Show OUR OTO enemies WHO THEY alte ABE 1 AND OBJECT it ie Is not veay vesy vea y pleasant to have hove to every evary vay oco oce oice in a while to some bome of the worst characteristics of mankind man kindi kindt which we nind tind find continually brought into pla play us as a co community immunity mm unity but the task Is thrust upon us by the force of dreu drou circumstances it becomes necessary at ein cir to explain our position and vie viem view 4 that we may not be made mado th tile 0 ob echi of misunderstanding without at leayat trying to correct erroneous us ideas tX otare disseminated I 1 concerning us as ils z 3 A people n althe t e question is sometimes som eumes cUmes asked and asked naked as if the tho were satisfied that his enquiry wab was almost needless 1110 W do f you ou not look upon all gentile gentiles alp alf meaning thereby those not of our faith mah mas t enemies considering that nearly alithe aalthe all ali the latter day saints were originally odo nally haily members of other churches anil anu ana professed kotlier faiths and that they have near relatives dear friends ald and aid vell veli J veil weil proven I 1 n acquaintances of honorable 1 0 minds and characters char Apters beyond reproach k ehi chi the question von fon seems a little absurd yet still it is put and by P people who come here imbued with the idea that we are beyond doubt the most wonderful community of ot industrious indu Arlous and persevering fanatics of whom history furnishes any record and they bee see beem m to think that we of nece necessity look loo kupon unon upon everybody ere eye vry iry body who hns haa not professed a belief bellef in in theo thoo as a an ii enemy and further fur that as soon as they do profess such a belief we vie view them as the wd fest test best of friends members of the company of the elect to the question and to the conclusions arrived at we reply byh by A simple but bilt unqualified no we do dd not view every fier fler person soll SOLI who holds a faith different from ours as our enemy j and abid we do not recognize as a friend every one who may become a baptized member of the church of christ until we ve are satisfied of the sincerity of their motives that there may be no misunderstanding uia uin on these points wo we will plainly of ourene our enemies who they argand argaud ai are gand gaud and what hat bat their object is men have come here and some are hera now with the avowed intent of breaking up and destroying liin lilb ibm ism il lt 11 they have sought and have openly declared it to bring trouble upon abd tbd pe people opie opte of the latter day saints sainta they have planned plotted combined and an fn es labored to break up our 2 00 community to bring bloodshed and de oo lation to the homes which with unparalleled industry we have wrested from froth the desert to destroy our leaders that ila the people night might become the more easily wily their prey to corrupt our wives sisters and daughters and spread the eure curse of the social sin throughout our cities and awid settlements to become fat hit at 1 1 gurji ui expense and thrive on our leanness to rob us of our homes by force or fraud and to obliterate mormonism nisin from mong among mankind those who have come here with such views vi glewa we look upon as enemies and so 80 vv would guld any people on the face of the earth we also consider that they who aidt bem beni otheir ih their efforts to accomplish buch euch designs are but bittle bettea better and we think thin k that every overy people under the he heavens avens aveni would rv precisely the tho same hore bore W who io kil kij know 4 that they caveta j mo 10 part in lif furthering these inay may know that they are no odours ours that we do not view them i as such sueh and that wo we can respect their bellef belief w wha hat hal t over ever it may be in all sincerity and greet them with cordial good will and the best of feelings men xen come como here an and d thi talk taik pf af our city ll 11 our territory with the most unqualified assurance who never added the value of a dobie doble to the prosperity of the e territory or city they never did the first thing beyond seeking becking to do evil pursuing the most malevolent le and malignant course against the me men n who anve maae made our city and our territory what it is who settled it before it was recognized united states territory and brought it under the government of our fathers and ana when attention is called to tho the acts and to the mendacity of these men they have not been slow to shout persecution the intolerance of the mormons cormons Mor mons 1 that they might tho the better accomplish their nefarious purposes they are tire known and their predecessors have been known before them thew they are excrescences on the body social foul blots on human history aud cinitis upon the character of humanity they are allowed to live here unmolested yet if they were t to 0 pursue a similar course with any other people in these theae western countries they would soon practically learn what a vigilance committee means there is no other people with whom we have ever even been acquainted that would bear one hun bun 1 dreith part that we have borne and still patiently submit to now we wish it understood that when we speak of our pur enemies ene enc nales rales we mean the class to which we havo have alluded and when any person wishes to know whether they are referred to in our speaking of enemies they may easily satisfy themselves by instituting a per perr r sonai inquiry whether they have acted a as such I 1 if lff a really honest and impartial man mani of 0 a clear mind were to come here and patiently enquire into matters geould not but be filled with astonishment at the forbearance manifested by our people in many respects there is not one right which they can claim as american citizens but what has been sought bought to td bo be invaded the results of their toll toil and labors have been viewed with envious and covetous eyes and means have been repeatedly tried to wrest these fro from a them but they have borne it and much more of which but little is said while insult has hns been added to injury by the hypocritical profession that the very means by which their ruin was sought to be accomplished was to bring emancipation and benefit to them this thia profession is an insult to the intelligence of a community that have proved their capability for self government by controlling themselves in the face of outrages that would have stirred almost any other people to madness yet still stul the governing principle plo pio has been and aud is patience from what source has the testimony that has been so freely printed abroad concerning us been obtained gentlemen have paid a passing visit to this city spent half an hour with a mormon and spent aday or two soliciting reliable information concerning utah from the enemies of the people who never took mook took the trouble to inquire farther than that they were mormons cormons Mor mons and as such were beyond the limits of justice then the information thus obtained is paraded as the result of 0 f personal observation in utah it is ali mot most too monstrous for belief yet it is verily true we have in our midst quite a number of lfeo so called gentiles and nud it is very likely a great many more will come here now to revert to the question named before before do we look upon them all as enet enemies ni certainly not we send ta s nations q mi ng of oj the arth carth c to invite e ie people ople opie to come lere liere who havo bavo boeti been raised in other faiths and with belief iu tho creeds of C christendom we ask them to believe belleve in god god and 06 obey his hia commandments and if they come como hero before that invitation reaches them they will have havo saved us the labor of s sending en ding it lt t to them for our mission is to p preach reach the gospel to all the world whether they come here to hearit hear it or have it carried to them in the most remote corner of the earth in faith and feelings we desire to see bee all mankind happy and wish peace and prosperity to all men everywhere who desire to observe the golden ruie rule do unto others as you would that others should do unto you we will add under like circumstances we have no hatred against any man or any men on n the earth but we do despise and detest a great ciany of actions and as the action and the man are so closely associated socia ted wo we must see a radical C change bange in those to whom we have referred before foro fore 0 we C can a u 6 extend to them the courtsey and friendship that we would like to extend to all irrespective of creed faither falth faith or opinion r |