Show CONTINUED devastation BY FAMINE IN INDIA the lahore correspondent of the london times writing on the oth november says that the intelligence from the centre oi of the starving orissa is still of the gloomiest gloo character he re marks the one hopeful fact is this that though the early rice crop suffered buffered red by the floods to the extent of one half the late crop will yield three borths of the average quantity from one fourth to one fifth of the whole population of are believed to have died but the continued refusal of the bengal authorities to ask for and of the government vern ment of india to send a special commissioner to orissa makes all such statements conjectural the cholera and dysentery which have resulted from starvation have carried off more than actual famine the problem now is how to get the mass of idle paupers haupers re absorbed into the population in one village in the interior containing 66 houses I 1 there had been up to three w weeks ee k s ago deaths from starvation the lat latest est official returns represent the deaths daily in hospital alone as in midnapore Midna pore 88 in and in bal acore the total number fed by public charity outside of calcutta daily in n the first week of october was of whom only were abie able to work for pay whereas on the of sept 83 were fed at balasote Bala sore the worst nation station on the ath of october it had risen to the commission telegraphs that the famine has not only not abated along the coast of the interior the board publishes nothing but the sale and distribution of government rice must be extended the public ought to calculate on the necessity for liberal relief till the end of the year and for considerable assistance to orp orphans Kans paupers haupers pau pers I 1 and destitute thereafter the loss to t the he state of so many peasants and laborers alone is something terrible in a country where more than half the revenue depends on the land tax famines are very dear to the government in this light apart from the cost of relief and the public will not be satisfied until a really liberal and effective system of irrigation works is carried out and the fixity of the land tax gives the landlord an interest in improving brov ing his estates in calcutta the usual fate has attended all edfort efforts sto to bring about the harmonious operation cooperation co of the authorities with a public committee the latter has v ery very wisely ely come to the con conclusion elusion after useless correspondence with sir C beadon and mr A eden to follow his own way of relief unfettered by the conditions imposed by men who have so lamentably ment ably failed in their duty and seemed to be aroused only when it is to too late by the severe censures of public opinion in england as well as in ladia the calcutta committee have been forced to cease sending paupers haupers to their homes as they convert the clothes and vessels they receive into money sell the rice and return to calcutta the latest accounts from midnapore Midna pore are more cheering in Cut tuck the least afflicted of the three districts of orissa there are 43 centres bentres of relief people are fed daily children are in three orphanages pha nages and 2000 paupers haupers die a week one third of t ane e population have died and emigration in addition to this has reduced them by more than one oue liala h alf 11 in one place the dis dib distress tress will continue three or four months longer in another six weeks FEMALE SERVANTS AND FAIRS IN YORKSHIRE an english paper says A praiseworthy effort to elevate the clia eila character of the female servants is now being made in yorkshire where the anual statute are now in progress for a week or two back the tho clergy and gentry about lyl INI malton alton have induced some girls to leave the open marketplace market place and resort to warm and comfortable rooms provided free of expense and on saturday this prim principle ciple was crowned with complete success the malton corn exchange proving far two small for the number of girls requiring admission none but the roughest of the girls were to be found standing the market with the lads and those it was noticed did dotso readily obtain engagements as the atten ders dera at the exchange Thesy the system stein is being successfully followed in other towns of men servants in the market there was a very large atten attendance daneo danco but hiring was slack stack on account of the high wages asked |