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Show f Ihursday, December 28, 1961 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Page 3 I RESOLVE Anything not to buy a Rolls I RESOLVE that I will not let mythis Royce self be shot out of a cannon. year. I RESOLVE not to go dancing with I RESOLVE not to watch TV beMarilyn Monroe this year. (Even tween 3 AM. and 5 A.M. if my wife would let me.) So there are an even dozen resI RESOLVE not to go over Niagra olutions that Im bound and de Sos by Rolf IF. Kay For many many years I have Falls in a barrel. I RESOLVE not to have lunch with President Kennedy in 1962. I RESOLVE not to give each of my So this year Fm going to make ome serious resolutions that I inkids a million dollars each when have been breaking New Years end to keep. As a matter of fact, they turn twenty one. . m esolutions. I have finally figured going to put them in print here I RESOLVE that I will not take a md now so my friends and family ut why this hap-- f trip to the moon next year. I RESOLVE not to walk a tightrope can check on me to see if Ive broklens every year.ll? between the Empire State Builden any of them. So here ,'ts simply be-- , are: they ing and the Chrysler Building. :ause the resolu- I RESOLVE not to take a trip .ions I make are around the in world 1962. and VERN BRUNDAGE inimportant rivial. I break!; I RESOLVE not to bore anyone UPHOLSTERY hem b e c a u s with my explanation of Einsteins WE COVER OLD FURNITURE here is no real! of relativity. theory TO LOOK LIKE NEW leaning b e h i nd! Rebuilt Furniture our Specialty I RESOLVE not to ride any wild hem. After all CY EL to kangaroos down Main Street. ;s silly make; esolutions 1 i k'ej rving money, being nice to your 'ife and nonsense like that. They ont mean much so you really ont intend to keep them. been making New Years resolutions. And for many many years termined to keep. You have my permission to check with me at the end of 1962. If Ive broken any of these resolutions, x resolve not to make any more New Years 34 o 0ooo Vo n & 03 FUNERAL HOMI: .ocal Servicemen News Ronald J. Liston, son of Mr. ad Mrs. J. F. Liston, 4776 West 745 South Kearns, who has been ationd in San Diego, Calif., is erne on leave for 14 days. At the id of his leave he will report to le Naval Air Station in Jackson-lle- , 7 Florida, for semanths train-- g and then will go to the Train-- g Technical School in Memphis, cnn., where he will train in mis le electronics. Because of his attaing the high-- t score on the test, Mr. Liston as theonly man from his group receive this type of training. WE WILL ALLOW $5000 To $100 FOR TRADES t THIS SALE! KEARNS BOWLING LANES .... We Will Accept Now "TRADE-INS- " ALWAYS AND OPEN TRADES ON TRADES PLAY AND 22 OTHER TRADES BRUNSWICK LANES LIQUID ORGANIC Concentrated This Is Your Chance To IMPROV SHAKLEE'S 'LL CLEAN BUY NEW FURNITURE OR TRADE WHAT Cleans Everything In the House YOU NOW HAVE FOR SOMETHING BETTER rom the Ceiling to the Floor EASY TO YOU HAVE NOT SHOPPED UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN OUR VALUES USE - SHAMPOO -- BATHING AUNDPvY - SPOT REMOVER RUGS - UPHOLSTERY and many other uses VE THANK. THE KEARNS MERCHANTS FOR THEIR HELP IN " FURNITURE NORTHEAST CORNER KEARNS A. NOBODY ANYWHERE BEATS OUR PRICES r NOTHING DOWN NO PAYMENT UNTIL MARCH FINANCING THE MESSIAH r o CY 8-35- 29 43 |