Show THE PAST SESSION the session of the bly of utah which terminated on saturday morning has been an exceedingly ba busy ayone one the number of bills getup got up read rad amended passed or rejected with the business of di terent different kinds which have demanded the attention of the members in the limited time for fr the assembly to be in session was something almost without parallel in legislative proceedings our brief digest of the proceedings gives but a faint idea of the amount of business which passed through the hands of the hono honorable members the entire absence of party spirit and sectional feelings which characterized the assembly durggin durin gots its sitting the obvious desire to laborer the public good and the gentlemanly and courteous manner in which his excellency governor larkee larhee durkee burkee and the hon secretary reed sustained their share of the relationship existing executive exequil i ve and legislative departments ts of the territory were causes of gratification that in this as in other matters connected with the T territory aitor y our example is worthy to be followed follow i ed in in other states an and territories and with governments wielding power over a larger jarger number of human bein beins beings 0 S the close of the P session e ssi on was aidie ani nied fied and genial as its ts previous meetings had given reason to look for harmony reigned good feeling enjoyed a dominant aseen ascendancy dan cy votes of thanks and congratulatory resolutions were unanimously mo asly concurred in and lency the governor the hon secretary fhe the he hon son president of the council 36 the ion hon lon speaker of the house and other gentlemen briefly expressed their appreciation of the spirit which manifestly man governed all engaged enraged in the sixteenth annual session of the legislative assembly of utah and spoke their desires for its continuance here and its b becoming eco ming more widespread wide spread throughout the earth we can honestly congratulate the people of the territory for the manner in which the governor secretary and members of the council and house have performed their thein several duties during the session which has just closed |