Show special to tae tie dese bese be se et evenol 13 neus nees gi cel 4 K aasa chicago 3 john sohn 8 haywood an old and wealthy citizen ck and one athe of the largest land feo fio holders ders iii in illinois died alfed at his nest nesi residence rest ce at hillsboro today t oday day r r edv ads tant james chig merchant of this city and who has been identified id en ti fled fied with the Sall bail sandwich divIch islands and california trade for forever over oven half d a century died yer yeA yes ter erday day age 70 ff mobile incessant rain for the past ten days have overflowed a large portion of tha cr aud and are doing great grent damage all ali the lowlands and creek bottoms will hova to be replanted rid aud and Iid there thero great grgat scarcity of sed seed if r sf st louis 3 A convention 6 f dhe the bishops of the methodist church south will wilt be held here this week about loff minister will be present presen jb of the convention conventi tin oin will be private privat but there will be various public exercises ercles ex including addresses to the sunday school A convention and celebration eb of the anniversary of the board of missions will take place during the week f washington D C the president has appointed giles P overton rec receiver elier elyer of public moneys in the utah land district and captain daniel ammen chief of the bureau of yards and docks in the navy yard dispatches have been received from admiral craven dated mare blare island march 81 31 giving an account of operations in alaska and the destruction of indian villages commodore meade considers security bay the best rendezvous possible for the whaling fleet superior to sitka and a better site for a military fort than koatz naboo parker W parry has been appointed supervisor of internal revenue in north and south carolina vice general bennett and S J conklin for the district of mississippi louisiana and arkansas vice dice creecy cincinnati there was wits a frost in this vicinity this morning but the fruit escaped injury yesterday chris hogan a government dete deke defective etive and fred miller acon a constable were indicted for counterfeiting a plate to be used in printing revenue stamps they gave ball bail new york the charge of fraud against against a number of so called spirit photographers tog raphers was dismissed today to day mo mier read a rambling defence stating that an involuntary power of taking spirit photographs which the they y could not explain had bad been cevelo developed e within him the justice decided that the prosecution had failed to establish their case washington baron gerholdt Ger being about to return to prussia took an informal leave of the secretary of state today to day oday he has continuously represented prussia here for twenty two years general banks reiterate reiterates s the denial of the statement that the committee on foreign relations intend to visit san domingo officially jie lie besaya says that no authority has been granted and consequently no money can be drawn for the purpose from the contingent fund the lawful money in reserve in the national banks of new york city eit elt april amounted to nearly 54 exceeding the amount required require a by law to be kept in reserve by beven seven millions I 1 the government will not reply to gen rose Bose rosecrans erans crans respecting tho th recent recommendations relative to mexican afna afra affairs irs there ithem is official authority for the statement StA statement ement that these do not include the purchase of sonora or any other territory of mexico whatever the administration may have to say will be through minister nelson neison who it is expected will reach mexico before june san francisco fire has a anin again 0 ain nin broken out in the goldhill mines work is aus suspended the crown point kentuck and yellow jacket shafts are closed steam is being injected for the purpose durpos of smothering the flames i legal tenders 75 v new york the detective who had charge of the house of kindt on state street brooklyn one of the parties charged with robbing wheelers watch cae manufactory accidentally displaced some woodwork on friday when he discovered three nuggets nugget s so some bome m gold watch cases and two to se seal beal a i ri rings ng it the h e whole property being w worth orth kindt hindt anthe on the discovery discover yi confessed the crime crim e boston frank F cheney aged fifteen the son san ef of highly respected respect ed parents of north And aud overshot shot himself dead yesterday morning his lils father h had d required him to apologize to td his sch school 01 teacher for truancy which it is supposed induced the committal of af the ra tild tiia old liquor licen license 0 law expired on saturday the officers of the state constabulary stab went around and informed all the liquor dealers that they must close their places forthwith none of them complied with the order however and ansual the e bar rooms were open today to day as usual A prosecution will probably be commenced at an early hay of which will be that all ali public drink 1 ing saloons will be closed and the club i rooms of arf afew will be revived thomas norton who carried on a small drinking place at the highlands andi was 96 so excited when informed i clial nai nat hempf hemut cease business that he went crazy and hung himself the liquor dealers proprietors to he the number of five or six hundred held p meeting at the barker parker house to con ider eider what action to take in reference to the the threatened enforcement of the pro inhibitory law the question was freely discussed and very uin tIn uncomplimentary complimentary allusions were made to the legislature it w was a s decided not to resist the law as a i b body d Y but as individuals it is likely th that a 0 nearly every dealer will evade the law or attempt to do eo so A resolution was passed in favor of the formation of a new political narty party parent at once its ita chief purpose being to secure more liberal legislation on the liquor and other questions A committee was waa op pointed to take the preliminary steps in the matter A fire at 57 pearl street last evening burned the premises of alien allen co and Q G B latham produce dealers and smith miner and bessons belsons Bes sons hopes warehouses loss Inbur injured ed san francisco the grand encampment and grand lodge of odd fellows is in session in this city the annual reports indicate that unusual progress has been made bythe order during the past year committees have been appointed to make suitable arrangements for the reception of delegates from the grand lodge of sew new york which will hold its next annual meeting at san francisco A railway tie of polished california laurel and mounted at either end with solid silver accompanied by a spike of solid gold costing two hundred dollars will be forwarded from here today to day to the end of the central pacific railroad it is the baat tie and will be laid by leland stanford on saturday next thus completing the pacific railroad rall Eail road joseph holmes a colored member of the late constitutional convention was killed at charlotte court house yesterday d a y in a personal difficulty with john A marshall 1 r s hall hail son of judge marshall in whose family holmes was formerly a body servant binghampton Bing hampton there was a snow storm last night the hills were covered and it is feared to the vegetation will result the express says low has received reliable fellable information that a steamer left this port last night for cuba with men each provided with a rifle and uniform the vessel also took a large quantity of light clothing and provisions to last a month or six bix weeks s the express adds that another expedition is preparing the marshal is investigating the matter new york othere was a trot on the fashion course today to day between lady thorn and the american girl mile heats beats in harness for 2000 the former won the first second and fourth heats the third heat being a dead heat there being a heavy track and high wind the time was 2301 2301 and 2 A mass 1 inee meeting of bf the friends of cuba was held this evening in and around the cooper institute chas A dana presiding resolution seap g sym paty with the struggling patriots of cuba and demanding the recognition of their rights as belligerents were adopted spirited addresses were delivered by hon john mckeon henry ward NVard beecher and others in the billiard tournament this afternoon deery beat rhines bhines 1200 to 1048 deemys average was seventeen two fifths the highest run rhines bhines average was fifteen one fifth his highest run in the evening rudolphe beat Gold Golds walte waite 1200 to 1024 rudol aphes average was twenty two fifths his highest run Golds waltes average was seventeen two fifths his highest run there was a very large attendance many ladies New Yorki T tt t a appears that theeb the expedition tion which left for cuba on monday is larger larget than thag was at first stated the world says the steamship arago was the vessel which sailed having nearly az 01 a z thousand men on board ayery thing i the volunteers went on board the s steamship with mus muskets ketover over their shoulders after haying having partaken partaker par taken of dinner at a public hotel there thero was no attempt made by the united states authorities to puta stop to the expedition although the administration must have been aware of it as the relations of same of the young men on board telegraphed to secretary fiah fish tp have the vessel stopped the U V S authorities here bere b re excuse themselves on the tho ground around thag thag than as president grant has yet ya issued no neutrality proclamation tion tron they are aye not noi ot supposed to know of or any insurrection which prevails ih in cuba cula or anywhere else eise the expedition 1 l took sixty thousand rounds of or amm ammunition n atlon several pieces of ot aught artillery a lah jar large karge g 0 quantity of small salau atmon amp a mp a thousand c t breech loaders uniforms and d a email emall quantity of it marine ar I 1 n at stores gres the ol 01 arago aray 0 cleared on satur saturday eilt olit or for st r R till yesterday was waa ayin abig g inside sund andy V hooke hook nook flying P thea the tho american V er an n aud and peruvian colors 11 ilis llis is aie aio are aro bui bel being g prepared at at fh th state ili apartment although lie he will be allowed farge targe discretion in matters that lat may vday came before him ta te p instructions relative to jho tho alq aia Ala batna basna claims are based on senator Sumner lp speech whiz which seems to have been made our ultimatum motley is directed to be in no hurry purry but to await a favorable fity for toy opening negotiations on the subject professor aseph hall now attached to 0 o the naval observatory here has hits been ordered to the pacific coast to make observations of the eclipse odthe of the sun wun chicago advices advises from can cau camp wichita represent that indian in matters aters continue continue unsettled in the southern district many warriors warr iora lora are disaffected from the failure of the government agents to furnish the supplies stipulated many indians only await the grass to grow to renew hostilities louisville A storm last night did considerable damage in this city and vicinity the cellars were overflowed and several buildings building 8 were struck with lightning it is reported two menbere men were killed by lightning on a farm near the city felty new york 5 five men have arrived here in irons frons charged by the U 5 consul at batavia with murdering the first and second mates of a whaling bark at sea they were committed to ludlow st strail jail jall st louis it Is reported that the project for bridging the mississippi at the foot of washington avenue Is abandoned and that a bridge for the railroads will vill only be erected at bessels bess els eis a point four miles above beuter city it Is not improbable that a bridge for wa gons ons and foot passengers will be built directly erectly opposite center city A fight occurred on monday mond la at hays city Ks between a lot of colored soldiers belonging to the thirty eidth infantry and some citizens in which five citizens including the united states marshal marsha ll 11 were wounded some five hundred aundre shots aie ale aid ald said to have been fired worcester mass 6 the seventy ninth annual session of the massachusetts episcopal diocese an convention assembled in this city yesterday bishop eastburn presiding nearly all the parishes in the state were represented by their pastors or lay delegates the bishop in his address reported confirmations firmat ions and seven deacons and two priests ordained la hi the diocese during the year the reports of the church churched churches eg and charitable societies show a good degree of prosperity new york the herald states that the steamer arago put to th sea on monday not tuesday and up to the hour when she was left by the pilot had not taken on board any munitions of war nor adventurers but only the full complement of men to work her she goes to replace in the peruvian service a vessel just lost and goes with the permission of our government to change her flag while out washington A dispatch states that our government has resolved not pot to prevent the departure of any vessels whether loaded with arms or not fiot provided their apparent destination Is not for cuba in other otner words vessels cleared for nassau Ja jamaica malca me mexico xico aico or any other place with w which eh we are bre on friendly terms will be allowed to leave no matter how much war material nor how many passengers they may carry in reply to inquiries from interested parties including it is said the spanish minister our government haq ha declared that suph war material materi almust most must be regarded as merchandise and people on board of such vessels as trave travelers lerp or per persons 8 gmt ka leaving king afir pur ports on le legitimate business fias i new york ork the times 1 washington dispatch says jay gold could noting ea the postmaster general that unless the de apartment part ment increases the pay for the erie railroad rati Eail road service from to be he shall refuse to carry the mali mall the postmaster general notified gould that this thia demand dearud cannot be acceded to the pay now the erie company being the same per milel per an ii dunias ilias that received by ot 1 the coroners inquest pa the t e bodies of the victims of the recent ahter ord ori th the eLond long island railroad concluded yes yesterday berday the jury found a verdict holding the company liable por for tha death of the different persons in conse conge quence of the defective state agi and their negligence in nat keeping ta J road ri pair patr s t 1 i rone ronn FOREIGN ag N iia tia london A public meeting I 1 at t jam es sl halte rag to protest an tt ane e disestablishment tili 1111 te the re resolutions 61 IQ 1 strongly condemned glasst Glad giad stones bla bill will ind and called upon ifton ohp house of bf lords r s to eject or materially alt all alter r it ft new yew b york the arhe I 1 cuba special e avs says the revolutionists 1 held a sj congress 0 ekr se april at siber Slber anon over th thirty arty representatives were wet present r besent from a all ali I 1 parts of the island general cespedes Ces was waa president resolutions solutions Ke were adopted declaring that the revolutionary party were for independence pen dence from spain and annexation to the united states gen quesada was again elected generalissimo the delegates bates were enthusiastic sanguine and determined et it 19 reported that the span spanish lib have captured aured several members of the tha revolutionary jap n ary committee ottawa in the house of commons savery flavery moved for a return of the licenses issued to american fishermen last year he held heid |