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Show PoorCOpu 'Page 4 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Thursday, December 23, IS3I Y gr 'mmmmW t You I , sp- -- 1 t tk f ; I - ) ,h y V ' f I' - o 'u 1 Vy 7tp Fii fY p I P fl n J t, L STORE Mo. v- In 1850 Col. I. M. proposed making Utah the headquarters of a stage E-M- and mail line operating between Missouri and San Francisco. He planned to make the trip twice a week for five months of the year. His coaches would carry 75 passengers for $250 each and he hoped ,n.the government would pay for hauling mail. In an attemept to convince backers of the need for his service Col. Estill did establish the Estill Express which carried some mail between lonely wives in the east and gold seekers in California. Some of these letters now are prized as collector items. Travel has always been important to Utah and whehever people are on the go 'they like to stop in clean surroundings. The United States Brewers Association works constantly to maintain wholesome conditions wherever beer, the light pleasant beverage of moderation is enjoyed. v L! u ii LiU li ia ty 1 - 10 p.m. Daily - TALL CAMS BEETS - PEAS - CARROTS - PRESERVES - PICKLES BEANS RED beANS SOUP - COCKTAIL ONIONS - JELLIES er.f0R& fliB, 1 k CAN POTATOES - RANCHO TOMATO CHERRIES - OK SPAGHETTI INSTANT POTATOES Fully Cooked HAMS 9 tb. can $49 PRODUCE RED POTATOES - 50 a- - fail iiiiiii.wiiru iiihi f Li Yeti? Register Tinges Move Always Been Vorfl :L CITY MARKETS something af Both M n !. l iAf 7 - Open 9 a.m. to center. ; if- '! a-- Scheme - f - 3335 SOUTH REDWOOD ROAD to 8 p:m: Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Sunday 9 STORE No. 2 - 4270 West 5415 South (earns ( y-uk- S'h, A man who hoped to make a fortune by transporting gold rusaers from Missouri to California was one of those wh. fresaw the value of Utah us a transpoi-tatio- , ! ' uv0 Ft f :&' kj?-- Go!d Rushing Skfkk ft kw Know,., ) ji$L riiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiii m in'iinum iiiiiiiiiiiiinii!i!iii!iii ijiunii m uii;i! iium YOUR Lbs. 9c CRISP, FRESH LETTUCE . 3 heads 25c SNOW WHITE TRIMMED CAULIFLOWER lb. Qc Assorted BITS 'O SEA LUNCH MEAT Lb. TUNA FISH Light Meat Lb. MUSSLEMAN'S MILD CHEESE l$ always ready to serve Its Communities, State! JFFEY and Nation With 1600 Troops in Fort LewisPe Crus Mix - 2 pkgs.25c Washington; Fort Hood Texas; and Fort for ' , Apple Sauce 2 cans 33c Leon-lJIFFE- Y ard Wood, Missouri. Utah Air Guardsmen are on a regular Airi Force Mission to PITTED OLIVES La Japan monthly. -- julllililililil!l III Mirada SALTINGS. Tails Cans 5. for M.J.B. COFFEE PURITY SUPREME 1 2 $100 lbs. 53c 2 nun IJ'llUiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiuijjjijiij lililllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllililJJiiiiigii ROSEDALE Pound Pounds ....s PRESERVES CLEANERS ' and SHIRT LAUNDRY Located East of Shopping Center Call CY FOR OUR 8-26- AY 3 lb. jar Y TALL CANS DOG FOOD RADIO PICK UP SERVICE f Berry Patch Within minutes one of our trucks will pick! up your cleaning or shirts Cash and Carry BEEF -- TURKEY -- CHICKEN T. V. DINNERS Family Tested FROZEN Lbs- - for only $,49 For Saving" Time and Money This Service Beats Anything! I? 6-o- 14 for$1 z. Can ORANGE JUICE 43' DRY CLEANING ONLY 0 Pkgs. CHEESE 2 lb. Pkg. 7! 61 2-W- $1,35 MIXED W VEGEMBU DRIVE-I- N 69c for PACKAGE H: STICK! for EXPERT ALTERATIONS Ml OPEN NtW YiARS DAY : 00 H |