Show m r AtH caebe cache cojohn co Go john barnum barnam wilson sp sin ot john G wilson and nd L ancy bousoff ban Bous son olf agea aged 16 years I 1 mo month nth and I 1 day lacy jacy he e was kind and truthful and aud beloved both tooth by coins and old Is his sickness lasted as ted led two months and nine days codr COM at M logan cache co ca may 3rd ard 1860 1869 of inflammation of lae the lungs arthur lamoreaux laborea ull uon aged 11 31 months month sand and 6 days son of david B band bana and nancy ar M lamoreaux lamoreanx in the ah ward mav 10 at 10 am arn of inglam mat mation matlon ion ton of the bowels sarah jane Sla Sti arrett wife of milliant Willi ani ant wilson sue was born nov 11 14 1847 in liverpool england was baptized july 5 |