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Show CO 0) 8 tr IT It 0) a co CD c i H- O c- Ha fO fl a . 4 Serving Kearnt, Granger, Hunter, Magna, Taylorsville oiume IX , . - 0m, The Fastest Growing Community In Utah' Salt Lake County, Utah, Thursday, May 24, 1962 Billie Jean Brower Wins Trophy The Ladies Auxiliary of the Kearns VFW Post 9322 is proud to announce that Billie Jean Brower cf the Oquirrh Hills Elementary 'School, won the first place trophy in the third grade division at the State Hopscotch Tournament' sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Orem, Saturday, May 19. Billie Jean, the daughter of Mr. ,and Mrs. William O. Brower, of Kearns, is the first gril from Kearns to win first place in the State 'Tournament. The fourth grade winner in the state competition was from Ogden and the fifth and sixth grade "awards went to Orem. rr 1 ff cr Number 27 Kearns North Stake News during the tourney expressed her deep feelings and those of the Auxiliary to the press Saturday The Kearns North Stake Conevening after the eventful and exall are ference will be held Saturday and citing day, and said, We very proud of you, Billie Jean. Sunday, May 25 and 26 in the Kearns North Stake Center. Saturday evening a movie of exceptional interest will be shown to parents and youth over 12, entitled, Science and Religion. The conference sessions Sunday will be at 10 a.m. 'and 2:30 p.m. A number of recent changes in . the wards and additions to the High Council will be announced at this time. , The City of Kearns, the Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW Post 9322 and the Oquirrh Hills Elementary School' wish to thank Billie' Jean iBrower for bringing the honor of the State Hopscotch Championship to Kearns. Billie Jean Brower happily displays the trophy she won in the State to Billie Jean Hopscotch Tournament last SaturCongratulations from the Kearns VFW Post 9322 day. She is also wearing the neckAuxiliary, on her victory Saturday lace she won in the school compeat the State VFWopscotch Tour- tition and the bracelet she received nament. as third grade champion for the Mrs. Pat Porter, who was present City of Kearns. The Kearns Stake High Council sponsoring a Chuck Wagon Breakfast on Memorial Day. is The event will be held in the Kearns Stake Center, beginning at 6 a.m. until 12 noon. The cost of the breakfast will be $3.00 per family, or 75 cents per sinigle adult and 50 cents per child. PTA Presents Water Cooler The PTA organizations from both sesisons of David Gourley School disclosed that they recently presented a water cooler to the school. It has been installed in the faculty room. This gift was presented in appreciation for the fine cooperation extended to the PTA of both sessions by the principals and faculties of the school. Mrs. Floyd Herlin pointing to the space reserved for Dix McMullen. She is explaining blank space in picture case to Mrs. Donald Poulson. KEARNS TOWN COUNCIL NEWS j n, Both sesisons of the David Gourley PTA pooled their funds and bought a PTA President Photo Case which was hung in the hall by the Granite School District. This case is large enoug to accommodate the pictures of twenty five president Six Kearns Girt Scouts Receive Awards ? At this time there is a picture of Mrs. Ernest Wessmafi, president Mrs. Arthur Lauber, presiTown Council at their last meet- 1959-60- ; 1960-6dent Mrs. Donald Poulson, ing. It was also noted that .these 1 1961-6No. Mrs. Floyd vehicles must be inspected and president ' No. 1961-62 Herlin, president licensed. The legal minimum age Mrs. Jack Stevenson, president for for operation of motorbikes and scooters is 1 5y2. Citations will be the coming year; Mr. Darrell McCarty, principal; and Mr. Charles issued to offenders. Solberg, assistant principal. There the to Anyone having objections is an open space reserved for the y Civic for 4. the June plans of Dix McMullen, who was photo subthe to is club asked Auditorium plans The youth sponsored by assistant Towrn principal until he was Town Council will begin Friday mit such objections to the called into the service earlier this ImCouncil. They will then submit night dances behind Kearns Refreshthem at the next meeting for this year. provement District in June. ments will be served at these purpose to be held in Midvale. It was announced that the. Ham dances and the curfew will be enGRANGER LIONS forced. There will be a 25 cent do- Radio Operators Club met with the CARNIVAL and HELD DAYS nation. These donations will be kept Granite School District to initiate a As in instruction. classes radio that such money time until enough SCHEDULE OF EVENTS has accrued to" rent a hall and hire result of this meeting. Granite District plans an adult education class Friday a name combo or band. 12 noon Open ccording to Mr. Bob Bullougb, to be given in the evenings. 2 p.m. Races and games, chilto the street . sweepers will come During the months of June, July dren 9 to 12 Kearns within the next few days and August, there will be' only one 4 suffip.m. Races and games, chilwhen the weather clears meeting of, the Town Council, a dren 12 to 14 will This month. generally meeting ciently. 6 p.m. Greased Pig Derby The Town Council would like to be on the first Monday of the 7 p.m. Bingo thank the students of Kearns Jun- month, according to Mr. Bullough. area of the citizens the to Reminder for ior High cleaning 12 Keamsr Sidewalks are to keep our Saturday-around the school. noon Open Litter cans have been obtained children off the street not our cars. 11 a.m. Games end races, chilsideon the and will be painted by the young- Dont park your cars dren 5 to 8 sters. They will then be placed in walks. . 6 p.m. Tofe'Gofe Soccer Game Those of you who have unthe area of the school1 and shop- 7 p.m. Bingb licensed cars parked bn the streets ping "center. . , , A ..warning to all kids thatmotof-- should make an effort :to move GRANGER COMMUNITY PARK bikes and , scooters are illegal oh them. Otherwise, these cars will be 3500 South 3600 West ... the sidewalks was .' issued, by the impounded. The Town Council disclosed that the chairmanship and two vice chairmanships for the Community Development Program are open for election. Any person interested in one of these positions is asked to submit their name to the council at the next regular meeting on Ivan Woodbury, president of the Home builders and tract developGranger Lions, announced the final ers are ""cooperating with the LionS touches to plans for their big car- Club in preparing a large map of nival have been completed. The the area to acquaint you with the carnival wil lopen Friday, May 25, fast growing Granger area. The and will be held at the Granger theme of the group is Granger, the Community Park. fastest growing area in the West. Schedule of events: of the carnival is Friday Open at 12 noon jWilf Tanner and Ed Shea. Thayne 2:00 PM Races and games for Acord, Ivan Woodbury and Ted children 9b 12 Eskesen are in charge of park ac4:00 PM Races and games for quisition and securing power for the children 12 to 14 rides. Bob Carter and Udell Ben-nio6:00 PM Greased Pig Derby ticket sales to merchants. Re7:00 PM Bingo freshment stands under Sharrell Saturday Open II A.M. Powell, Dahle Peterson, Ned Win11:00 AM Games and races for der and Dean Cannon. children 5 to 8 Harold Bell, Frend Vincent, Ray 6:00 PM Tote Gote soccer game Hemingway, John Woodbury and 7:00 PM Bingo Bill Paul, arranged the games and Several other contests for all age races Dan English, Pete Thompson groups will be announced during and Glen Wilson, contacted the the day. A number of prizes will church groups. The finances were be offered to the winners in each handled by Chet Fassio, John'Wells event. and Ken Adamson. The carnival will feature rides Bingo is under the direction of and concession stands. Several Roy Breeze, Temp Reynolds, Lowell booths will be set up by wards and Rassmussen, Gary Spencer and Ray organizations in the area. Knadis. Advertising and public reMiss Linda Howard, 4245 South lations under Flo Wineriterr Lynn 2200 West, daughter of Mrs. Don- Packerd and Bob Taft. Jesse Grover, ald E. Howard, was chosen queen Eskeson and to reign over the carnivals festivi- Kent Anderson, Ted for the Barber, arranged George ties Friday and Saturday. civic booths. and stands Contacting is The Tote Gote soccer game BarBill was under organizations new to Utah but from the advance Woodpublicity it is one of the most thrill- ton, Bob Carter and Ivan bury. ing games played. All proceeds from the carnival Arrangements have been made with Safeway Stores to offer dis- will be used by the Lions to imcount tickets at their Granger, prove the Granger Community Park. Kearns and Magna stores. These Church groups handling a concestickets will apply on all rides at sion will use the proceeds for their own projects. the carnival. 1; 2; 2; City-Count- . - . .. T . Left to right, Kathy Rigby, Blanche Masse, Kathleen Carrington, Cheryle Wells, Elayne Williams. Absent, Pat Masse. Last Friday, May 18, six Girl E. Rigby, received her award for in the Scouts from Kearns were awarded completing requirements the Curved Bar Award. This award field of Homemaking. Kathleen is is equal to the Eagle Scout Award a member of Troop 78 and has been that is earned by the Boy Scouts. in the Girl Scouts for about 4l2 Blanche Masse, 16, daughter of years. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Masse, reCheryle Weils, 13 year old daughcomter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. ceived her Curved Bar by pleting the requirements for the Wells, completed the requirements Out of Doors category. Blanche for the Curved Bar in the field of is in Troop Seven. In addition to Homemaking. Cheryle is a member receiving her Curved Bar, Blanche of Troop 78 and has been a Girl was elected from a group of about Scout for about 42 years., I like fifty girls to be sent on a trip to Scouting very much and plan to continue in Scouting as long as I Yellowstone this summer. Irene Masse, 15, daughter of Mr. can, said Cheryle. txi Sirs. SUftert Masse,. com- Kathleen Carrington, 15 year old pleted ner requirements for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Keith W. Curved Bar under the category of Carrington, earned her Curved Bar Arts. Irene has been a Girl Scout in the field of Art by painting an for eight years. original oil painting. She is a memKathleen Rigby, 13 year old ber of Troop 7 and has been a Thomas of. '.Mr. .andt Mrs. page 3) (See GIRL. SCOUTS, daughter t T y t S' 'r . f cf- - V.. -- .1 |