Show D DISCO I 1 S imSE 5 E sy my elder JOHN taylon tallon T Ti bernacle jan 15 lj H PORTED il G I 1 D WATT ica r ere ore this rno ino ining anticipating the sa s1 1 is c P P listenik liste list edir eDiP nir to some rome of my brethren u ji fa B lus ius to have fillen to my lo 10 again to add ado f w u a and nd I 1 f BO so wi wi h pleasa e c at it this t m mp e m a all su h t occasions a and wiling lacom ly com docite ail iii teany beany any b h i 3 th it maybe nii rii parted d uno m bich inch may bo bt a benefit or blessing to thos thoa AN b i may I 1 st ii t the g at p inci ples of are so varied and coi t ta it at it is difficult to know knowel ra r to comm ue lice our illustrations of a portion of them d 4 where to leave off they reach back into the past exis in the present nd strett h forward lorn loin aid did into the future in the f f of jestis christ is 13 embed ed all truth 0 o far ag as t tie e s si of ite hr lie human family is concerned and h nee dee it is shoken of in tb the e sf rip idres tares ires as li iii the everlasting gospel to ha lins mho who have not seriously tion ilon ion lon th b dd dealings lii lil iii s ol 01 god and his ians laus laws the L i 3 a e i rs irs to bi ci c i r og gable gabie able abie in I 1 his bis ai i s way avay of eav no ng a i h iman inan fai i in the dit frent dis pa p osa asa to 0 a foin f om ad ta gitil ui til christ t icy iry sup pt ltv ie t i he has adap ed ag as many d efferent way ways 9 c I 1 a ilion v ilon IV ve e n e 0 d by C ri r ian lan divines of the dispensa i that es d belore before the enod food we are ore w ir F 0 I 1 of the p pi natchal d en stion the tho AH dic die ii i n r and fina finally ly of the chr s n d and it is is a prevailing ida idi idt a d rt r the that eath bah of these 1 i p pi B u ors ons n rs arcs nept a liff tiff rent system of s ralla a i q by th tP bachini achino aching the hun bun an bamily i elk their minds and I 1 in c iv ng i unto t heu cor act information in agard 0 god and cl et i laty ily II 11 nce nee I 1 hav have often heard nent div pes res r fer for to the dispensation bi acre f tie lle th flood ai a i a d dy ay iy of almost utter t aiknes then then to th 5 ir archal on v na s one ont i ii i ni aich a faint summer gummer of light bc c gan van an to b made unde mann mant fc oc the mosaic dis ii as a time in which winch the sen began to rise a I 1 if li above me tile horizon bonon and of the christu i dispensation as it now exists in the world be ng the fuline ss is of light and intelligence li gence 0 the full blaze of gospel day these views ot ol the daft different ferent despe tsat ions lons generally obtain arol aroi ac ui professors of christianity I 1 enter entertain tam a very different opinion of the almighty god like his son jesus christ is the same samp yesterday today to day and for ever the siane in intelligence the same in purity the same in his projects plans and designs he fie is iii id short unchangeable andi apprehend if the stints who had bad communication with li m ina in ancient days were to appear on this earth at the present time they mould would find the same ined medium lum of communication the same way of im imparting arting intelligence and the same unchangeable am bell beil being a that existed 1800 or 6 00 00 years ears cars ago it is true mankind have not at all tins times been leen susceptible of rec receiving eivin elvin and appreciating the same degree of light truth and alid intelligence that they have hive at other times godhan god has hag in certain instances withdrawn the light of his bis cou countenance ite nance his bis holy spirit the light and anti intelligence that proceeds from irom him ina lna in a certain degree from trie the human family but his I 1 laws aws are immutable and lie he is the same eternal unchangeable being the truth does not change what was true 1800 1803 or years ago is true today to day and what was false in any age of the world is false today to das day truth like the great Elo eio El helm heim is eternal and unchangeable and it is for us to learn its principles to know how to appreciate it and govern ourselves accordingly As the gospel is a principle ipie that emanates from god ike its author it is the same yesterday today to day and for ever eternal and unchangeable god ordained it before the morning stars sung together for joy or ere this world rolled into existence for the salvat on of the human race it has been in the mina mind of god and as often as developed it has been man tested as an eternal unchangeable unde vat ng plan by which to save bless exalt and dignify man and to accomplish end by one certa ri unalterable method of salvation accord rig ng to its degree or manifestation I 1 speak of the gospel of jesus christ in its fullness and of the bless biess blessings rigs associated there w th it is perfect folly to en entertain the idea that the gospel has only ex sted about 1800 years and yet th s foolish idea is strongly entertained and almost universally sally believed throughout L christendom this mistake is for want of calm reflection and correct information upon that subject it may here be necessary to inquire what the gospel gossel is commentators tell us it means good ti tidings ings of great joy language had part cular reference to the announcement of off the b nth bith of the savior to the shepherds of gal lee by the angel of god and lo 10 the angel of the lord came upon them the shepherds and the glory of the lord shone mund round about them and they were core afra d and the an angel el sa sad d unto them fear not for behold I 1 bang you good tidings of great joy shall be to all people for unto you is born this day in the city of davd dav d a savior which is christ the lord th s was simply the announcement of the birth of christ As to its referring to the gospel it in certainly admit of an argument the me birtt birth of our savior and the message he came to deliver are two different things I 1 do not think the message jesus came to commin cate was at all joyful to the ahari sees bees and hypocrites of his day for he told ahm they could not escape the damnation of hell nor to those individuals whom lie he proclaimed to be like unto whited sepulchres chres wh ch eh indeed appear beautiful outward but are within full of dead mens bones and of all uncleanness they looked upon him as an impostor who bid sid stid to them lle lie ile he that be lieveld and is baptized shall be ile saved and he that bell beil eveth not shallie shall shail be damned it itis is not to be supposed for a moment that those men would mild receive such an announcement as good t tidings I 1 din s of great joy which was to be to all people pepie again we are told the tha gospel is the new testa testament I 1 do not find any such declaration even in the new testament itself there are arc certain records in the new testament giving an account of the birth lefe life suffering and death of our lord and savior jesus christ it contains also an all account of I 1 he fhe doctrines do trines brines he taught I 1 the dis discourse courar a 9 he delivered and the I 1 moral sentiments he inculcated it gives us an account of the organization of his church and of the teachings te achin s of his apostles and the manner of their administration etc but this i is not th gospel the gospel is a certain lining abiding 0 eternal principle that which is 13 written in the I 1 new testament ment is like a chart of a country if you please but the gospel is the country itself A man having the map of the united states in his possession would be considered foolish if he supposed he possessed the united I 1 state states and because a man may have the old and new testament in his possession it does not argue that lie he has the gospel but is it not riot written in some of our good bibles tze aze the ile gosp accordia according Z to st john the gospel according accordine to st matthew etc certainly but what has that to do with it T tie tle i e gospels according to matthew mark luke and john describe certain teachings and arid instructions which jesus gave and among the rest the 1 cers constituting his church are named and god hath bath set some in the church first apostles secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healing helps rovern governments ments diversities oi of 1 tongues 11 etc are the living substance of which they write an account well but the gospel is contained in the old and new testament it is not nor in the book of mormon nor in the revelations we have received these are simply records histories commandments ac the gospel is a living abiding eternal and unchangeable principle that has existed coequal with god and always will exist while time and eternity endures wherever it is developed and made manifest we will quote from the gospel according to st paul and see what he has to say in relation to this matter for I 1 an am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of I 1 god unto salvation to every one that beli bell believe believeth eveth tb to the jew first and also alfo to the greek for therein is the righteousness of god r revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith now I 1 presume paul I 1 knew new a little more about the gospel than some of our learned commentators and was better acquainted with its operations organization spirit and power in addition to what paul has said I 1 will here assert that the gospel of jesus christ always was from the very commencement of this earth the power of god unto salvation to every one that believeth beli bell eveth and the righteousness of god was always revealed through the gospel as specified by this apostle whenever and ald wherever the gospel of jesus christ existed there the power of god and arid the knowledge I 1 ledge me of god existed and therein at all times and in every age the righteousness of god was 1 revealed through it from faith to faith that is an assertion of my own for the time being and I 1 do not know but I 1 have as much right to assert that as paul had the other but bat as it is proper that men should give a reason at all times for their statements this I 1 am willing and ready to do before however we enter into the investigation of this thia subject we will look at another for a short time which seems to be intimately associated with it paul in his time reasoned about a certain priesthood and about a certain i whom he says was greater than abraham who he said was without father or mother without beginning of days or end of years and arideth a priest continually and that christ was a priest for ever after the order of 11 I 1 speak of this because it will be necessary to refer to it in the argument we may be lead to adduce in relation to this subject who was this man lie he was simply a man which the bible gives an account of and he positively had bad a father fattier and a mother it is not really said ne fie had not I 1 say he be had and can prove it if the bible be true we might dimer differ so far as wolds are concerned but not in ideas and facts paul was talking talking f about a priesthood had this pic pit priesthood i estwood est hood it was the priesthood P strood of tte tie which he was speaking and not the tha man it was this priesthood of M that wa wal wai without beginning 0 of days or end of years and he arideth a priest continually and ebe eee ever liveth to make intercession for us that i ithe the priesthood continues in the e ernal world as well as in the world of time we will now go back to the gospel and endeavor to show that wherever the gospel existed there existed also the power of god gott and the revelations of god and therein men h hid nd id a knowledge 0 of god and therein was revealed the righteousness of god cod from fath to fait fail faith falth 11 ll but bat let me make another remark here conc concerning rn the priesthood we are told it hoiu holds s the mysteries of the revelations of god these those are sayings we have a right to look ino and investigate to find out upon what principle I 1 they are based how did adam get his hi 3 information of the things of god ile he got it thron through h the gospel of jesus christ and through this pame fame irlee priesthood of which we have been speaking god came to him in the garden and talked w th him wo we are told thit no man can see sec the th face of god and live how was it that he be obi bained his knowledge of go goj through gil the iho gospel and he was the hirst first manur man nan upon bon pon this earth that had the gospel and th til holy pries I 1 hood lood land and if he had it rot he could not have known know anything about god or his revelation but god revealed himself to him and told I 1 him in what he might do and what he be not do to what course lie he was wais to purs ie ard what course i not to pursue and when he transgressed gressed tho the laws which the lord cave to dim mim him lie he wag driven ft atom m the face of god and left in a measure to grope in the dark let us pass on to enochs day the bible dibie bi le ony only dives gives a very choit nt it of enoch 1 we are arc told that ile ire lie he walked v N ith god and end was not for god took him then he had the gospel for it is through the dospel that the righteousness of god is revea revealed ad from fa faith falth ith to i faith it is that which holds the keys k of the i mysteries of the revelations of cf G god 3 it is that which imparts a knowledge of the priesthood and it is by the gospel I 1 hat ma unkind ca can n commune with god od it is that which vh ch is the deil Eeli power ower of god unto salvation to every one ode that believeth beli bell eveth enoch eroch had this through the gospel being in of this he was enabled to comm communicate tunicate with god had revelations from him and further revelations which have been anoch given vea ven in these last days go to show cs us that enoch built a city and that he taug taught 1 at the citizens of that city the great principles of eternal truth as they emanated from god that god communed with them taught them correct principles ples pies and that by and bye when the people eop cop e waxed full of iniquity and the earth became ripe for destruction enoch and his city was caught up into ino heaven the bible gives a very short account of this saying enoch walked with god and he was not for god took him jude also speaks cf of him and enoch als ais also aiso othe the seventh from adam prophesied of these saying behold the lo 10 lord rd cometh commeth with ten thousand of his saints to execute judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they the have nn committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him enoch how did you happen to know abo about ut things that should transpire some thousands of years hence vou you that lived so far back in the remote ages of off the world that were so dark and benighted according to the ideas of modern theologians 1 I had bad the gospel and the gospel holds the keys of the mysteries of the revelations of god and by the spirit of that I 1 gospel I 1 was enabled to look through the dark vista of the future to draw back the curtain of eternity and contemplate the things of god and his purposes concerning the nations of tim earth until I 1 gazed upon the winding up scene and jude how did ail you ou happen tornow to know that enoch prophesied 01 of these things for we have no account of it in the bible where did you obtain your information I 1 had the bama sama gospel that enoch had and the same power of revelation and the same spirit that he had so that I 1 was enabled to develop the same things and to know precisely what enoch prophesied prophesy sf pai about and have given my testimony in relation to that matter inetter but joseph smith where did you get your information from 1 I had just the same sane 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