Show notices 2 7 1 I S 3 31 ET plants WILSONS SEEDLING per very productive and large per very fine ani and productive large MAGNATE per large good flavor extra productive VICTORIA per LARGEST or ALL grows to an ounce excellent late the above are my choice from over twenty kinds they are all quite hardy HOOKERS SEEDLING per of good flavor now ia is a good time to transplant any ady in y kind ot of pay taken T IV ELLERBE crl CRi 11 4 G 8 L city FOR SALE T WO O rood FARMS by THOMAS hili HILT II IU wellsville 1 JL cacho cach county terms cash ch stock or Sto store repay py inquire et of THOMAS COTTAM ward G 8 1 city 10 3 LOST 0 ON 11 sunday rasti last between farmington and ard the be hot net 1 anew new tore fore ore wheel any aar pron nad ing tha the ame same trill will conter coofer a favor by leaving word at joffs JOHN A SUTTON osor ONor or IT CUM cumberland BERLAND 11 2 agh 16 h ward 2 blocks west IT est eat or of union sin sun siu a NOTICE tur TUB person that picked up my SPADE nr near the tt rth I 1 ward school house on the Augu august zits brandel LE ron R on the handie handle p would do well to return the same la to me or leve lete it with dr sprague 11 2 LEVI E RITER gib gih th ward vard FOR SALE A GOOD aroble HOUSE and LOT in th elSh eish ward tive give block wet ef the tabernacle fr fur terms term apply to HAILSTONE 11 2 neat meat market FOIL FOH SALE A LARGE double and tuli lull LOT well fenced some tome trees out houes well weli ot water good crop on lot will ex ange tor for stock land etc cheap for casi cast by gib gik ward school hellse I 1 11 lutt tutt tf A 3 BECKWITH NOTICE ALL A LL peron persons haying baying left WATCHES with me ine for ri pats pals are rt requested quested to call cail tor lor them between now and nil october conference aa I 1 bai hai bal leste teave oon boon atter after for the cutton cotton country I 1 icv hav hay gome ome city property for sale for particulars call on me at t my thop next door but one to tore store charles sunu sunn C G S L C ty sept ath 1662 liaf 7 TAKE particular NOTICE I 1 HEREBY notify all ssu those indebted to t me to call ani settle bettie their account accounts kc count immediately fort sort tor for until thi this li is done dene it IL will be impossible to give any ny lurther further credit I itt litt ll tt tf W 8 ATTENTION ALL FOR SALE OIL OK EXCHANGE A mull PULL corner LOT well situated for with A 11 a good bood tence all around it and I 1 IB a located about fifteen r d 16 southeast of 0 the gih gib ward school leouie on said sald cad gad premises Is a good weil will of watt rp a nol nom with three rooms well na lashed and painted paint eds a two etory granary ald abd other necessary 7 gut cut buildings corral coll etc there is an B excellent crop of corn sugar ugar can cn potatoes beets carrota carro carr otsy tg etc etc together with a variety of fruit and ornamental trees I 1 will sell fell the tha above cheap for cah cash or exchange the th eama bama fr for neat stock and slid wagon or mules mule and wagon M L DAVIS gih gib ward G L STRAYED prom FROM 11 rom the I 1 jtb ward on iasi lasi monday net n wet et one sorrel soel F NARS old white stripe la in tco fco with triangle on iett left side ride one oue grey M altes aites eight years old spanish brand braud on left sk and hip and BJ J A S bun aun left shoulder th tb whoever wiil wid deliver them to the owner or give into info matlon mallon of their whereabouts will be liberally rewarded 11 31 litt tr tf J 7 B anorton ILTON luton irth ward waard HOME BOME SWEET HOME gio WIO WANTS TO BUY huy A I 1 J kte HAVE and do offer for sale saie a certain lot of ground growl situated at the mouth month h of mill billi creek kanyon canyon G 3 L 1 county about aboul a b L ten acres ahree which li Is under nader cultivation and wen fenced therb tamra 1 is a good comfortable dwelling house oa on the Premi sest also corral and all necessary and a young orchard of about trees consisting of peach reach plum apples applet cherries varieties euc etc beaded and In grafted with the Cho chelest chole lest iest est eft the property lies eight antles from great salt sait laks Lais city olty and the tha county road passee parser the door dour do r oa on the premises Is a good site tor toz or a miny mill with water power sufficient for driving ally any machinery the buyer can have immediate and disputable title fol for further particulars apply on tb th li DANIEL G d brxa BRYAN nin min crek creek |