from those who have heretofore been his allies Republicans such as Sen James L Buckley and Rep Edward Hutchinson and Democrats such as Rep Walter Flowers and Sen Robert C Byrd As from the start of the Watergate affair Nixon retains the power to turn the situation around by making the dramatic moves to cooperate with the House impeachment inquiry that so far he has been unwilling to make OUT OF CONTROL Record wintry temperatures common— the worst a morning low of 24 degrees below zero at International Falls Minn the record low for so late in the season Salt Lake City Ogden Provo: Outside the snow and cold Fair and warmer today and belt spring still refused to Monday Lows near 30 highs settle down Thunderstorms and expected” winds hour 70 mile per today in mid 50s and Monday whipped COLD WARNINGS A loTOr area Fla the Tampa Cold wave warnings were out ProJili?yMofV‘T in effect was watch tornado Iowa into "ea” 2ero and Nebraska for into Florida from central southeast Georgia wer Ms herl OF SNOW Delaware1 60 and Monday 50 Ohkf Marand! Snow was falling in a band 80 to 70 from Colorado through the northern and western Virginia Southwest Idaho: Mostly suncentral and lower Plains Into and northwest South Carolina with slow warming today ny It was the second wintry and the western Ohio Valley Monday Lows mostly 20s BAND hirdrs 50s AJ5KS PARENTAL one-tim- j al com-bicag- far-awa- R-Ut- ah R-Mi- ch really death” thought 'I’d freeze to FINALLY QUIT V "’ U f Meanwhile the LL FOLLOWS OTHERS -- I con-wo- re Re-1?- 1 t- re-iso- ne lost-“thir- com-hous- much” 5800 SO 1900 WEST ROY 4’ 2 3 'J4' ‘k'mv&t A j Standard-Examine- Standard-Examine- made-to-measu- automakers 394-771- 1 i re ' ’ off el : - General Motors Hints It Might Make Still Another Price Hike 1974-mod- i had'' judge Window Shades 20 i tried one icy street"- after 1 another to reach the park- - aod I Custom Creations - ' Continued from first page MARINER GETS FINEST j I SNOW Ariti-busin- — d j ' - finally gave up “I started out at past eight but I just ’wouldn’t! get there” he said afer ihe couple was married t" id 1 the' warmth of a friend’sliving Many lawmakers say private- - room “So I went into a drug ly they now think the situation 'store and sat there berrioani ng may be out of the President’s the fact that I couldn’t make-control barring major changes in public sentiment as measured by the public opinion polls In the past week there have an afternoon reception was been these developments: scheduled — Buckley the New York sen‘Judge Davis knew where the ator who has been and remains reception was going to' be’ a faithful Nixon ally cn policy Barbara said “So whet!" we called for the President’s resig- - didn’t hear anything after! a' nation the first conservative while we contacted his home GOP senator to do so an told his family where we A fellow Republican We got together after he servative asking that he not be 'Checked in with his family” identified said Buckley ex-- 1 GOcS AHED "j-pressed publicly what many lce ours ehind schedule have been considering private- Davis married the couple in a ly The rinS ceremony -H- utchinson 0 the ranking K”1 a s was siale n u b i c a n n!1S on the House h a made:b?nd Committee Judiciary clear he feels the panel’s ?as her great-greu- has quests to the White House for feat grandmother s ‘and !" her family 150 years tapes and documents are rele- a biush with frost- ljCSiCes vant to the impeachment probe b were othcr casuaI‘ thPre i1)!e’ and should be complied with lies: The groom’s parents-whNO THIRD PARTY had driven 200 miles from a Lawmakers in both houses Brookfield Mo through discounted the had and endured snowstorm another quickly yet White House proposal for a cold in the park got party” to decide what enroute from the park to the e material should go to the mittee and House Speaker Carl! They were still missing after Albert thundered that the the wedding Judiciary Committee v’ould lis- - “I’m glad it’s over” said ten to neither the White House Coie an engineer “I wras very nor the courts in defining the nervous standing out there” scope of its inquiry Barbara said the couple —Flowers one of three South- - didn’t plan t 0 take a honey-er- n Democrats on the Judici-'moo- n right away but would do declared ary panel “It is so in about a month high time that this President! “But you can bet on one thing we’ll go someplace warm stopped playing games with our Constitution the Congress the Neither one of us really like presidency and the American snow or cold weather very TIMES STORY Southeast Idaho: Mostly sunThe Times said Saturday that with slow warming tody ny Nixon had decided to turn over and Monday Lows 20s highs the tapes after Senate Republihard for his plan to “stream- - today 40s and Monday 50s First Page From Continued can Leader Hugh Scott warned line our tangled programs of Following are the tempera- the President’s Watergate at- - 1972 proposal to limit forced federal aid to elementary and tures: busing Max Min Pep and return Declaring that parents value secondary education 48 34 neighborhood schools he said control of those programs tojBse 24 5Q o they are “naturally concerned the states and to the local 22 18 A spokesman for Scott late when the courts acting on the 25 13 Denver munities” Saturday confirmed that the basis of complicated plans While he said the House bill Idaho Falls 41 18 senator had warned St Clair of drawn up by y officials 76 as 47 u'T ve§as the possibility of impeachment in Washington DC order chil-- i would not go as far as he would 44 27 Logan senators The three other dren bused out of their neigh- - like he said its enactment Los Angeles 63 56 present at the meeting were borhoods” a significant ew York would permit 39 57 identified as Wallace F Bentime state and move 13 30 toward Omaha NOT NECESSARY greater “He treats everybody like a nett Robert P Griffin 43 24 Pocatello control of education Nixon argued that many dual local and Bill Brock criminal” Mrs Lusk said 37 59 Portland dis“within a few weeks” school systems have been Feb 18 Mrs Lusk all outfitting training and other Tenn 49 38 Nixon said federal grants Provo with the in mantled howcosts pgst years The spokesman said aopeared in court on a speeding 47 di36 Salt Lake City He said this is $107 million ever that Scott was not the minimrl busing and said this currently are needlessly violation charge 54 48 San Francisco 50 into more than vided “excessive sepademonstrated that per ship compared to the source which allegedly told the BACK IN DRESS 37 59 Seattle estimate of $86 Times that Nixon will turn over forced busing is neither neces- - rate programs that involve Navy’s 63 35 I went m tnere to pay the million original local state and education Washington people” the 42 tapes sary nor desirable” ship per he called my name to fine and in nine three even g agencies proposals and I went forward He aske stronger than Nixon’s are ex- months of bureaucratic maneufedwhere I lived and he said to pected to be offered as amend- vering before they can get funds come back Wednesday in a eral House the to week ments this dress” Mrs Lusk said Urging consolidation of the bill education disthat almost cury anything “You see she's got on pants— Wise D presiHelen grants he also said he wants Mrs covered will be a surprise dressed like a man” Mrs Lusk Education National financing to be provided a year of dent the ex“The in as advance to facilitate orderly union possibility is exciting the teacher a McDonough saying quoted Association light planet reflecting Mrs Lusk said when her and so forth” Bristow said He ists that it might be different said of the President’s speech state and local planning husband Robert 32 a Vietnam! added that the cameras which still from all our previous ex- “While we are delighted with As soon as enabling legislation is passed he said he veteran objected the judge had malfunctioned earlier in said Dr Bruce C the President’s apparent generwould seek a supplemental ap- eacalled him a “smart aleck ’’the mission were working per- - periences” we of education the professor who al blessing Murray of $285 billion in: concrete more for McDonough fined Lusk $10 for fectly propriation wait JOANNA gerly education aid for the coming contempt of court at the first Mariner 10 took thousands of heads the Mariner television evidence of his support” team Nixon’s five years’ in office school year His intentions to hearing pictures of Venus as it flew Mrs Lusk also said the judge past that planet last month and have been “a period of retro- - seek the supplemental have accused the NAACP of sending now is expected to shed light on to observe from Earth Since it for US education been announced in a Jan 24: the sun intense said Mrs Wise a her there in slacks She said a host of questions about Mer - j? so cJ0Se in junior high special message to Congress on light blocks out Mercury most school teacher in State College education the charge was untrue cury of the time And even when it Pa DAMAGE SUIT BASIC QUESTIONS is visible it reflects relatively Does the surface bear signs little light so that it appears a Since that incident the Lusks funds withheld Costly Mistakes have filed a $400000 damage of violent volcanic activity? dull yellow He has withheld funds by SPRINGFIELD 111 (UPI) mountains! suit against McDonough charg- - Are there earth-lik- e In fact astronomers believe which local communities might to ' LAMINATED FABRIC the Illinois their and valleys? Does it appear Mercury will be found to be have dealt more effectively According mg that he violated a t m n r e De Revenue °f P constitutional rights with his water ever flowed on Mercury? like the moon The planet is with desegregation specifically SHADES from Scientists hope the photos will! only about half again as large because he opposes busing one mistakes made by taxpayers on women rule banning their returns doubles and as the moon although it is of the means bv which 1001 fabrics to choose from: wearing slacks in his court- - tell sometimes the time ini triples room So little is known about Mer- - about five times as heavy become have schools plains stripes floralsvelvets to process the returns tegrated” she said “Although anything you want! Each can be 1S reascn for uen la his first education commission-- ! totally different just by using er the late Jim Allen designed ueiayod refunds your favorite trim and hem style a right to read program cf Fabrics and trims come in every seemingly great potential that color and you can choose a hem program has really never been style from our many selections or funded and is now almost you can create your own style defunct” Let your windows reflect your She added that teachers were own individual personality! disturbed by a provision of the Second Class Postage paid at House bill which would permit Ogden Utah Joanna presents excitement for the $150 other public funds to flow to private Subscription rates $325 per DETROIT (UPI) — General has been no statement from the 'with by your windows at savings New month anywhere in the United automakers and parochial schools Motors Corp indicated Satur- - Ford Motor Co hem treatments delightful trim States All mail subscriptions payof lead hike its follow the it The also' President Chrysler’s Despite may price plugged able in advance day The Cost of Living styles and an array of colors All custom made shades are competitors and raise prices of jjte(j prce an(j wage controls and the one planned by GM the CLC All unsolicited articles pictures is council’s said the cars for the third f “It its mounted on standard guaranh auto industry in letters manuscripts and related 110 further base price that time despite an earlier pledge DecpmKcr in exchange teed rollers with slats brackets forview matter sent to the Ogden to hold the line until Septem- and ring pulls Just measure the from Ford? GM and increases are justified for the r are sent at the iremamd®r nlodeJ: width Jamc inside or outside hand and to risk The not and owner's Standard increase beIr prices GM said in a statement 4unless forced to b unforeseen year under the terms set forth: the length Corporation does not assume rewe'll figure the issued after the Cost of Living major economic events” Only in the auto industry commit- sponsibility for tneir custody or resize shade you need turn ment” Council Friday approved an Chrysler refused to make that The GM statement indicated r The Ogden is 0 for Shades with matching toppers or increase average commitment a member of the Associated Press the Motors of the that its automakers valance are washable flame renewi largest American United Press International and the IMPACT UNIQUE felt it the to use has be would an average! sistant sun resistant room darAudit Bureau of Circulations right increase p?r of would CLC allowance! include The said hike $21 was the it $15 allowing of $28 ihis price kening Our TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 25 are custom made and not shades March tot added delivery costs and $13 the $50 average increase for it did not take in December Monday 399-961- 1 Circulation See them all now at returnable for added costs in the car itself AMC because the smallest of Since the 1974 models were FAMILY NIGHT faced a introduced in September GM Earlier this week Chrysler the the Hillcrest Co (DELIVERY) the lone automaker to “unique impact of cost press- - has increased the retail prices North Davis Zenith 961 1 Adults $229 Corp Credit Bank Americard of its cars twice—once by $73 S Box Elder Zenith 961 1 refuse in December to promise ures” It also noted AMC had raised despite asking for a $102 and BAKED HAM ALL OTHER Terms to hold the line on prices Master Charge increased the retail tag on its wholesale prices only about $133 hike when the CLC lifted DEPTS 1 cars an average of $28 There $100 in December compared the price controls NIXON -- 1 nPlKA m 0$ f ::rr |