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Show POOr Cow Page 2 Thursday, December THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS 32 CY Picture like a new one, Down $5.00 Month. Northeast Furniture, CY corner Kearns. So-We- st and generators $6.50 and up with your old one. CY REBUILT STARTERS CATERING SERVICE E DISHWASHER. Like new condition WEDDING? Let us do your HAVING A $69.95. Nothing down, $5.50 month. So We have a package service, ol running. West Furniture. Northeast corner Kearns 55 Invitations, Photography, Flowers, Refreshments, Etc. Very reasonable. Call Western Auto. PAINTS BEAUXS AM CY GAL. HEAVY Gauge Trash Burner Ready to use $2.50 Norge Laundry & Dry Cleaning Village, 2802 V. 3500 So Refriaerator real good. east Corner Kearns So-We- st JOSEPH L. SLOAN, Publisher CY BELLS & CATERING SERVICE IS YOUR FURNACE SAFE? Furnace cleaning at low winter rates. CY e and 40 GAL. WATER Heaters. VERY LOWEST PRICES in town. Guaranteed 10 years Western Auto, Kearns Shop- for Hay, Bicycles, Guns, Fishing Tackle, Rings, WORE WANTED Watches, Boats, Rotors, or what have you. See NEL'SO'N'S USED WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. Furniping Center. CARS. of Bowling Alley. ture. North East Comer Kearns CY USED REFRIGERATORS, Washes, Stereo, LET'S SWAP Call us. TRADE your smeller TEM home' for this spacious 3 bedroom, 2 $15.00 and up. CHECK OU1. USE LIST. Western Auto, Kearns Shopping bath, full basement home. Builtins, carHOUSES Center. peting, drapes, landscaped. Call CY Wostndge Realty Don King.. a Ton Truck. Ex$300 DOWN. Move in for Xmas. 1958 INTERNATIONAL FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES full basement Home. Large kitchcellent running condition. Call CY en, Birch cabinets, hardwood floors. No FREE loan of oar efficient Carpet Sham-pooclosing costs. Keams Dorris CR with purchase of Blue Lustre VILL TRADE a 3 bedroom, full basement Don, CY Westridge Realty. Shampoo. Wes 'em Auto Supply. home with 13A baths, 18 ft. kitchen, built-iand even hardwood floors, FLOWERS GOOD USED Blackstone Washer- - Western range. For CLEVEPORT. Call CY CY . Vim Ww Valieij Works Furniture. North $59.95. Mr1 So-We- st CY 30 Dav- of and (Mrs. William V. Wright, 563I So. 4270 West. He is presently at tending Brigham Young University as a sophomore in business man agement. His brother Douglas also attends the Y, and another brother John, is a student at Granger Higi School. . GOOD USED WASHERS -- $15.00 and up. Western Auto, Kearns Shopping Cen ter, CY FRIGIDAIRE A Entered as 2nd Class matter at the Post Office at Salt Lake City Utah under the Act of March 3, 1879 IF YOU WANT TO RENT your property Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year; Single Copy 5 cents LETS SWAP we have a waiting list. We collect your ESTABLISHED 1954 rent, pay your mortgage and handle all WFBUY SELL TRADE Used fuml-turPublished weekly by Valley View News Publishing Company tt details. For best real estate manage& Furniture, Appliances. ment see us. Member of Multiple ListCY 8 3529. Salt Lake County, Utah ing Bureau. REED DAVIS INC., CY Box 18513 - Kearns, Utah Office Post WILL TRADE Your choice of used cars CY BENNETT'S ar All makes re- WE BUY HOME EQUITIES. Call Reed is, CY work. Calls $3.00. paired. Guaranteed CONSOLE T.V. $49.95. Nothing p.m. a minimum of 45c per insertion SERVICE. T.V. LRIMLEY FOR SALE Elder Wright is the son Elder William (Bill) Wright of the Kearns 8th Ward is a returnee from the Australian Mission. He recounted the experiences of his two-yemission to New South Wales and Thursday Island to members of the 8th Ward during a recent sacrament meeting. or mail them with your Place your Wan! Ads by calling CY Kearns Box 18, Utah remittance to P. 0. 513, at 8:30 is Elder Wright From Australia Returns VALLEY VIEW NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINE IS MONDAY Classified Advertising: 15c per line, with 28, - lst So-We- st T- - $100 REWARD For information leading to er 2 WE NEED YOUR RENTALS. Call CY or CR W?8ridge Realty. Northeast Corner Kearns, CY Co. FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL CY Nothing Furniture So-We- RUBBER STAMPS RUEBER STAMPS for every business professional or personal use Quality, value and prompt guaranteed. Larson Rubber Stamp Co. CY water NEW 40 gal. glass-line- d heater. Orig. $95.00, 10 yea guarantee. 6u. $75.00 or best offer. CY BRAND 1 I ARTISTIC AND REASONABLE for all occasions weddings, Flowers funerals, hospitals, anniversaries, parties and dances. We give short notice weddings our special attention. Also, arches, hearts, pillars, stands, cupids, hurricanes, separators and delivery service. OKESON FLORAL, 1 Mile East of Keams. CY AM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT FORD Sta. Wagon, Exc. Condition just overhauled New Paint $350.00 IF YOU ARE LEAVING town I will per-- 1 or best offer. CY serially look after your home to see that it is procerly taken care of. Miller FOR SALE ell & Rowel 8 M.M. mqvie or AM camera. Light 3ai and Screen. CY Real'y, CY convic- tion of person or persons who picked up red Irish Setter hunting dog on Sunday, Dec. Oat 35th Sounth and Redwood Road. n Auto. Pc. BEDROOM Set $69.95 down, $5.00 month. arrest and Contact Shafer at BUI JOE'S SPORTING GOODS Phone AM AM 32 1954 - '54 '55 '55 '55 $465.00 $595.00 $595.00 $595.00 Lewis Bros. Stages 1 360 South West Temple St. I Phone ELgin all your fencing needs. You ftKEARNS install or we install. Ace Fence and I! CY Awning. I SALT LAKE CITYl SCHEDULES and in a Brand New Package too ! Valley North-Ea- Every drop of Old Mr. Bostons new Bottled in Bond is 100 Kentucky Whiskey at 100 proof! Inside jj v : full-bodie- that handsome new bottle n IF SERVICE on your T.V. or appliance ie costing too much. A new one may Furniture 00 00 00 West Bound T.V. & 00 00 THIS GREAT BOTTLED IN BOND IS NOW 100 KENTUCKY. . . Leave Kearns Leave S.L.C. and GUARANTEED SERVICE. Radio Service, Auto Radio Repairing. T.V., 3998 W. 5400 So. CY 00 00 00 00 77 & East Bound GRANGER RADIATOR SERVICE, 4795 W. 3500 So. Cleaning, Recoring. All work guaranteed. Free delivery. CY FINEST LIQUORS Depot SERVICES So-We- st :: on small engines. Lawson and Power Products. All work guaranteed. 5335 So. 4320 West Phone CY the wonderful flavor of supe- - Treat yourself to the Kentucky bourbon with every fine quality of more expensive brands Old Mr. Boston Bottled in Bond! . 0 0 n, 00 ... 0 00 T.V. SERVICE For those who want the best. Parts and labor guaranteed. Calls $2.50. CY or EL OLD SALE Y Phone AM a -- B3 32 .B .K. H ,B ..H H E3.H..H.E1 ES suita 479 South 6th East 9 D ORDER'S TO a Si O" EL I ! 9-69- GO' OUT ; aai B 00 9 00 00 Straight Bourbon Whiskey 3 ' KENTUCKY WHISKEY . A BLEND HOrtCot V A.HO Bottled at lighter 80 proof the whiskey proof preferred by Europeans and Cana- TON i) Mv KENTUCKY-STRAIGH- T BOURBONWHiSKEY M Available In Fifth's U dians! So good its A 80 proof Kentucky blended whiskey. and Pints y 1 :: n nnn ffiOTsI 00 00 H 84 a el a d o d n n o 0 ii OPEN 24 HOURS and SUNDAY a 80 PROOF Kentucky 00 s a m :S3 a y Salt Lake City OLD Mr. BOSTON 100 PROOF 00 8- 11 and NAM 00 00 00 00 00 00 0.0 00 .. ITLED NOYCE FURNITURE & PAINT CO. . FOR KENTUCKY CHARACTER 80 PROOF MILD . 00 PRE-INVENTOR- d rior Kentucky bourbon, painstakingly distilled, patiently aged, and Bottled in Bond right at the peak of perfection. :: st CY ONE DAY SERVICE Briggs-Stratto- W4 Keams. REWARD for the return of a Lady's Bracelet Brand Bulova Wrist Watch. Lost in Kearns, Dec. 20th. CY Comer Keams, . M FROSTOP ROOT BEER and . Sandwich McDougal's Frostop Northeast Comer, LOST be cheaper MM MISCELLANEOUS CARS FOR GOOD UL-EREDWOOD SALES 3330 So. Redwood Rd. Chev. Bel A:r 4 Dr. P.G. Chev. 4 Dr. Good Cond. Ford 4 Dr. Sia Wagon Mercury 2 Dr. Ha,d Top CALL US for MM :s 0J0 K M f'JNTElXIGENCETN J'HE,PURCHASE t 7, . MODERATION IN THE ENJOYMENT. ;: ; ::;k : : k : : m : : : : : : ; : :: : : :: : : :: :: :: : : ::: : KENTUCKY WHISKEY A BLEND, m : :: :: ... ... . GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. MR. BOSTON DISTILLER INC, BOSTOnTmAsS . M : |