Show european news sir H grant has accepted the command of the english Z expedition against china the representatives to the european congress are continuing to arrive at paris lady franklin is about to visit paris and will be received by the scientific sections of the academy with honors usually bestowed on royalty the paris patrie mentions a rumor that prince Gorts chakoff will decline to attend the congress unless england L is represented by some important member of the cabinet the porte had granted permission for the erection of a roman catholic church on the island of massarah Mas to be under the special protection of france A swiss paper says napoleon refused permission to dle Ble mcmahon Malion mailon to accept a sword bein being 0 got up for him in ireland rumors were current that the emperor would inaugurate the new year with fresh demonstrations of a pacific character prince jerome napoleon was alarmingly ill the times correspondent at aden says the port of addal in the red sea has been ceded to france r the ne paris correspondent of the london globe asserts that the emperor of austria contemplates abdication and says archduchess sophia is at the head of the realm the letter from burth on the says the die is cast the ne government is resolved to adopt a vigorous policy towards hungary one hundred and eighty protestant noblemen and gentlemen have been imprisoned for taking tl part in the assemblies which protested against the imperial patent in december the austrian army in hungary will soon be strong t the ile vienna correspondent whitin writing on the says the dan dad danger er of a conflict between tb the e imperial authorities and the hungarian protestants te daily increases vienna december the fifth corps darbee dar mee now in italy has been ordered to hungary garibaldi has married the eldest daughter of an italian patriot the spanish in and destined for morocco amount to some forty thousand men two skirmishes and a battle had been fought before centa in which the spaniards were victorious to rious loss on the moorish bide side killed an and d 1500 wounded the spanish expedition to morocco was reinforced in on the infantry and 6 cavalry madrid december A holy war has been proclaimed by morocco which will bring thousands of moors to the seaports to defend the country the french having been interrupted by the inhabitants of the vil vii village lae la 7 e on the river bengal six steamers attacked it the place was bravely defended but was finally destroyed loss 40 killed 70 wounded the enemy lost killed and wounded copenhagen december ith the royal palace of fredericksburg has been destroyed I 1 by fire |