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Show Page 6 Thursday, May 24, 1962 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Ham Operators Hold Meeting KEARNS JAYCEE ELECTED VICE PRESIDENT OF UTAH C of C The active campaigning of the Kearns Jaycees resulted in the election last weekend, of Gerald D. 'Lindhardt, as a vice president in the Utah Jr. Chamber of Commerce. Lindhardt resides at 4401 W. 5135 South. Kearns has the fine record of having three state vice presidents, having served in the past five years, the others being Urban Gebo and Farrol Lambert. convention, During the three-da- y Kearns was awarded the State Travel Trophy for the most out- The Kearns Camp Fire Girls, raising the Flag at a ceremony held during the opening game of the Kearns National League, left to right, Linda Riding, Connie Hare, Sandra Stringfello, pebbie An drews, Nancy Tatro, and Susan Stringfellow. School News 1 SCHOOL IS OUT St. Francis News Get Your Summer The programs began with a flag ceremony by Lynn Nelson, caller; Dan PitMark Jensen, The results of the election for man and Mike Terry Nay, with followed officers for the St. Francis Altar an invocation Bebb, Adams. Andrea by Society have been announced. Mrs. to Maxine Mackin was The introduction of Mr. Rowley, Mrs. 'Joseph Mr. Bluhm, Mr. Stevens, Mr. Dalthe post of president ton, Miss Wardle, and other guests (Dorothy) Sheehan was Fill- was made to the post of by Myron Payne, and is for the were extended by Myrna secretary vacancy ing greetings Mrs. Joseph (Peggy) Porter with Wood, student body president. FolMrs. Ralph (Louise) McCleery tak- lowing this were orientation talks ing over the job of treasurer. These by Myron Payne, Karla Lerew, and ladies wil lassume office in Septem- Carol Thorn. ber. The advanced orchestra, directed by Mr. Garner, performed for the Triday morning session, the ad vanced band, under the direction of Mr. Barnett, played for the Tuesday ' group, and the Tuesday North Jordan 2nd Ward will morning afternoon session was favored by Luau May 26 sponsor a Hawaiian selections from the mived chorus, at 7 p.m. ' in the North Jordan directed by Mr. Mason. Remarks Stake Center. from Mr. Rowley followed the musiEntertainment will be furnished cal numbers. by BYU. Tickets will be sold to members of the 2nd Ward. The program was brought to an Any one living in the area is in- end with the audience singing the vited to attend. Tickets may be school, song, directed by Carol obtained by contacting Mrs. Rich- Thom and accompanied by Andrea ard Winder, Earl Breeze or call Adams, and tours of the building Students over 12 years led by Myron Payne, Tom Kump, CY. of age, $1.00. Married couple $5.00. Susan Nordfeldt,"' Carol Thom, All proceeds will be used for the Shari Blaney, Dan Coldeway, Janese building fund. Gerber, Eileen Vigil' and Karla n " , Lerew. Other news of interest from the Pvt. Gilbert Lucero junior high this week concerns the To Receive publication of their literary maga zine, "The Kearns Quill, 1962-6Special Training Many very outstanding works of CAMP PENDLETON, Calif.-Ma- rine and poetry are to be found Pvt. Gilbert Lucero, son of prose within its covers, giving due Mr. and Mrs. Elvy Lucero of 4769 credit to the ..talented young So. 4620 West, Kearns, is scheduled and to the school which authors, to complete four weeks of indiwith their helped training. vidual combat training, March 16, The Kearns Quill is published with the Second Infantry Training annually by the English department Regiment at Camp Pendelton, Calif. to "provide a situation in which The training included instruction the students of the Kearns Junior in combat formations, fire and maHigh may see their composition neuvering tactics, use of supporting work in print. of weapons, individual protection The and sponsoring and safe movement during night teacherscontributing are Miss Arlene Pattison, and day. Miss Karryn Neibaur, Mrs. Evelyn Scott, Miss Carolyn Stewart, Mrs. Pricilla Barber, Mrs. Adrienne Lar son, Mr. Jerry Davis, Miss Kathy Call, with the cover lettering by Mr. Albert Childs. Bays' and Girls' The Oquirrh Club held their meeting at the Conference Room Amateur Radio regular monthly Midwest .Realty last week. Doug Butler, president of the club was in charge and several items of business, as well as future plans for the organization, were discussed. s: A committee on interference was appointed fo rthe purpose of seeing what could be done relative to various types of interference the Hamj . radio operators encounter. A course of study for any ond interested in radio operation is in the planning stage. Final details will be announced in the near future and any one interested will, be invited to attend. It will be fr ee according to Mr. Butler. Mr. Royal Hogan, chairman of the program committee, reported onf two coming events. June 23 and 24, have been set for the field day. Place will be announced later. Thai big Hamfest will be held August 25. The place has not been definitely decided upon, but will be announced in plenty of time for plans to be made for a good attendance. A door prize, donated by Man-wi- ll 'Supply, was won by Al Kuhsl. A very interesting program was presented by Bill Carpenter. ern Six hundred new students from the sixth grades of West Kearns, South Kearns, David Gourley, Oquirrh Hills, and Monroe ElemenKEARNS CAMP FIRE GIRLS CEREMONY tary Schools were - oriented into The Kearns Camp Fire Girls, unThe National League is getting the seventh grade and Kearns Junder the direction of Mrs, Verna off to a competitive start, with the ior High School during the past Huskey and Mrs. Lavon Tatro, con- standings for al lthe teams at one week. ; ducted the first Flag Ceremony of to one. v students were divided into The scores for the past week, three the season at the opening of the groups, and programs were Kearns National League Field. with games having been played Friday morning, Tuesday The queen, Miss Patty Workman, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and presented and Tuesday afternoon. morning and her two attendants, Miss Linda Saturday, were as follows: over each session was Mr. Eraves 9, Cardinals 6; Cardinals, PresidingFullmer, and Miss Jolene Edging-ton- , with Myron also marched in the ceremony. 7, Braves, 2; Dodgers, 4, Phillies, Rowley, 7thprincipal, Payne, grade president, con3; Phillies, 17, Dodgers 15. ducting. Weight Shoes Now! standing percentage attendance at he state meetings throughout the year. The following Kearns Jaycees were awarded special membership ins for recruitment of new mem-DerBob Harrison, Darr Harward, Ed Castillo, Gene Andrews, and aVar Allred. Kay Harward and Orin Hunter of Kearns, were entered in the Speak-u- p Contest and gave outstanding speeches. The Kearns 'Jaycee-ette- s sponConsored the Speak-u- p Jaycee-ett- e est. A trophy was awarded by to La-Vchairman, Charlene Hunter, ' Jones of Layton. Scrapbooks on Community Development were entered by the Kearns Jaycees and Jaycee-ettein the Records and Recognition Program of the state organization. During one portion of the convention, Kearns served turkey sandwiches and punch to over 300 guests in a hospitality room, dec prated by John Jones of the Kearns Jaycees. The club, also entered the parade in Logan with a line of ten Tote Goats carrying Lindhardt posters. All things considered, the convention turned out very successfully for the Kearns Jaycees and s, . , ed SANDALS re-elect- ed and vice-preside- Canvas Footwear SI .99 Women's and Men's COOL Lightweight SUMMER SHOES 4774 SOUTH REDWOOD KARL'S SHOES Kearns .Shopping Center : NOW! For EYE EXAMINATION ' .In GRANGER 266-448- 3 and . AIR CONDITIONING UNITS "We Service All Makes" -- Now In Stock ROAD FURNACES Ward to Sponsor Hawaiian Luau 2.99 $1.99 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Atoid is Air Conditioning Time CALL US BEFORE THE RUSH NOYCE FURNITURE & PAINT CO. Special - 5 DRAWER CHEST $14.95 5400 South 3500 West Phone AM -- in Call EL 5-62- 69 Dr. W. Gardner 2. Schmutz CONTACT LENS SPECIALIST Semes: tV EYE EXAMINATION CONTACT LENSES VISION TRAINING READING TRAINING GLASSES FITTED & REPAIRED 3786 Market St. Evenings by Appointment DURFEY DRIVE-I- an . CLEANERS N I - . V The Blir Ftncst 1795 Si'cC Worthy of your Trust m Sr SHIRT LAUNDRY 3974 WEST 5400 SOUTH CALL CY ! For our 2-W- ay Try our Cash 8-L- bs. EXPERT Radio & 8-26- 61 Pick-u- p bourbon whiskey Service 2Vf 1.49 ALTERATIONS - mnj bottitd irv Risatci Carry Dry Cleaning Only AUih KiiimVsnmnii, JJINTUCKY 4IM BEAM WHISKEY 85 PROOF DISTILLED KENTUCKY AND BOTTLED STRAIGHT BOURBON BY THE JAMES B. |