Show nino CITY ELECTION lj Is gerety hf rely given tu to au all ahr wilom ni it may ruay concern ili that in compliance with a requirement contained contain cd in tha the sixth sect send loi 0 n or of an act great salt lake ciryll olty city sp proved approved january 20 ingo logo I 1 have lave thia this day selected sele Eele cled or richard beius dei Bei Ui george woodward and 11 II vf church of the election which will til ill be hed at the olti city halap hail nail lu in sald said city on monday the instant accord according fig to the proui lons ions or of said sald lct let act 13 SMITH probate judge G S L C countr G S L city yeb fib 4 1860 9 I MUNICIPAL X virtud virtue 0 of ot of the thy sixth section of an act fact I 1 IN incorporating great sait SAU lake olty city approved jan 20 notice Is hereby given to the qualified voters of great salt lake city that an election will mill be held heid at the city hall on oni monday the lu lufft t for tor the Elect election lon ion of the following officers to wit one mayor vve b e aldermen Aldern ieni nine Counci lorb lort ono one marchal Marb hal bal ona Treasure treasurer rj and one Reco ider for said city whose term of office w H continue nur fur mo two years tears and until their hudee budee are ale elected and ard aga luied the pulls polls will be opened at eight am an nl I 1 closed at 81 ix 1 p m jolln JOHN G county clrk cirk 48 2 I 1 of G S L comity county NOTICE T HAVE nave in my pose telou a niall 2 year old STEER jil JEL black and white a hite under tiit tilt in right ear car tho the owner is td to ta prove proper property tv pay charges and take him away GEORGS 49 1 alpine city utah co LOST rost NT the hours 0 or 9 ani 10 on the even evea B D ing of F rrb eb aili a delt BELT with brass clasp and hilde klide with ringa ringi tor for biord whoever lias has found tho tha faine aud and will mill brint it to lr dr sprague u rill ill lii conter confer a 8 favor raomon on 49 1 Z E stray HEIFER R in my a U aci 11 helfen over one I 1 year oil olit white spot in me the forehead niue aniie spot on ipe ile tle tie forehead white tt nite pot spot pol on vit the back anil anti under the belly beily arld nud on the tali tail brand on left leit hip not known owner please come and property properly pay paw charge charges 5 and take her away 43 49 1 jolin JOHN STRAYED ROM ahl a oed omd rd ced STAG about 4 years old F prom FROM with white nul aul wilile while spot brot tn on the ahe forehead aig arg arid zid eam eau of uhe the tall tali white branded J T ton on the ibe right hip I 1 wrong way wax any permon who ho will tive give intimation into Inta mation that will n ill lii leal lead to the recovery re overy of said stag pta wi will b bf liberally rewarded 49 1 MARY many il A RY iyih ward vard vr ard EST nay RAY kot not ICE E mame maue aur AMR into mv mr about ab ut the loth lath jan 1860 C i red and aud white 11 FIFER two years old liall crop crup ff leit jett eaf eat lio brands viable the owner ow ner nen 1 la requested to prove property pay pa chaides chai chal and tae take her away also als o from the subscriber one red OX branded C d J it 11 on bolh both horus horns arid mid I 1 on right siu sin ter albo alio ole ute earil earli yearling earling earll ng roan steer cali call branded J jon on both hips any information leading to their ool rii covery will be li bendly rewarded rew aided johs JOHN RIDDLE luddle 49 2 norih north ogden 0 den 1 r CATT CATTLE LE r HAVE nave in my the following follow ine one white I 1 I 1 STEER 3 years yeara old branded A S on iett left hip lip a crop off left leit ear one red ked and white HEIFER 2 years old next summer branded A II 11 on lert left hip a hilt silt in left jett ear car crop and 2 slits in right ear one rd ild il R d and white STEER 2 yearb years old next nest spring white inte on uis hla face and belly a bait blit sil mil ili lu I 1 itt tt ft ear car bran brandhof dof S II 11 ou oti right hip one dark red ked OX 6 5 years old some kouse white on forehead jaws belly billy and back the end of the right ear cropped ool off brands visible lf hit bit horns point in front one white BULL 2 years old black ears carf cars eare hult bulf crop crup both eargy eara no brand brands vi i ibie Ible tible JOHN welker pound round keeper 49 40 2 willard Prec precinct luct nox box elder eider co OUR FRIED FRIEND I 1 RARE for lor the buaer V imer imen levery A every esery ri pianist anist should procure this ibis weekly every singer publication of vocal and every eny cestia cestla ery teacher piano riano forte castia costia kery ery pupil ing but 10 CENTS a every amateur IlLin ii imber ber aj ato by the entire of the Con cou comery Co mrry tirry to be THE BEST AND CHEAPEST WORK OF or THE KIND IN THE WORLD 11 twelve full tull size bize pigs of vocal and piano forteau forte muio ic noil FOR 10 CENTS yearly 5 half naif yearly 20 ho 20 erly subscribe to gour our oun our friend or order it from the nearest News dedier dealer and andou abdou you will have music enough or your entirely family at an insignificant cor col co and aud it if you want mu ilu lc 10 for the flute plute violin cornet Clarl onet accordion Accor deon bic tic ac c subscribe to the tho SOLO containing 12 pages coating costing only 10 cents a number kumber yearly hail hall yearly all the back numbers at 10 ct co and bound volumes co containing 17 numbers at each earh constantly on hand C B U SEYMOUR CO 49 lt eseau tt st new tork ox ame AMP to my nay corral corrai ax ix weeks buce muce one crindle OX C j 5 years rears oida old no brands tips lips of horns sawed off bland stand out wide WK V M BLEASDALE clr 49 10 1 esthay esthar fiame to my ray lu lomire on fin thelitz of 0 dc ecy a V white ite ito 0 with brown spots oiher other au her ilia tild owner may have by pa lug lag all reasonable exil zensei mutes lutes 49 4 9 I 1 JOHN LEES ward T nave HAVE in my two yearnings yearlings year lings one STEER I 1 1 light brinde white face white ft hile bile andor the tho belly beliy thi bina bini legs less and tall tail mostly white ii no brands or ear mark marks one dark brown line back white under tinder thia the belly beily lly fly crop liff tiff both cars fd wd in fit the tiie right richt eur eak the e owner la 18 sted to prove pr property pay charge add abd take them away NY G THOMPSON 49 1 carlona fief Fies lorta lona settlement AN APOLOGY TO THE CITIZENS OF PR P R OVO 0 V 0 nereas in our advertisement in this paper of IV lv jan jac 4 no 41 44 and printed haidl hat hai dl I 1 we omitted emitted our depre blon ot of thanks to you iou ou and some rome i li emons re marked that zahat we did not riot care a eg fis for SOT the trade ot or we beg leave to apola ize tze and express our eln cere gratitude tor for your aim alm un iveral universal patronage paron aae ase and hope you will ft ll 11 coutino the sini tini ow w nr to the tremendous trelle 1 avd 0 US B USH RUSH offu customers omers to after part cf ef the oay dav me we would be thankful ilant if you iou would bould call rail earlier earli earll r in tire tilo morril rig tig to trade ea Q that we ma may hav llave more time to wait walt on oil those frodl front the other cities aud and settlements As we are good awls E EXTREMELY LOW we cannot afford to liin liln norm aliks to those who rho doubt kt we aire fire still sellin a god good t article articie of SUGAR AT pelt per LB we would say call and ard isee set such Is the tte fact tact we W are willing milling to no 10 buin buiu b at n liv bisp ifft and do not lot wise tt lse ise to be in a hurry to get git rich COFFEE 3 33 1 acts PER lir LB for our general assortment w we e would refer to the above number of trilb atiat paper ghe GRE n al in consequence of 0 our oar biln of merc handte lv from california early earls tu tji the pru g 9 we wt deore to close out all our preheat stock in ln trade and aud will bell beil eil eli ell CALICOES AT 12 1212 12 12 2 ets A YARD yarb our stock of medicines Is very large and ald at ald d me we shall awa ways d give our oun a ivice ja 11 the treat treatment ment meat 0 of all disease frao tree our DRUG sr STORE i Is complete incomplete and we w bave lave always an extra large assortment of or it in the the BAKERY and we are happy to inform our customers in cont cone con t quence quince 0 of the SOLDIERS LEAVING our mountain ln bome bomp we have slide a new and buien eplen did pur par purchase chale chate and intend to bell tell as we ne buy bus VERY CHEAP we 6 e have a complete DRY DEY GOODS ST STORE 0 R E also TIN SHOP As well weil as a large 1 GROCERY STORE and all that favor us with their will say we have the LARGEST ASSORT assortment MEAT OF merchandise CI IN utush we have just made a i trip through the southern portions ort lols of or Trl ry and arid tender our THANKS to our numerous for the their it ganv antt anti at of and blid extended toi tol wards u ui we ive hate luve opine a ture eore tore lore in FORT EPHRAIM 12 vhf reche wa have sin syn fr fir fie sie file an a of notions tn vare tare cotton yarn medicine ac ac c under the connot connol of maetin martin LENZI for which we e will take bitter map eap bacs Bucks aln ain 4 ac ac our friends in sn san S n apte will do well weil bil ell to give gh e hini him a call WANTED A toung man from 15 to 17 3 ye rs irs old of good parent age andwood and good education ibo iho cau eau come well weil to learn lu in the z n a 8 application pit cation catlon c can n be tie made by leiter letter elie etie elle noie lor loi e need apply but bi t those who would ba be willing to engage till they a are arc re ft 21 years ears earb old olt LOT LOST near nean arar near D BATTLE CREEK one lin link k of 0 new pipe elpe wb oever haa baa ba found the sani shall bhail be liberally rewarded regarded by leaving it it at I 1 GEORGE 33 nook BOOK OOK STORE AD AIND BAKERY great S sall sail ait alt lae lake city or mith with the subscriber at prote provo ity interest paid on deposit at conr BANK H L 80 H opposite mr carters bleg BIG blacksmith SHOP our naine la Is over the door we give a certificate troma front be he bap B shop of or provo and judge of utah county this certifies that I 1 eave haie examined 11 II L ORTHIS stock of goods and aud a tid igind tham of good quality and he is selling at PRICES oes CES advertise advertised D those vi wishing shins io to lus luy goods CHEAP would do llo neleta well to gire give him bim a call cau SILAS SMITH provo froio city feb 1 1860 WANTED wheat oats coin barley butter eggs cb ohrel buckskin buckskins smoked liams hams and bacon A few yoke yote of good AMERICAN WORK CATTLE from four to beven se en years s ears old ko coohe bind bidd eyed tr bo bobtailed bob b tailed |