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Show Thursday, November 10, 1966 CHURCH NEWS Page.5 11th Ward Bazaar And Dinner Slated St Pauls Lutheran Atonement Lutheran VALLEY VIEW NEWS Relief Society Bazaar and will be held Sat., 12 Nov. by members of the Kearns 11th ward at 4660 W. 5015 S. It will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Cultural Hall of the Kearns N. State Center. will Kranberry Korners be the theme of the bazaar which will be decorated to resemble a country fair. The menu will consist of turkey and all the e ice trimmings, cream and home-maapple squares, which will be prepared under the direction of the Relief Society presidency. Hamburgers and salads will also be available. Bake sale, candy, toys, fishpond, clothing, general store, novelties and linen departments will be included in the bazaar. E ach department will be headed by a chairman. Included are Mrs. Verden Heaton and Mrs. Andrew Anderson, bake sale; Mrs. AdrianCuff and Mrs. Richd ard Ebbert, candy; Mrs. Woodall and Mrs. Max Averett, toys; Mrs. Bobby Balle fishpond; Mrs. Stanley Stevenson amd Mrs. Ray Lamor-eau. Jack clothing; Rowsell and Mrs. Darrell Park general store; Mrs. Elman Helquist and Mrs. Calvin Edwards, novelties; andMrs.Verl Anderson and Mrs. Jay Hansen, A Atonement Lutheran Church, 2040 West 3500 So. Granger. Pastor Joseph A. Luthro. Sunday Nov. 13 Worship SerThe 10:00 a.m. at vice sermon theme will be Heaven and Earth. Atonement Lutheran Women have scheduled Circle meetings 15th. on Tuesday November The general Bible study and discussions theme Is The God Who Unites! At 1:00 p.m. the hostess is Mrs. Byron (Ann) Hendlrckson at 3419 So. 2610 W. Bible study leader Is Mrs. Karl (Mary) Wlnsness. At 7:30 p.m. the hostel is Mrs. William (Janet) Slddoway 2060 Kirkham Way. Bible study leader for evening group Is Mrs. Ernest (Nancy) Knee land. A Cub Scout pack No. 266 is planning its monthly meeting for Nov. 16th at &;30 p.m. It is sponsored jointly by Westvale Presbyterian and Atonement Lutheran Churches. are held at Pack meetings Atonement parish hall. St. Pauls Lutheran Church, 5071 South 5200 W. Kearns. Interim Pastor Roger Prescott. Worship Service will commence at 9:30 a.m. Sunday School at 10:30 a.m. The confirmation class is under way at St. Pauls. Junior Class will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sat. with eight students attending. Senior Class commences at 10:00 a.m. with eight students attending. Westvale Presbyterian Church 3610 South 4400 West, Granger ' Reverend John D. Browne. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Church Services at 11:00 a.m. Left to right: Pow Wow Chairman Lyle Spade; Vice Chairman Mrs. Gretchen L Covington; Assistant Chairman Mrs. Barbara C. Evans, working on finalplansforthepuppets to be exhibited at the Pow Wow Saturday, November 12. Scouting Districts Announce Pians for Cub Pow Wow Sat . Plans for the annual cub Pow referred to in cub scout-a- s Wow, the College of Cub Scouhave been finalized it was announced today by Mr. Lyle Spade, chairman. The Pow Wow sponsored jointly by groups of cub scouters from Copperhills - Stansbury Scouting Districts is an annual put on acouting exhibition primarily for cub scout leaders, to provide them with ideas to apark their pack and den ting, First Baptist 2700 West, Pastor J.N, Foreman. 3831 Granger. 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 10:55 a.m. Training Unit 6:00 p.m. Sunday School KEARNS FIRST BAPTIST St. Francis Xavier St. Francis Xavier Catholic 5315 So. Church, 4501 West Kearns. Father Meersman and Father Servatlus. Sunday Mass Schedule: 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:15 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. The Alter Society meeting will be held at 7:30 in the school hall. Program will consist of dialogue between Rabbi Stanley Relkin and Father Thomas Meersman. Both these leaders have done many radio shows together on Station KLUB as well as for the Jewish Youth of the area, com- paring the differences in Theology and liturgy between the two religions. Closing of Catholic Mass at 5:30 in the Cathedral of the Madeline in Salt Lake City marked the closing of National Catholic Youth Week for Salt Lake City District of the CYO Organization. Bishop Joseph Federal of the Diocese presided and Father Servatlus, District Director of CYO and Assistant at St. Francis Xavier in Kearns said the Mass and delivered the sermon. Following an the Mass in- formal supper was hosted by members of theCathedralCYO. About seven or eight from St. Francis parish attended from Kearns. Highway Management Study Progresses Welt THIS EMBLEM A m I p c Identifies your WELCOME WAGON v ! SPONSORS... firms of prsstlg In tho buslnwu and chrlo lift of your community. For information, oal Phono 723-57- . 17 CaZHEDCaUBOD Time: 12:00 Noon p.m. management improvement project contracted by the State Road Commission of Utah in Feb., 1966 is progressing steadily with six months of study yet to be completed. Roy Jorgensen and Associates, a highway engineering and management consultant firm, are doing the study. Blaine J. Kay, State Highway Engineer, stated theprojecthad been considered for some time but had been deferred until the Commission on the Organization of the Executive Branch of Government had completed its study and issued a report. Mr. Kay stated further that a methods and procedures sect3 ion, as recommended by the Little Hoover Commissions report has been set up to work with the Consultant Firm and an Advisory Committee composed of eleven key supervisors was established to consider the recommendations of the Consultant. Effort has been made to Kearns Directory Pre registrations were taken at the scout roundtable on Nov. 4 and registrations will also be taken at the door on Nov.1 12. Cost is $1.00 per person - Refreshments will be served in Midafternoon. Additional information maybe obtained by contacting chairman Mr. Lyle Spade, 4133 South 2200 West, Granger - Teleor vice chairphone man Mrs. Gretchen Covington, 4211 Annapolis Drive, Granger,-telephon298-59- 32 298-770- Clif-fore- x, M-,s- linens. The Public Information committee of the Kearns TownCoun-c- il is currently compiling a Whos Who in Kearns directory, it was announced today by Reed J. Aitken, com- mittee chairman. This directory will contain .the names of officers of all civic, religious, service, recreational, educational and fraternal organizations in Kearns. Heads of each organization in Kearns are Invited to submit on each of their information officers to Mr. Aitken at Information needed on each officer is name, address phone number, position title and approximate date position ex298-304- 8. pires. Copies of this directory will be made available to residents for a nominal fee to cover cost of printing. 3. to 5:00 Date: Sat. Nov. 12, Place: Taylorsville 1966 Ward House at 4310 SO. 3200 W, The Pow Wow will include displays, exhibits, puppet shows - skits, games, craft and assistance in pack administration JEHOVAH'S WITNESS under the direction of the following personnel: Kingdom Jehovahs Witnesses, Mr. South 4100 Pack Administration: West 4880 Hall, Schultz. Chas. Granger. Skits: Puppets & Ceremonies Presiding Minister F. R. Kelly Sunday at 3:00 p.m Mr. George Gygl Services Games : Mrs. BarbaraColes Regular Watchtower services Blue & Gold Display - Mrs. 4:00 p.m. 8:00 Darlene Tuesday services Bailey Weekly General Exhibits : Mr. Ole p.m. - Thursday 7:30 p.m. St. Stephens Episcopal Mission: 4615 So. 3200 W. There will be an open house held this coming Sunday Nov. 13, 1966 to celebrate the completion of the first building of three planned to be built, from 2:30 til 4:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend. Reverend Paul J. Taylor is the Vicar. Services: Holy Communion 7:30 a.m. family services start at 11:00 a.m. Christian Education classes will be held from 11:00 to 12:00 a.m. Friday and on Sat. morning from 9 till 12:00. The theme is My Role in Christian Communion Within My Mission Council Plons Contest to Name meetings. p.m. Kearns First Baptist Church, 5200 South 4400 West. Sunday Morning Sunday School 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m Morning Services Union at 6:30 p.m. Training Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. St. Stephens Episcopal! event is open to the public and we invite everyone to attend, announced Mrs. Woodall. The general de Granger Community Christian Church, 2600 West 3800 South, Granger. Pastor Glen Mell. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Church services at 11:55 a.m. Womens Bible class 10:00a.m. Wednesday Choir rehearsal Thursday 7:30 p.m. Junior choir rehearsal 10:00 a.m. Saturday. South ties. home-mad- Community Christian First Baptist Church, Westvale Presbyterian dinner Mr. Clifford Woodal, president, Mrs. Elman Helquist, 1st Counselor and Mrs. Reed J. Aitken, second counselor, are in charge of the bazaar activi- Scouting District the On January 1, 1967, Coperhllls Scouting District, Great Salt Lake Council, will into two scouting be divided districts. Copperhills District will then be composed of the Hunter and Granger Magna, areas. The new district will include Taylorsville - Kearns communities and outlying areas where LDS Granger wards are affiliated with Taylorsville and Kearns Stakes. A contest is being conducted to find an appropriate name for Tracy the New District - prizes will Midway Section : Mr. Bill to the winner. awarded be Edwards Rules for the contest: 1. Envelope must be post involve Department personnel marked no later than midas much as possible in the ex- night Dec. 31, 1966. ecution of the project, stated 2. All children and adults Mr. Kay. A management sim-lnare invited and eligible to was conducted by the Conparticipate. sultant at Camp Williams from 3. You may send in as many March 13 to March 18, 1966. entries as you desire. 4. In case of a tie the winThirty two Highway Department supervisors attended the sem- ner will be decided on the inar. earliest entry submitted. The first recommendations on To enter all you need do is the Top Management Function fill In the following blanks, in the Utah State Department and completing the sentence of Highways were presented by mail to Mr. John C. Neal, Chairthe Consultant and approved by man, Copperhills District, the Road Commission in June at address indicated: of the work 1966. Elements Mr. John C. Neale flow were analyzed and re3108 Millerama viewed by the Advisory ComSalt Lake City, Utah 84119 mittee in August 1966. Recommendations on the organization Name: of the Department and position Symbol: guides for divisional managers This would be an appropriate will be reviewed by the Adname because: visory Committee and the Road Your Name: in October, 1966. Commission Address: The remaining six months of Telephone: the study will develop organistructures for each zational of the functional divisions, presFreight Delivery Driver: Why ent evaluations of present dedont you look where you're drivin? partmental effectiveness, present programs and procedures Bread Delivery Driver: Why for implementation and exe- dont you drive where youre cution of the recommendations lookin? . nnl HovolAn nnH mon nnwor man Frolahf DeHvorv rirlvop YAM CUTTY SARK blended ar ! ! r Vo r II . HO AUTO I DablM mi Eoeled Wh.I' J007. Scotch StMUnrf) bit HI ( Americans buy more Cutty Sark than any other Scotch whisky. Why? The No. 1 reason is in the bottle. Try Cutty Sark...tonight! io Scotland Blended 86 Proof kwy boi w 'NuiHi & row M o COMOMtto .! "W M U MA "ne itahi or " The BwAmfUm Cotpocoboo, Importm . . New YeA. N.Y. ffowfmme e otcno.vsft PARTS W. 3500 So. SCOTS WHISKY r RAN G ER ft iMi 3140 298-358- 1 nd Bottled in StsHtnF Ooveinmenl But Currant Fall Styling for Woman, Toons, Chiktran it Mon 298-358- 1 Your Auto Parts Headquarters Ask your favorite garage or service station for our Auto Parts! I WE ALSO CATER TO RETAIL first Sheer qusHty Mi'nlni CUSTOMERS NYLONS 29. special Shoes with the Best Line of Auto Parts in The Valey ,4 'Kemab S&ofcfritty (fatten V. There srf ever IOO tUHs IsmMy J shee stares L A A iihi A.An.Jh .L. ,A . & 4m k, . - A m ifru p, nfli)iii. hti inWjii 'til rS rjtiiini.ltheiiiit wii.iHtiiiioriiiir- - A A A h |