Show nas jas linart E B rail kail F D kellogg k TAR 1 successors P to t LB L B y co ll 11 I 1 1 I 1 J liport ens ERS AD AND ok 01 I 1 j AmeriG igan iaan ali axi yen fen k is ih and german H r 0 ar y tf dwar WT Q y e g ai 2 uw db ty agricultural ana and aa MINING TOOLS nos S and 5 FRONT STREET near market SAN FRANCISCO wiott woodmansee BROTHER iealer bealer yE ALER in ir irr iry iby irv try V GOODS GROCERIES and V GENERAL beneral merchandise STORAGE AND COI col hl ANTS 1 fireproof fire proof building maln main street P joneel LEAT LEATHER h ehk eft 0 E FIN FINDING DIN R STORE RECEIVED ana and for sale wholesale and j JUST retail lowlor ca cash eash shina and pro prodico dugo duCo a jabe jarge supply of sole and upper leather calf and ind kip R p P skids skins k boot and shoe findings provisions rna end 1 d GROCERIES four eldridge kec feC lawsons 11 P 1 I S call cail wa am V S Y I 1 next the post office salt sait Like city i keep neep hon ton hand a sup supply ly mif mit bread DREAD 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undertakers Undertake es department ix is alloi app apy f 1 I 1 mitt 4 TO tie THE T HE MERCHANTS OF UTAH 1116 dmn emm N 1 V ca 1 B rf B successor Suc successor cekor cesor to JAMES LINFORTH commini commission oil merchant f a 3 near neav marnet market sais SAX cak CAL 1812 and of all descriptions lons lona purchased or I 1 imported m rt e for UTAH TRADERS on the most favorable fh bl terms and at lowest current rates the near approach of the CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD to the principal business points in utah affords an opportunity to merchants to quickly and frequently replenish their stocks at any season of or tb the e year ifan iian many y articles ot of general consumption both of fo foreign reign production and california manufacture can be obtained at less cost from san fra franeisco francisco cisco than elsewhere california and oregon made woolen goods blankets Cassir neres and clothing such as underwear and HoR hosiery lery tery are superior to anything imported and intrinsically cheaper making SAN FRANCISCO unquestionably the vie noi for and ahead of all others lt in the advantages offered actual market quotations and all necessary information furnished to merchants on apall atton atlon I 1 I 1 having been for the last sixteen years edgag d in tha the wholesale trade trad e of this city andaca and ana acquired t a general knowledge owl ed ge of this alark market et and the wants wan Is of tha country merchants nier Bler chants through gli direct intercourse with them thearl I 1 feel justified in sabind saying that thai an all orders jor goods of any de scrip tion or any other business In trusted to my iny care alu be attended to with to my I 1 patrons L respectfully holi goli soliciting clung a continuance ot 09 th the q business b mess less as ashe eshe heretofore reto foro confided thair anforth I 1 li be b e Z to refer r er by iby permission to the following gentlemen gentene i A T greey iteen G i so no FRAN 92 jas J Li forth esq of linforth Linfor tb kellogg belloi arall arati jonathan hun insurance co A J ralston esq sec pacific insurance co cor cot fal fai I 1 kner irner bell co badger badgen lin danberger den berger 4 L B bench Benchley ejr eit i esq meagher co 1 J A donohoe donoh esq of donohoe kellym co roberter t fy wi aly wiy ly arx MT ma VV i f f r t J 1 I 1 1111 nilly v r save have recently n beeb seen altered 86 6 as they cabbe can be used with either or both WOOD OR adapting them to the wants of the THE OF utan UTAH THEY STAND unequalled UNEQUAL LED 1 1 for economy in fuel for durability for capacity in baking boiling broiling and roasting for simplicity in management lor lot cleanliness in cookin for tor beauty of design 1 for smooth ess of castings and ule tle elegance gance of finish gri gli and ana claT las lbs lEItI eca IC STOVE in every overy respect sold wholesale and arid retail by tt att c Excel Eicel dor or manufacturing wa am ST louis aidi aldi 6 lii lif i t ys jlmes JAMES R FOGG SON goo I 1 f rie ite fir act i importers apil apol dealers in in ni american merican and 46 foreign rei rel n 1 1 sig gig 1 t v I 1 i seeds ij I 1 i v oi ol ja CLOVER AND TIMOTHY etca etc FTC E STREET 11 ll t 3 j n 1 l fit lind aind ind dorice f r price list va bi su I 1 pl L y 11 if 11 j ruu |