Show special especial to the deseret drews NEWS g Us d r gral grai yil yit washington 14 the supreme court has decided that the provision of the missouri constitution requiring a test oath of clergymen is unconstitutional also that the ifie test oath prescribed by congress is unconstitutional justice field delivered the opinions in the two cases justice miller delivered a dissenting opinion in in which chase swan and davis concurred indianapolis 14 the E exchange banki nanki bank nank at greencastle Green castle failed on friday ila iia liabilities cities assets estimated at st petersburg 14 russia has ordered a 06 general amnesty for all of fences committed by the newspapers of the empire liverpool 14 the ship thomas humphrey lenee fence hence for new york was lost near holyhead Holy head and all on board except the captain and one man were drowned new york 14 the bank statement shows a loan increase of specie circulation increase deposits decrease legal tenders decrease springfield mass blass 14 cassons Was sons car factory was burned this forenoon loss insured washington 14 associate justice field today to day de livered the opinion of the supreme court in the Missouri oath case cage jno a roman catholic priest priest fv riho was indicted for preaching and teaching without 1 taking we the oath prescribed re by the constitution of the state being plaintiff in error the court decides that the oath in this case is unconstitutional being in the nature of punishment without trial and in its character ex post facto and as a bill of attainder the judgment of the courts below is reversed with directions that the plaintiff shall depart without delay associate justice field also delivered the opinion la in the tile cose code of gardland Ga raland and marr who taking part in the rebellion asked to be re admitted to practice the court held that as the statue imposes a punishment which may not have been imposed at the time the offense offence was committed it is in its nature an ex cl post facto law attorneys are not officers of the united states they are officer officers of the courts and hold hoid their offices during good behaviour the court is not the re register reister ister lster of the edict of any power th the applicants obtained pardon from the president which relieves them from the consequences of their of fences and makes them citizens in the eaps of law congress cannot limit prerogative of mercy it cannot be altered by legislative construction it followed that the prayer of the petitioner must be grante granted and also the prayer of mr marr marcul d ua which requires attorneys to take the he test oath must be rescinded associate justice miller for himself the chief justice and associates swan and davis read a dissenting 0 opinion nion maintaining that to practice in the e court is a privilege and attorneys arm arc subject to legislation lation the same as the judges the law makes no distinction but requires all civil and military officers to take the same oath attorneys exert a marked influence on the character of the government if all the attorneys in the south had been faithful to their allegiance they are required to swear we should have been spared the horrors of the rebellion etwas it was not claimed by abajo a majority of the court that the law words an attainder of blood therefore this is not attainder nor does it appear that any indicated persons or punishment of persons sons who arrayed themselves in hostility to the government and gave aid comfort to the enemy forfeited their right to appear in this court this was not a criminal but a civil proceeding which affected private rights retrospectively with regard to the missouri case the questions involved rested with the state the constitutional restriction that congress shall make n no 7 0 law abridging freeman of religion loii was not applicable ap ami cable eabie justice story says the whole 0 e power was left to the state to be exercised according to its judgment the constitution of missouri says that no such persons as described shall exercise their functions unless they show their loyalty speeches were quoted in support of these points I 1 new york 14 the tribunes Trib washington special says the government has received information from vera cruz that several transports had already arrived and tife the french troops had commenced embarking there are 24 large transports which will be sufficient to remove all the troops it is expected that all will have embarked by the of march the liberal forces were following I 1 closely in the wake of the retiring i enemy bazaine was to leave on the I 1 an A n austrian frigate was awaiting a waltin maximillian at vera yera cruz all ehg the e abandoned cities were being occupied by the liberals lynchburg sa 14 A train on the virginia and tennessee railroad was precipitated down an embankment ban kment on sunday night 11 passengers were wounded was yesterday IT S senator by the republican publican Bc canvas of the illinois legislature new york 15 the heralds richmond special says that gen rosser and henry A wise vi se addressed the citizens of richmond last evening on the subject of relief for the widows of confederate soldiers both expressed the opinion that the rebellion had still still a fair prospect of success wise said he would never giva up and that the south was sublimely unconquered he particularly desired to be buried in his grey overcoat when his time should come denver city 14 the legislature have adjourned to friday the resolution against making state stafe passed the tiie housein husena the absence of several who were sick biek after having previously been voted dovic the Council passed asking the e president to remove gov cummings charged with malfeasance the negroes are rejoicing over the action of congress granting impartial suffrage two hundred signed a petition favoring admission under edmunds amendment forty armed mounted men deserted last week from fort morgan and are reported on the way to denver to rob the city banks and wells fargon gos express new york 15 the heralds toronto special says in the court yesterday thomas maxwell and james burke feniane Fen ians were found guilty of levying war against her ma bestys government patrick norton pleaded guilty to a similar indictment sentence in all the cases is deferred the government directors of the union pacific railroad george ashmun of Mass blass jesse jesse Jesso L williams of ind charles icharles L merman nerman sherman of ohio T J C carter I 1 arter of Ills lills and springer harbaugh of penn were in session several days during last week they had bad several interviews with the secretary of the interior and the president and made reports of the condition ana and progress of the work during the past season and the probable operations of the present year it appears that there are miles of the road finished and in operation that it is sufficiently stocked with locomotives passenger and freight cars and amply supplied supplee with machine shops depots and water stations the present terminus of the road is at a point a few miles west of the forks of the platte river the line is definitely located up lodge pole creek to the foot of the black hills then through evans pass to laramie plains a further distance of nearly miles which it is contemplated to build during the present year this main line will pass about miles north of denver which place the company propose to reach by a branch road new york 16 10 five cases for false imprisonment ac against general butler which have been on the docket of the supreme court of new deiv york have been transferred to the united states court by order of the presiding judge barnard lopoka 15 the senate passed a resolution by a vote of 23 to 1 franchising disfranchising dis rebels i vienna 16 the russian minister gave a dinner last night to the greeks in this city at which he presented a toast to the welfare of greece chicago 16 the legislatures 0 of illinois s and michigan have ratified the tae constitutional amendment the wisconsin legislature passed a resolution censuring doolittle and requesting him to resign washington 14 the senate took up the nebraska bill and wade moved to concur in the house amendment edmunds hoped the senate would not concur either congress had the right to impose conditions of universal guffra suffrage e or it must be left to the people of the territory for decision there was no middle 7 ground round johnson a agreed reed with edmunds hendricks was opposed to all the conditions mentioned but if any are to be imposed they should be left to the people of the state to comply with the question was further discussed by henderson morrill and others s house amendment was vas yas concurred in 28 yeas 14 nays the house considered stevens bill for the reconstruction of the rebel states and payne spoke at length in opposition thereto he ile denounced the present state government as a piratical gavern vern venn ch to this time had rested edon on the souls of andrew johnson and his northern and southern satellites sate leites but would henceforth rest on the soul of ther the rash young gentleman from pa stevens ft it would really seem as if he stevens had some time longed for the presidential bread and butter bingham opposed the measure because he recognized the power of the people to establish guarantees and safeguards of the people this bill was very offensive to him as it attempted to restrict the right of petition which the constitution expressly forbade washington 15 the president issued a proclamation dated the sanctioning and confirming inc the regulation made by the united states Bl minister inister to japan forbidding jA merican american vessels stopping or anchoring 1 idi in any ports poris of that country except the three open ports of gaski Hoka Hok dadi adad bud and hud yokohama Yoko homa lioma during hostilities between the tycoon and Daimi laimi os unless sunless in distress or forced by stress of weather two colored boys who escaped from their former master in montgomery co maryland ilia ISla ryland were yesterday brought before the supreme court of the Dis district tAct on a writ of habeas corpus cor pus after aften a hearing the court ordered them theta to be re turned to their old master on the ground of evidence that they had been under maryland sta apprenticed enticed after their emancipation counsel for childrens relatives pleaded ill III treatment by the master and ana their mother had died from neglect and hunger in the woods after the decision of the court an appeal was taken but before it could be had children the master departed with the tho albany 15 roscoe conkling was elected U S senator today to day london ib lb 15 the british government have sent a note to greece advising her to preserve a strict neutrality in affairs in candia gandia constantinople 15 16 the question which arose between the porte and the american legation here with regard to the complaints made by the united states consel against the local authorities of af the island have been settled with mutual satisfaction vienna 15 the authorities censure censure any agitation against government measures and say that the opposition have no other alternative ter native than to consult the will of the people new york 15 the house took up the nebraska bill boutwell moved an amendment to the third section known as edmunds amendment as follows and upon further fundamental consideration that the legislature of said state by solemn oath shall declare the assent of said sarte to said wid fundamental condition and shall transmit to the president of the united states one authentic copy of said oath upon receipt whereof the president by proclamation shall forthwith announce the facts whereupon said fundamental conditions shall be held as part of the organic law of the state and thereupon and without further proceeding on the part of congress the admission of said state into the union shall be considered as completed the said state legislature shall be oe convened by the territorial government within three days after the passage of this act to act upon the condition submitted herein boutwelle Bou amendment was adopted by 87 to 70 bill passed by to 55 the bill for forthe the admission of colerado colorado was brought up with the same amendment and adopted on motion of ashley by a vote of SO to 60 and passed by 90 to 60 london 15 ice on the lake lahe e in regents park broke through today to day while crowded with skaters over persons were precipitated into the water and 30 drowned paris 15 A detachment of the french troops from mexico have arrived in france chicago 16 raymond yesterday spoke spoke for the first time this winter declaring dec aring himself for equality without regard to race or color but opposed admission of states with small population cameron made a speech yesterday at harrisburg saying I 1 hope to live to see seo seethe the ohe word white stricken out of the pennsylvania constitution ution and the spirit of caste based on color utterly destroyed new york 16 the new orleans special says maximilian demands duties on all goods in the vera cruz custom house even though they have already been paid to the french private letters from vera cruz say that the liberals are all around that city taking charge of railroad trains generally ral rai ay iy the people lopie are k i worse off than ever V french rench t troops coops were to embark on the new york 17 A fierce snowstorm snow snowstorm the heaviest liea ilea known here for years set in last night and is still falling ath unabated fury it is now over afoot in depth on the level and has drifted two or three feet deep greeley had an interview with the president yesterday of about an hour in which he urged upon johnson the adoption of his peculiar views especially the am and suffrage proposition chicago 17 the the west virginia legislature yester daj day ratified the ment f vera cruz advices advises to say bay maximilian left puebla on the ad for the capital capitali ree rep receiving elving continual greeting along the route johnb weller weiler ar arrived r ived at washington yet yeo yesterday erday from T utah to urge measures for the protection of gentiles f r jf Phil philadelphia adelAia 17 asnon A snowstorm snow V torm storm has almost suspended business busi busl ness nessy very egry X cold coid T c id n no 0 s snow n 0 w chicago 17 P ff london 17 17 fahe ohe reform beform league is preparing another monster demonstration for the lith sith of february 1 17 the hungarian diet evinces a dispo siti onto ito break negotiations with the austral austrians Aust rians ans if the latter continues to oppose the wishes of hungary washington 15 the amendment that no further appropriation shall shail be made for supplying complete sets of the congressional globe to the members of any succeeding wn congress with the proviso that the united cited states will terminate at the close cloie of the present congress the purchase of a complete set of the above for each senator and representative Be and delegate was adopted 84 to 56 66 I 1 v washington 17 during the past year about were deposited in the treasury by the patent office after paying all expenses to officers this makes the total amount now to the credit of the patent office nearly receipts from customs fourth week ending jan 12 were this shows a considerable increase over the receipts for some time past owing prot probably ably to the new tariff new york 17 havana advices advises to the state that the small pox continues in matamoras there were over cases under treatment and there had been 59 deaths in one day about 48 per cent of the cases terminating fatally fataI fatal Jy the financial crash at havana was about over mexican advices advises via havana to dec 31 state that the intervention of the united states in favor of juarez has induced many hitherto against the emperor to declare for him hini A |