Show special to the DESERET NEWs ll 11 a kamph cleveland 3 the the president arrived at bia bla 8 15 this ey evening ening having had a pleasant trip from buffalo with receptions andT and short all the way the voice voice grows hoarser and hoarser and ah the 6 fatigues of the trip are eviden evidently tl y wearing upon the entire party it is also noticeable that the further west the president goes the more coldly he and pai tard vard are received and the more cheers cheery are bestowed upon grant and farragut philadelphia 3 the convention was inaugurated with great thas thos J durant of la was made temp temporary osary chairman and ana the committee on credentials was ap hinted consisting of james A bell of ke as gen harris H thomas of tenn W B R crane of la george K gilmer ocya of va Ya gen B R S northrop of west va V G W V shaw of ga D H bing ham hamroff of ala B R 6 C griffia grim GriF griffith fib of ky kyj J ha hyoid foid fold of miss gen rogers orm H K furnas of N 0 gen dennison of ofed md john jjohn edams adams adams adama of del C L Bb go binson blinson of 1 fia a and ana D C forne forney y of the district of columbia ithe committee commee on permanent organization fi was aso atso aiso appointed with AJ fietcher fletcher of tenn chairman after which the tha convention adjourned till tomorrow the following dispatch was announced noun ced ban san francisco sept 1 L to the hon A J hamilton of texas the pacific states send cordial congratulations to your convention may your houi deliberations promote the adoption of the ohe only wise plan of reconstruction that proposed by congress signed k P F F low gov of cal lir G BLAISDEL gov of nev A C GIBBS gov of oregon and G L WOODS gov elect of oregon heavy rains ruins tonight prevent mass meetings but a large crowd in the national guard hall was addressed by horace maynard and other eloquent southerners pursuant to a call calf issued from washington the following members of the republican national convention attended today gov marcus L ward of ean N J S SA A purviance of pa N B Smither del nol hi W W hoffman of ma idd senator J S fowler of tenn J D defrees rees dees i f ind B C cook of ill iii IT geddings of mich abich 19 J udd judd of wis S B tubbs of iowa T simpson of fM minn inn AW A W campbell odny va H H starkweather of conn B B R cowan awan of ohio A B gardner of vt gov edmunds of dakota and W J cowing of va the convention temporarily organized with senator fowler as chairman and unanimously adopted a resolution declaring H R J raymond baymond of new york and george B senter of ohio no longer members of the convention and X 3 D sperry of conn no longer its secretary for their abandonment of the principles ples pies es of the party an anid d their on with h its enemies gov ward was then chosen hosen permanent chairman vice naymond baymond I 1 new york 3 I 1 under raymonds Ba call the following members Baem berb bera odthe of the publican republican Be national convention attended at the astor house today to day H J raymond baymond william chamin of miss thomas G turner af pf R I 1 L J B clarke of oan N H 0 0 bul bui litt of la au d 2 DS duperry perry 1 seer secretary J e otar r y ue ii etwas as agreed C to Z adjourn f fda foa a da dayto veto bt ve nixed fixed id by the executive committee hannibal hamblin collector of the port of boston tenders his resignation to the president in a letter dated august 28 which says ido I 1 do hot fall fail to observe the movements and efforts which have been and are made to organize a party consisting of those engaged in the late rebellion and their allies who sought to cripple and embarras the i government these classes and persons person s with small fractions of others othea constitute the party it is proposed to overthrow the union republican party and to restore to power without guarantees for tho the future men who have bean disloyal those who sought to destroy the government I 1 gave aavo all the influence I 1 posses to uphold the republican party during the war without the aid of which the government would havo have been destroyed and the rebellion a success with such a party as is inaugurated I 1 llave h ave avo no sympathy and I 1 therefore tender my resignation to take effect from the tho time a successor will be appointed and qualified philadelphia 4 the convention met at 10 prayer by rev mattock the committee on credentials reported the number of lele leie delegates present as follows texas 15 la iua 18 tenn gl 61 virginia 61 W va 51 ga 8 ala 4 ky 13 miss 4 mo blo SO 31 ark 2 an N C 7 md 60 dist of columbia 27 the committee on permanent organization reported ex atty gen speed as president with a vice pr aident dent from each state mr speed on tal tai taking hig the tho chair spoke e half an hour houi in tha the most elo clo eloquent quer quei and vand forcible manner he said it ati the greatest honor of his life to preside over a convention assembled for such a grand work we are here as representatives of a great truth the ovation given us yesterday was not so much to us as individuals divi duals as to the great great principles inci ples pies upon which we stand we V e BE should remember this in our deliberations we should be free and outspoken but calm dignified and merciful he alluded to the conflict through which wo we had passed and said that patriot patriot soldiers were now patriotic they do 0 not want any more war but they desire pence penco on a ure foundation on the foundation of equal rights equal privileges and equal security for all men loud cheers 3 there can be no sue sueh such h peace pence on any other foundation he alluded to the lato late convention in this city and sald said it did nothing but record an abject submission to the commands of the executive of the united states it bowed down and did joyfully what loyal citizens nobly refused to do cheering at the close of speeds speech gen butler ben wade and simon cameron entered the room together and were received with loud cheering A committee of one from each state was appointed on resolutions headed beaded by thos J durant of new orleans and including gov hamilton of texas gov fletcher of mo dr breckenridge and others A committee was appointed to prepare an address headed by geona geo W pascal A committee of the same number was appointed to prepare a statement of the condition in which the union men of the south are placed by the reconstruction policy of johnson its chairman is judge farnsworth farns Farna worth of new orleans judge bond of maryland offered a resolution for reference to the committee on platform which closed with the expression that permanent safety for the union men of the south cannot be secured without negro suffrage it was received with iou ion loud negro and long continued applause from froin a large majority of the convention and by silence from the border states the delegations of several of the border states manifested extreme sensitiveness and wanted to kill the resolution but the sense of the house was against them and it was referred A large number of other resolutions were sent to the committee on platform after which an adjournment was had bad till tomorrow the announcement that grant and farragut had bad withdrawn from the presidents party excursion was received with the wildest enthusiasm which continued several minutes new york 4 the following dispatch was received today and it is believed to be the first instance in which a message has been sent from mid ocean to europe and thence to america the sa meday great eastern atlantic ocean september 4 D H craig craid gen abt asad press new york have just received telegrams from londona there ts tsu tsa y a gw 1 break au inCa can naua rma ae me aci aei curatelo cura tely by cable cabie via hearts content and valentia in regard to the same we expect to arrive at hearts content on saturday next all going on well cyrls cyrus W eie FIE FIELD LD chicago 4 dispatches from detroit this am acsay say that grant rant and farragut are in de detroit ro t having left the residents presidents P party part in cleveland they took steamboat last night and arrived in detroit this forenoon the president made a speech from the tho balcony of the kennard house cleveland last night during the delivery of which a remarkable scene took place the crowd was evidently largely composed of radicals who interrupted the president hooting and shouting and in one instance calli calling ner ncr him a traitor the friends of the president ident in the crowd replied to numerous hisses with cheers and applause and when he finished his speech he was saluted with loud and continued plaudits pl audits the president arrived at toledo at 2 pm and Tec tee received elved a respectful w wel wei el conf bonfe berlin 4 count bismark has refused to receive a deputation from north Sch seh schleswig leswig who desired to present a petition for the restoration of their government to denmark the armistice between saxony and prussia has expired by is yet unsettled between those two countries and hostilities may possibly occur the prussian chamber of deputies passed the fhe government indemnity bill by a larg majority majo mojo rity montpelier Mont polier vt 4 the annual election so faras far as heard hoard from shows a large republican gain i Chicago 5 the president arrived at detroit last evening where gen granta grants rejoins the party which will arrive in chicago this evening the president and seward have spoken at every station along the entire route from washington except at ober lin ohio and the sameness of the presidents si 1 I speeches everywhere confiding the constitution union and flauto flag to the keeping of the assembled people renders the occasion to do so at oberlin the more noticeable at several points along the route between cleveland and detroit yesterday there was a marked dissatisfaction that gen grant was not present and pretty strong murmurs of disapproval of the president gov oglesby declines to attend the chicago celebration saying in a speech at springfield yesterday that he could not meet and welcome the man who had prostituted prostitutes a pilgrimage pilgrimage to the tomb of douglass into nto a tour for the most selfish and unscrupulous ends he would never wel wei welcome conie conle mr johnson to chicago springfield or any other place in the state gov morton also announces that he will not welcome the president at indianapolis because the president accepted the invitation of the democratic state constitutional committee who will make the reception a purely part pant partisan affair this course of oglesby and morton forton I 1 finds further justification because at albany and various places in new york seward was spoken contemptuously of every effort has been made at chicago to divest the reception and douglass monument ceremonies of any partisan character but in view of the speeches and demonstrations all along the route the committees here consider themselves sold the board of trade having originally tendered their hall have been much inclined to revoke the offer and have held some exciting meetings on the subject but wiser counsels have pr prevailed evallea eval led it seems probable however that if the president and sew seward ard use the hall for a political cal cai harr angue the board will win afterwards d s adopt resolutions plainly telling w what h at they think about it the michigan democratic state convention yesterday nominated gen A S williams for governor gen G parkhurst for governor and adopted resolutions endorsing the philadelphia platform george trussell Trus sill siU a noted chicago gambler and part owner of the horse dexter now here was shot and killed in a drinking saloon last night by his mistress vienna 3 affairs in saxony have resumed a warlike aspect the saxon troops have been withdrawn from the hungarian frontier the army is being provisioned the treaty of peace wit with prussia blinds binds austria not to interfere south german journals charge aus tria with a ar breach m acar Rf f ene one e tready treaty with willa Xa bavaria varia varla jim lir C as with prussia J berlina berlin the thi e indemnity bill lias bas been deen adopted by the deputies by a large majority st louisa louisa the ginete cemeteries ribs riis report cholera in ferments ter ments yesterday again sli sti 59 afe th evay emay ay before 1 wf wrt t cincinnati the democrats and johnson men nominated G H HA pendleton for con coa gress in the first dist district irid and theodoe theodore cook in the second the morta morth mortality lity inthis in thib this city duriac august was 1817 of which 1133 deaths were from asiatic ell cli cholera blira and nd from other diseases one half were of borci foreign tn birth 1 troy 4 1 the second annual congress of the che roberts and sweeny wing of the fenian brotherhood convened lere here yesterday there were fully delegates present representing represent in nearly all the states in the union philadelphia philadelphian the convention was called to order gen speed in the chair numerous resolutions were offered in favor of negro suffrage other resolutions were introduced opposed to interference with the policy of congress mr moss offered a resolution instructing g the committee on resolutions toi to for conferring all citizens without regard to color which was referred to the tho committee great excitement prevailed during the debate london 5 returns of the atlantic calle cable oo 00 show their receipts from bessae mes messages sae tabe td be at the rate of a j year sear ear 1 M ha darmstadt has complied with the d mands of prussia and will ajl afi aji latter I 1 besl besides des deg to pru prussia nin some som of her territory athens Gre greece eed 51 I 1 hopes are freely expressed with ua prospect of realization that the li fi cation catlon of the revolt in candia idill soon be accomplished I 1 floden florenee florence e 0 prior to the signature to the treaty H r peace italy will dismiss soldier milwaukee wis wig ay the republicans in tn tha di district nominated re rp gen H B E rayni dee yr congress today resolutions rass ps pass ed approving lis his course in the castori gress and expressing sympathy with wih wib the loyal southerners now in the theaon con bention ven tion at philadelphia and wie with ireland and all nations struggling for free freedom 1 I 1 la crosse wis 15 5 the republicans in the ard 3rd dart district 8 c nominated gen G C C washburne for congress washington 5 3 the following is the statement of the teb public bublic debt of the united states oh ori the tho st of OP sept 1866 debt bearing bodif interest in 5 per cent bonds 6 per cent bonds of 1867 8 L 6 per cent bonds of 1861 I 1 6 per cent 5 2800 navy pension fund total 1288 debt bearing currency ingerl interest in 0 per cent bonds temporary loan 3 yearn years compound inter intel interest est n notes tes 3 years 7 30 notes total 97 matured alured debt presented not ea for payment in U 8 notes fractional currency gold certificates of deposit 15 total total a debt bt 2723 2729 amount in the treasury in coin cola in talin to total in the treasury 4 amount of debt less 1183 ME cash I 1 in n the treasury H McCuLLo mccali oan cir secretary j london 5 the first official conference for the establishment of peace was hid ald a af vienna on the ad dinst the draft of some of the articles of the treaty wa was signed and arrangements for the transfer of venetia between austria and france to italy and the evacuation of the quadrilateral bythe bytho by the tho austrians Aust rians are in progress Cli chi chicago leago 6 the president arrived at a late hour aur last night but streets were crowded and there was a cordial welcome of music fireworks cheers tt ac mayor rice welcomed the president in the name of the as tha chief magistrate to of the united states states and he was received with all 01 the respect due his high office ho he made a brief speech from the balcony of the gherman sherman |