Show lyem ITEM I 1 J babba TH gregg recently arrived from england related some of bis bib early experience when searching after the truth saoko of the principle of falth faith and tola nois confidence in the priesthood and expressed his desires to work righteousness elder elden wilford woodruff jun jan referred to his hib mission to england from which he had bad od of his labors falth faith and feelings there and boro bore testimony to the tho truth of the gospel elder eider john to caine calne spoke of his visit to the basl east and the feelings of those with whom he on his travels traveis concerning mormon asro and aud his efforts to correctly explain our oun views and opinions on doctrine and principle he found that newspaper reports concerning the mormons cormons Mor mons were not generally credited because they were so outrageously one ono sided and tha the greater number of people were desirous of our being allowed to remain in pence peace lie ile savo save a bries brief report of the immigration gith with the forwarding of which ho bad had been associated in mew vew york and expressed his bis strong faith in tho of the almighty reasoned on the folly of people grasping at the adadow and neglecting she the anestance and showed that all ali mankind wiil wili which they receive the testimony of the servants of eod dod and of men through whom the lord lora has himself to tho children of men afternoon elder robert watson jun gaye gave a brief account of his mission to england edgland which be biad blurted on lu april of 1863 and returned from laba week be bore boro to the truth and tu uie ule knowledge he had bad received elder evau A richards also spoke of his mis ain bin lle lie ile had bad labored in the principality of wait walt july ho was released to return hol how lie lle bud been boen instrumental in baptizing nearly in thu hwan swan hea bea con ference during tho year doing good in otner other parts of wales there elder richards then spoke for oon a tw moments inthe lotho welsh language eider elder edward L sloan for a short time timo on tho restoration of the tho gospel and tha tho surety kingdom will stand forever elder elden george P wailace wallace treated upon the n of the gospel the power of god upon the priesthood and the whisperings of the spirit to those who receive it on principle and doctrine before any revelations have been made public concerning them ho referred to the tho oate fate of those who to destroy the work of god from oaf off the earth showing that they invariably sink into contempt and oblivion f oa wednesday night the old oid chateau was performed the entire cast being very well weil sustained it la a neat little drama with the gai gwi 0 and gay very skillfully blended the comie comic parts were in the hands of air aln margetts and miss alexander the formers samson eliciting a great amount of laughter the characters of do layrac julle jutie lalouette ami armand wera were confided to mn mckenzie miss mibs adams mr lindsay and mr graham who aid did thomm thorn justice the tho lively farco of brother bill and me followed and was excellently played the orchestra is fairly entitled to more notice than it usually receives it some very veny beautiful music darlng tho the evening and especially between the pieces mr A R phelps of california made hia hla first appearance before an audience in this city on saturday evening in the character of damon figure an excellent stage appearance knows well weli how to make lia hla points and has evidently justly won uon his position in the profession by experience and studious application ills ilis damon drew much applause as did tho the pythias of mr of miss adams the tho of mr lindsay was creditably rendered tho the play was excellently performed and was war well weil received by a crowded house at theall of the tho curtain in response to a call cail from tho audience mr phelps appeared by mr briefly tendered his thanks to the for fon the reception accorded to him the farce farco of wanted a young lady was performed in tho the same bame good stylo as when produced bedore before this evening mr A ll 11 phelps will appear in two characters that of charles charies the the deama of tho the same name and jeremy diddier in raising the wind tho drama 13 highly interesting te contains some bome capitally drawn characters with abundance of humor an interesting piot plot and incidents of a character that al ways tako toko with an audie audic dunbar and are embraced jn tho the cast and aad the tho dramn drama though short abort ought to afford much sat we have heard that tuat mr phelps has been been very successful as jeremy diddier having played it several beveral hundred times the promised entertainment for fur tho evening should draw a good house THE wo are aro obliged to pres B young for noc the following which have been forwarded sept hept 4 three crossings wo pass here hore today noon all ail well weli all ali seems beems quiet on tho road THOMAS taylor tayl TATI OB little littie sandy sept 5 passed cap train on left him sacks backs of flour ail all well weil ARZA 15 south rass pass 6 Tay lorat dry sandy bandy all ali well weil wo shall shail stay here nere till tili tomorrow morning A E sweetwater 6 my train passed here this morning allwell no indians 10 bother bolher the road good I 1 wili will be into the fhe city on or 0 september J X HOLLADAY casper 6 wo aro are passing hero all ail well weil getting along daniel THOMPSON south bouth rass pass 7 three trains traina thia this side of sweet sweetwater water bridge leave here at ten flour to last to green hlyer 4 A E I 1 pass here today all ail well weli total loss lohs or stock boock four foun head hoad v i horse shoe 8 my train passed here today nil all well weil three crossings 8 my train passed here bere today all ali well weil and in good spirits stock klock doing weli well no indians on tho ibo road roud cold rain today all ail things going on well weli I 1 am making good time J D HOLLADAY ft casper 8 pass rass here ath wih train we i P i ft casper 8 my train iball well weil traveling flue no trouble with indiana i t J S A f sweetwater 9 we arm are all nil well weil passed here hero today U 8 horse shoe 10 I 1 pa pash here thia this morn ina lna all sli well weil mud mua springs 10 our teams are in good condition hul but very nille in camp very cold eold and stormy T A read the notice r s STREET we accompanied EIT sheets eq supervisor of V to examine the new now being constructed in north templo temple street ard and much gratified to witness tho progress made la ft very vory snort time lime toward goward the ascom this much needed work the in enry dano by city creek creer at various times limes when spring floods have swollen its waters has palled for oon much labor and involved very considerable expense thal thai the ohe stream might bo kept within bounds and controlled the tho city council have expended at various times between and for this purpose besides a vory very considerable amount of private labor the present work when completed will not only obviate this thir hat bat will make mako of north horth templo temple street one of the most beautiful streets and most desirable places of residence in the tho city city creek was turned in that direction because of its being heing deemed the best way por for t to run and ana with a good channel instead of being a cause of those whose places are close to it will wiil bo an addition to the beauty and value yaino of the location tho the paved channel that Is being mado Is ot a semicircular semi circular form three and ana a half feet deep and fourteen feet wide at the top it will run nive five blocks west starting at tho northeast corner of temple tempie block where the water will south bouth allt ailt tle tie passing through part of ono one block and tho whole of another crossing two streets and being taken bach back into north temple street where it will be carried down to jordan the place where it will take a southwesterly direction Is rower lower than north temple tempie street and will wili form tun tin excellent flace place nor for the sand band and gravel to thal that will bo carried down by tho the water durable bridges will epan the stream it crosses the streets and the whole work la designed to bo one of nse nee and adornment the cost cannot fall fali much if anything short of to meet this tho the city council has appropriated laoo and the territorial legislature 2230 at its session last winter while some of our citizens have already subscribed for the prosecution of the tho work and ana it is probable that subscriptions may be solicited from our prominent and wealthy citizens to insure its early completion should such sueh a solicitation be mado made we have havo no doubt but it wili will be handsomely met it seems necessary that the work should bo completed before cold cola weather sets in if at all ail possible or frost may compel the water to be turned into the main maln channel now dry while it la in an unfinished state we wish supervisor sheets and those engaged in the undertaking every success DISTRICT count COURT in the case of vs allkins and burton brou gilt glit up on thursday sota nit uit stout eq counsel for ain sir burton burvon raised a point that thal the march term of the district court had bad expired ana and that the present proceedings or the court were null nuil and void vold lie lle insisted that the judge was not present when the term commenced and tho the court was adjourned by the tho clerk by the order of the judge contained in a letter ietter from washington from the first day dav of the term until the first monday in may at which time the judge was not present nor any order orden or authority from him written or oral orai when the court was again adjourned to another day mr stout cited authorities to show that in the absence of gome some statutory provision authorizing some one to adjourn the tho court in the absence of the judge such court could not be adjourned without his presence and his absence in person or by direct authority would involve a loss ross of term and as there Is no buch such statutory provision for adjourning in this territory the march term had been lost and the present silting of the court was wab not in accordance with law ills 1118 honor judge titus ruled that he bad had the night right to hold hoid a special term of court wherever and add whenever he pleased by virtue of an act of congress passed in 1789 in the case cabe of robinson vs 0 S L city brought op on tuesday ath dinst mr stout raised the same point again under the new phase arguing on the act of 89 our reporter who had bad sought to make a faithful copy of the first argument got into a labyrinth as to what sort bort of a court couro he was reporting in mr stout remarking in the second argument it had bad been insisted by ahe opposition and by the court that it was the march term of the terni terri tordal district court that it was a special court under tho the act of 89 that it was a special court count held heid by the inherent power of the judge a federal court and a territorial district county court and asking the judge in his ruling to definitely inform him what whal kind of a court it was that he was pleading to hia hla honor declined to illuminate on the point and ruled that be had bad a night right to hold hoid the court to mr atou hiou gave notice of exceptions oun our reporter la a little thickheaded thick headed at times and thought pern peri apa spa the lawyers knew ail all about idaa their business Is to unravel knotty questions ions lons or make them so that they cannot be unravelled bul but he profess 1 eshia ignorance of what kind of u court Is sitting bitting and he nas has had bome some experience in the law having been on a jury once aud and having listened to gentlemen of the long rube pleading one day till he was giek sick of it if he exercises patience he may and out i ali ALT wag wan president B young and party were in ogden on insl holding meeting hil all mutual wan was being experienced by and visited PAY inn THE roll TOLL wo heard a lately which igloe it ioe loe not nov reflect on th traveling public generally shows tho way la which somo members of tho the roving persuasion try to siide slide along niong on thedeas the dead beat or dead hend head principle A company of some bome twenty packers with arguments ibell purposes in the shape of double khok shok guns refused to meet the polite demand demaud for tor tolt toll maae made by tha the gentleman who has charge of col coi lecUn the samo on the territorial toll road between this city and gentlemanly collector thought the tho law should bo obeyed and insisted on the toll packers handled double guns probably trying to scare him but sald paid collector Is not much on mhd scare and had no to cave in finally after follow ng the tho packers a considerable distance thron gri gli he rafn rain he made mado the entire party fork oyer over havins having appealed to certain in that dl ecklon he received but little littie aid aia from them thom and aund that he was necessitated to manago manage the which ho ud in a manner what we draw from thia this la for tho traveling generally and everybody in particular using the road to abide the tha law pay the toll savo save trouble troubie to themselves and those charged with collecting and for men who are appointed of the tha peace and officers to see soe the aw magnified to nili fill the positions they are arc seeded to or express their inability EO to do and hen persons who might feel inclined to belr heir services would the trouble troubie of apply appis ng knowing beforehand that it would woula be use nse ess labor f died br david 0 caldera laue daughter margaret about alve years of age died on friday morning of we sympathize with or second of his bis children that hab has died of the same bame disease within afew days hib his daughter ella elia aged beven having been burled on Sunday the THE star aug 4 WO learn that elder eider john P burg arrived in liverpool july 13 and ana proceeded to copenhagen where ha arrived july 18 on the of july elders eiders isaae isaac alldredge jonathan and richard benson arrived in good health ana and spirits and on the elder eider C P disten listen also aiso well weil elder eider has been appointed to labor laboy in the leeds conference elder eider alldredge in the birmingham district and elder eider richard ben nen in the manchester district CAUGHT hiu HIM A few days ngo ago an individual duly decorated with ball bail and chain left the labor in which he was engaged and the aforesaid decorations behind and made himself scarce kept their eyes about them and nin fin ally nily sighted him on friday morning he haying having got into the tho wrong pew by making his lis appearance in the tho vicinity of bishop Sheets residence he was decorated in a more substantial manner than at first ana and his services cervices ser vices were again employed for the public benefit THAT RAC EThere was a horse race or pacing match or something of that sorto borto vor von jordan on saturday although the race raco was not the most attractive feature of the occasion to some the presence of a liquor shop closets the track run by a specimen of the regenerative fraternity induced an extra amount of the cordial hilarity which it Is so remarkable for producing A free night fight was the result with a good deal deai ot rough tumbling some bome pistol jerkins and other similar amusements trying the merits of din dif lerent horses may be all nil very well weli but bue we hope buch such exhibitions as usually accompany it elsewhere may not become frequently frequent la this territory it might be well weil for the legislative assembly to give a little attention to the matter next winten winter S THE NEW br henry grow informs ua that he haa has rallied lour of the bents springing from the piers at the |