Show colo COLD feet fest no person can be well long whose feet are habitually cold coid boldy while security for tor for them dryness and warmth are the certain cert ains airs means ot of removing removing a variety of ailments the thecel feet illo of f so some bome gl e are kept more com comfortable por For portable table tabie in winter if cotto cotton 0 i is worn while woolen ethers others better the wisest course therefore is for each eachl to observe for himself and act accordingly scrupulous cleanliness is essential to fhe the th healthful warmth of feet reet hence ail all espee lally those who walk a great deal out of doors during the day aay in cold coid weather should be sure s to dap both feet in cold water every morning mornin g and let them remain half ankle deep for a minute at a tip time nethen then rub and wipe dry dress and move about briskly to warm them up to such as cannot well ado adopt t this course from any cause the next best plan an Is ia to wash them every night before going to bed taking fhe the precaution to dry them before the fire most thoroughly before retiring 1 this besides keeping ing the feet leet clean preserves a natural bolt softness to chesk in and bas baa a tendency to prevent and cure corns many blany a troublesome sore throat affection and many a troublesome beada che zhe will be cured it if the feet are aro kepi warm soft and dry |