Show art aft 9 V i ail blk T gyn gln rix ca v august ibm kerron ilc sw tho thoat st george gardeners club bet met on tuesday the in the st george hail hall for tho the purpose of exhibiting fruits vegetables etc thren tables the length of tho the hall were loaded with the products exhibited including different va cloties of grapes poaches plums nectarines necla necta rines cs and seedling peaches poaches measuring meW suring from irm 6 to 0 0 r inches in circumference dr bruij B 10 pendleton rend pend leton of or st goorge george exhibited gomo gome fine bunches of california grapes fully ripe br dr W X E dodge and other brethren brought I 1 the black Ill lil hamburgh amburgh black cluster white I 1 muscat isabella an and ana white chasselas Cha selas D br r W a Dodi dodl eralso placed pim d on tuo tho tables somo some fine specimens of pears melons were in abundance the tables wore were beautifully decorated with choice flowers produced by J E johnson and were tastefully mosto fully arranged by the Commit committee toe top br william branch and richard bentley at 6 pm the doors were opened to tho public una und all ail pronounced e it I 1 tho the besu best show of fruits they 1 1 U utah ulah at early candle candie light were called to orden order by y oca arca J I 1 E johnson and P president erastus g offered prayer after supper dancing songs toasts etc 0 enlivened n the hours g nth until ll 11 tho ho be best s t of feelings prevailed throughout tuo tho exhibition thourl tholf ord has truly bleat us in this land I 1 lea led to praise nis ills holy name that he has boon been mindful of nier his people we have been bleat bloat lor jor lortha tho the past put few weeks with abundant showers of rain nain and I 1 can beo seo th atthe lord la is bringing to pass the words ot president brigham young he llo told us that the barren hills bills should be covered with krasa grass and it Is verily so now the feed la Is good where in previous years year stat at this season not a blade of grass could bo be found the crop Is very heavy boavy ana and the crops aro are generally good The there relano la no difficulty I 1 with me the indians prea pres snow Is visiting tho tilo different luu tUu crent erent i settlements counseling tench teach ind ing and instructing people 1 ho 0 Is nu untiring tiring in hial eis labors an and 1 cap can can truly aaa fia say aay that he 1 a man of bod I 1 remain a yo conr brother in the g dospel al of abrl christy t W ST GEORGE CO august 27 ib earton deseret news dear sir th the air has boon been cool and all klodd kinds of vegetation refreshed by the frequent ra rains raina ansof of late which we hall with gratitude not net notwithstanding with it has materially increased ouria our labora bors through having washed away some of our dams dam and portions 0 r lions of our canals I 1 trl tri think n k the health of our people Is better this season than usual our oar annual fair Is 13 to como orron off omm on the and of next month in this place M wo expect an interesting time inasmuch asa as a r regimental 1 i drill has been ordered on the uth an ana and I a two days meeting will bo be held on the hand and of said month when a great number are mitat expected to ko bo present f from tho be neighboring settlements I 1 remain with kind regards for you and all associated asSo elated in the tho good work your brother in the tha gospel ANGUS M C ampex |