Show NEWS ITEMS IN a silk bilk factory and typo foundry aro are about being started grasshoppers are reported to be dep tho the crops around ft kearney Ke arnoy tiie THE yearly taxation of the tho english people is now less lesa than in III 1851 a continued yearly reduction having been made binco sinco that time EIGHTY years ago thero were but catholics and ana twenty nive five priests in tho the united states while now there aro are members of the church and 2600 2500 priests the boston dost past says A largo company of gypsies are encamped on tho lands lauds of the tho brookline land lana company near jamaica pond they consist ol 01 of men women and children havo have somo some 15 good wagons and excellent horses they are attracting much attention people who have seen gypsies in dramas operas and novels will not find the tho reality BO ao pleasing plea piea sing aing as romance i tul THE following is an extract from a recent recent 11 I iftner from 0 alabama our funerals of which wo we havu havo hav 0 3 J d several h havo a v 0 generally been those of of email md children it is not a good year for children they come into the world look around dont seem to like the new now order of things and die they were once valuable now they find themselves worthless aro are disgusted and return to mother earth TIIE TitE buckeye state a paper published in ohio tells of a woman in cc columbiana county who can plow sing tend baby and go a fishing all at once this is ii thomay tho way she does W it she yokes tho oxen to her plow then stowing her twin babes ina lna in a dom corn baskot basket suspends it to a tree attaches a cowbell cow bell to the end of her fish ing rod which is forced hito into the ground at the waters edge she then thenn drives on her team and every time bho aho comes opposite her hr e babec tho the aerial cradie cradle receives a send watch keeps it vibrating until she performs per pen forma formo another circuit around tho the land 11 practicing in the tho meantime various plem phem pieces of sacred music and if although aless a fish swallows her bated hook hoo it tho obedient boll informs her when bho eho sails across the field and hauls tho the victim babore ALUMINUM ARMOR A trial has just been mado made at florence of a cuirass in it aluminum lu minum which is as light as an ordinary waistcoat nearly as flexible and capable of or turning a musket ball fired at tho the distance of thirty eight paces and of resisting a bayonet thrust from the heaviest hand band each cuirass costs only twenty nive five francs two italian regiments aregim en ts are itis i fc is said to be immediately provided with them PROC PROGRESS iress tRESS OF or tre THE PACIFIC RAILROAD A correspondent of tho the nevada k A transcript who lately reached the town of alta on oil the oare care says the railroad company has bas in the thu face of mighty opposition position opposition put an effective og force in t the le field negotiated its securities purchased X abundant materials and has today to day as good a road from sacramento to dutch fiat flat as there Is in the united states ten thousand laborers are now employed between alta and the summit and tho the company iq 14 anxious to hire biro three thou thousand banu Band moro more I 1 twenty miles moro of track will bo be shortly laid and it is the determination of the managing men of tho the company 1 that the iron horse shall overlook the valleys of the state of nevada by tho of jan J SOUND AND SENSIBLE DECISION duro ther duglish lords of tho the benen bench decided at westminister West minister about a month ago that it was a principle pio plo of common law that a counsellor in questioning a alti wit iless pees should address lim him in ordinary rW tones and in language of res rea reane ct ruch ouch as is employed by one gentleman in fit conversation with another that such sucu lawyer has bas no right to question the private business or moral character of a 9 wit vit witness imy tiny further than it is apparent they absolutely affect his reliability rt or totten touch the case in hand ani sni and that wit nea nem is not hound bound to answer gnp questions pitt put to hint in an nit insulting or fir annoying 1 minner manner it is to bo be hoped that buc duo ou judges will enforce a similar yule rule |