Show mur rue mews NEWS VS iee ITE ITEMS MS an IN 1800 1850 there was but eighty sheep in minnesota now there are over five hundred thousand IT is a mistake to suppose that everybody in kentucky is running gunning for governor there are thirteen eeli men who a are r e not they are the candidates for lieutenant governor so says a kentucky paper BROAD street in philadelphia js is destined to be the finest street in any american city it has been er tended extended from nicetown Nice town lane to fishers elt Fil liers lane it is now ten miles long with a width of one hundred and thirteen feet and straight as an arrow rev DR hallock says the following is the best way to write for a newspaper say sly the most possible in the least space pitch fitch right into your subject make the title and first sentence so that it must be read and so of the second no matter what has preceded or is to follow MR JACOD ts a respected citizen of manchester township york county pennsylvania and supposed to be the largest man in the country died of apoplexy at the age of fifty seven years he was exceedingly corpulent and was supposed to weigh above five hundred pounds at the time of his death his coflin coffin measured thirty five inches in breadth by twenty three in depth his weight was not far from that of daniel lambert of leicester shire england which is given as five hundred and twenty eight pounds and who is said to have been the largest man in the world au LATE arrivals from I 1 across the plains report large herds of buffalo in the platte valley between valley station and Ju lesburg it is thought that the indians are driving them and considerable alarm is felt among the settlers along the platte tim metropolitan transit company of new york proposes to submit to the legislature a plan for a railroad which shail shall relieve broadway with the least disturbance of public or private rights the plan is to purchase the right of way through the blocks on that thoroughfare ough fare paying by appraisal for the property taken then to demolish the buildings excavate a tunnel and lay in it a double track for steam railway cars to convey through passengers build another rail rali railroad poad Doad on the surface for passengers desirous of going short distances and construct wY another other elevated on pillars fifteen feet or more above the ground for freight AN attempt is being made in england to get up a fund for the tho purpose of putting down the mr hanbury writes to the london times that should be forthcoming and says that he has 1000 ready to contribute to it lord ebury agrees as to the necessity but doubts the success of the effort because the greater portion of our influential laity besides a large lawo majority olour of our bishops and clergy are either in favor of the trae Trac tarlan movement or are indifferent to it speaking of these two worthies the church times dis courteol courteously isly says we are ate glad to make balak Bala and kand balaam acquainted with each other and it suggests that the fund be called the pers persecution fund THE tim new york correspondent of the boton boston journal says one of the vilest places in the fourth ward and one of the most popular of its class is kept by a man 40 years of age he has been eleven years inthe business he is very smart and talented and has amassed a fortune of over he has built one of the most elegant and complete tenant houses in the city he belongs to one of the best families in the state his brother is an au eminent ih minister inister of the gospel he was piously brought up received a collegiate le tate aate education and graduated at the U dirion mo n theological seminary of the eity city of new york he took to this life ilfe and has followed it for eleven years without blenching he keeps religious books looks in his establishment and when he ie can get a chance talks religion amid the dance and the drun kness and tho P tro iro ro fanity danity of his den he has a genial wife who tends the bar jar and superintends super intends the feminine portion of the concern he has educated two iwo of his brothers children for the ministry and is said to be quite liberal in benevolent Plent matters such a specimen of intelligent recklessness and educated depravity cannot probably be paralleled on the continent having seen this man and talked with him I 1 know what I 1 write he has chan changed cred ered his name so alnotto as notto disgrace his fam family ily lly jr A TOURIST in italy discourses aarol lows as regard 0 to the people of florence the national capital the people of florence are the least interesting of all the italians they are less civil than the romans less energetic than less intel intelligent ligen than the citizens of bologna and far less handsome and courte courteous ous than the venetians they aro are often brusque notto say rude in their manners towards strangers they are often very impudent in pudentian pu dentin in their way of staring starl noat ngat at foreigners make ill bred remarks about any personal defect or peculiarity and do not hesitate to jostle one off irom from the narrow sidewalks into the mud that is in the scanty situations where these conveniences are to be found if he be in the way most of the italian men are of gentlemanly manners and tender him the kindest attentions with an air that makes them doubly attractive but that peculiarity does not exist in florence the italians are generally remarkable for their good looks by this I 1 mean the male part of population the and one rarely out of tuscany meets with a man who has not some striking or interesting feature that makes him an attractive object for the eye to rest upon it is different however in this part of italy and coming here directly from venice I 1 could not avoid noticing the strong contrast between the he two sect sections ions lons and Ini in favor of the latter |