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Show THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1962 Kearns VFW Aux. Girl Scouts To Hold Social Evening Monday of the Kearns The Auxiliary VFW' Post 9322 is holding a social Monday evening to work oh their Quilt; They, plan to work on it again " Tuesday evening, The quilt will be on display soon and tickets for the raffle are on ' i I " Sale new. The drawing will be July 1 at Lagoon during the VFW outing. You need not be present to win. Tuesday, May 15, One of the fnembers, Mrs. Mary Hoskings, had & baby daughter. The Auxiliary is Wishing her a lot of luck. Irish Kincaid will undergo heart Surgery for the second time Wednesday, May 23. 4 State - Convention to be held in Brigham City. June 14, the Post and Auxiliary, will give a skating party (Continued from page 1) for all the children participating in the Poppy Sale, and a bingo Scout for five years. The Kearns VFW Post 9322 will into the relief fund to take care is in the process of being Elayne Williams, 16 year old hoi dtheir annual Poppy Sale Sat- of local veterans and their fam- party set up for this month. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. urday, May 26. The original cost ilies, and widows and orphans. Williams, completed her require- of the Poppy goes to Disabled Vetwill have ac July 8, They urge the public to donate ments for the Curved Bar in the erans all over the United States, with tivities the Salt Lake Bees; at least 10c per Poppy. Please give field of Citizenship. Elayne is a which, enables them to buy many generously. July 15, the Post and Auxiliary and member of Troop 173 in Granger, things which are needed. The. proRobert Herron proudly represent- families wil lhave a family picnic but she resides in Magna. She com- ceeds from the Kearns sales go ed Kearns at the State Marble Tour- at Murray Park, and August 19, pleted all of her requirements alone nament in Orem Saturday, May 19, theey will hold a steak fry at the because there is not a senior troop however the first place was won Storm Mountain picnic area. in Magna. When Elayne was asked Kearns Community The next meeting of the Post by St. George. how she liked the Girl Scouts, she be held jointly with the ladies will the two For the next months, Symphony Orchestra replied, I love it! 8 at p.m., June 19, at the home Post and Auxiliary will be busy In addition to completing all the Planned by Foundation with a number Del of of projects. Strickland, 3701 So. 7200 badges required for Second Class On June 1, 2 and 3, will be the West. Kearns Fine Arts Foundation is and First Class, these girls have put forth at least one year in time planning to sponsor a Community and efefort to earn the Curved Bar. Symphony Orchestra. The orchestra plans to meet weekly in rehearsal Congratulations! during the summer for a concert to KEARNS VFW POST TO HOLD ANNUAL POPPY SALE SATURDAY . . . the-Po- , m, y-- c; n New officers of the Kearns VFW Post 9322 Auxiliary are, left to right, Pat Porter, secretary and publicity chairman; Marie Sparks, conductress; Pauline Bowen, president; Wilma Franks, senior vice president; and Melba Jensen, guard. Absent at the time of the photo were Vi Pearson, guard; Betty Beach, treasurer; and Blanche Yates, junior vice president. 8:15 P.M. B I $150.00 JACK POT In C. of C. N Hold Meeting ' Vao Bowers, vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, conducted the regular monthly meeting at the Pizza Hut last Friday morning. The group was appraised of the committee working on the proposed change of 3500 South to 4100 South by the 'State Road Commission'. Facts will be presented to the mem bers as they develop. Arden B. Engebretsen, adminisGranger-Hunte- r 0 55 Numbers mm ' " r 18 : ''l ' W' Th THRIFT0H Senes 19" tube (overall dias.J 172 q. in. picture trative assistant to the works man ager at the Baccus Missile Center of Hercules, spoke on why a com pany choose a certain location for The oldest incorporated trade association in the country, . the United States Brewers Association, was organized in 1862 . . . the same year that A the plant , TRADE - TRADE UR HOME TlmrViAtiCL OblGunonocii Perfect second set for use anywhere In the house. Attractive, slim cabinet loaded with famous RCA Victor quality perAluminized Tube, formance features. Big, ''New Vista" Tuner and wonderful "Golden Throat" price! sound. A real vaiua at this Full-Pictu- For A NEW HOME TRI-LEV- IN UTAH . . . hoping for early statehood the people set up a complete state government to assume administration when that day came. This Ghost Government disbanded in 1870 without having served. From these early beginnings a modern govern ment emerged, meeting the costs with its many revenues. 1961, the brewing industry paid some $2,500,000 In excise taxes on beer sold in Utah. In addition, the industry paid local property taxes, income taxes, gas and sales taxes, and all other taxes common to business. Th ! it rn SPLIT LEVEL Rambler - Basements easy-to-bu- YOURS FOR ONLY gO per ONLY week y . CM Multiple Units We Build on " UR LOT" or "OURS" Tfit MOST TRUSTED NAME IN TELEVISION We Have a Full Line of CY CAROLE AM DANCY DEAN CY FURNITURE - APPLIANCES and T.V.'s 91 a.:.- li El. Super-Powerf- ul re IRIS TODAY In its centennial year, the United States Brewers Association still works constantly to assure maintenance pf high standards of quality and pro priety wherever beer and ale are served. .0 Debates Over r i G .$100.00 JACK POT 0 No More Family TV 2-- Granger-Hunte- SATURDAY, MAY 26th G be given the middle of September. We will welcome players not only from Kearns but from all surronnd-in- g communities. We would like nearly a hundred players. We wish this orchestra to be peopled by graduates of high school and college orchestras, past and present members of Granite Youth Symphony Orchestra, Westminster Symphony Orchestra, and others like caliber. Also with audition, we will welcome students who hope to qualify for the Granite Youth Symphony Orchestra or similar group next fall. (So dust off your instruments and practice a bit and try out for a chair in our new orchestra the 2nd of une, at 4 p.m. in Kearns North Stake Center. If you are interested in playing with us, please write or telephone one of the following: Iris Oscarson, chairman, 4836 So. 4180 West, or Edith S. Cummings, CY director, 4945 So. 4940 West, CY B ST. FRANCIS PARISH HALL N st jT . I... , j. 07 AT DISCOUNT PRICES! GALAXIE HOMES JRHSTURI 2990 W. 35 00 South - Granger CY 91 3400 SO, REDWOOD ROAD Phone AM |