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Show 1 Ui NATIONAL f" v,v t:.p - 7 ! V" ,A' -- V: A Y" AScgufl... ' . "? . ' - O'"' ; , . ; ; ? " ' ' " A A t , ' .7C-.- y t A-, A ' 1. . ' V, , ' , - I i j L , ' -- 'r- - sV'-' .A, S , uH 1 1 - f ; -. - V-- 'm A ! l i s , f ! f !l x I 'irsf j l..t i . a. - i. , j j - 7" r . s. . v 1 1" U- T i - Volume 8 Salt Lake Countj ... ....Tj3. ' v " ' V y V' VA. .'A. ! : ' J ! ,5 ii . ..' - . w Serving Kearns, Granger, Hunter, Magna, Taylorsville . .. , . ivVw.l ' V l. W- - V I Nl I - '(, A -- . - v y . , ,. :" ., . ' , v - !- . ' , : '' . -- 1 " J ... v. , J L s ? . I EDITORIAL 'OT7T'' JL. . ( f -- , ! -- D " W ,AA, , .. The Fastest Growing Com:rv:niiy In Utah Utah, Thursday, December 28, 1961 W m f"' cf Po hM w c H C2 QjTCumber 6 JT '$m4 4 SoUt by Joe Mrs. Merril Nelson is home from a short sojourn to the hospital. President Nelson reports she is doing very well. Nice to b? home for Christmas. has been seen around the desk at the Kearns Bowling Lanes since it opened has changed jobs. Kay could not leave the building, so she moved to Darrells Beauty Salon. One of the largest membership meetings was held by the Kiwanis Club last week at the Pizza Hut. The 'Sugar House Club had an interclub meeting with the Kearns Club. Turkey and all the trimmings was served. A film showing the Colorado River and the construction of the new dam was shown. We hear several dogs have been stolen during the past few weeks and are advised this is a racket. Only good and expensive dogs are stolen and are then taken out of state and sold. If our readers should see a dog being picked up call William A. Bill Dawson re- turned from a quick trip to Washington. He reports the weather was very bad in Chicago. On making my rounds on Christmas day I saw something that made me realize there is still a lot of honest Christmas spirit left. Ait Thompson, owner of the A & H Market, took care of a very needy family that had been too proud to ask for help. One for sure this thing family will hi able to eat for several days. Sub-for-Gan- ta Net Savings Gain for 1961 to Exceed Last Year's 30 Per Cent j It is shocking, when given some serious thought, to see how one d can alter the Christmas season and, indeed, the whole lives of two families. And serious thought is just what this problem equires. split-secon- CY The Sheldon Holmes family will spend a week or so with their son, Doug, who is stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington. Seems as This is exchange week I can rethough Sheldon waited too long to member when I clerked in a store. have the son spend Christmas in seem possible for dear did not It Kearns. Doug is doing a sojourn friends buying a gift so far off size. with the National Guard. o the merchants in our comMany will keep their extra help munity on whose Such face for Kay Thomas, smiling exchanges. ; Last week in this paper, a few sidelights about the death of one of our school crossing guards were Drought out. In general, it was suggested that all of us, as citizens, must share somewhat in the blame for this tragic accident. Sign Destroyed by Careless Driver Careless driving is the cause oi most of the traffic accidents but a driver must be real careless tc hit and destroy a sign off the mair highway and 10 or 12 feet abovt the ground. According to Ken Mattson, owner of Norge Laundry & Cleaning VilConsider, for a moment, these lage, a truck evidently took a short cut in front .of his business and facts; Kearns has an absolute speed 25 mph; the speed in any completely wrecked part of his imit of is 20 mph; any person school zone sign. who drives this area knows where school zones on their routes are Sub.for- - Santa and knows also that children are to be attending school at allikely x Helper Extended most any hour. Net savings gains in 1961 of year by more than 30 per cent, a Thanks by Council The Kearns Town Council exUtahs insured savings and loan as- Utah Savings and Loan League ofsociations will exceed those of last ficial predicted Thursday. pressed their thanks and appreciation to all who helped make the In a special report to members, program a success. Louis S. DiEnes, chairman of the Mrs. Bench reported that there leagues public information commit- were even extra toys to begin next tee, said that net savings gains of years project with. the insured associations were ahead Sub-for-San- Cub Scouts Plan To Hold Pow Wow Jan. 20 of last years by 31.3 per cent for the first 11 months. Net savings gains through November were $21.18 million compared with $16.13 million for the same period in 1960, Mr. DiEnes said. Net savings gains of the associations last year were higher than in any previous year in their history. The 1962 Copper Hills Cub Scout n Pow Wow will be held at the High School, 9351 South State jStreet, January 20th. I The affair Will start at 1 p.m. The midway and exhibits will be Included were gains of American from 1 to 1:45 p.m. Home made Wmes and handicraft items will be Savings and Loan Association with exhibited. Every Cub Pack will pro- a branch at Granger. vide a home made game as well At the end of November, 1961, midway and handicraft items. total savings in Utahs insured asA .general assembly will meet sociations were $178.6 million, combriefly from 1:45 to 2 p.m. to meet pared with $157.5 a year ago, Mr. Uie instructors, receive prizes won DiEnes said in his report. ;n the midway and to receive room The insured associations have inissignments for specialties. the number of their savings creased Specialties will be held from 2 to accounts by 12,417 during the past 5:30 p.m. Each preson will choose different specialty and stay with year, bringing the total number of j accounts to 127,663 at the end of his group until 5:30 p.m. November. i Refreshments will be served in The number of loans for the purihe middle of the afternoon. chase of homes on Utahs insured Committee members: General savings and loan association books Chairman, Arland Russon; Arrange-metn- s. at the end of November were at Dale Bello; Promotion, Gen- an e high: 25,851 loans eral Chairman, Joseph Sloan; Stans-ouramounting to $232,381,160. This Jack Cox, Jordan, Stan Sharp compares with 23,167 loans, and Redwood, Ken Densley; Mid- amounting to $199,860,407, a year way, Paul Pelch; Exhibits. Raymond ago. Johnson; Ceremonies, Stunts and The insured associations of the 3kits, Neldon Lemmon; Games, Fred Griffiths; Pack Administration, state during November made 521 Ted iSeal; Handicraft, Charles John- loans, amounting to $8 million for ston; Den Chief Conference. Robrt the purchase of hemes. This comjCerr and.Executive Staff Advisors, pares with 362 loans, amounting to 7red 'Day and 'Mac Gardner. $5 million, in November, I960. Jor-ida- all-tim- y. Citizens must share some of the shame for this and other accidents by their inconsistent attitudes on law enforcement, indifference to important issues and apathy at the noils. Why dont we quit looking "or someone to pass the burk tn There isnt one person reading this )aper who cannot admit privately o some infraction of the law or a moment of carelessness. This sort of thing could have happened to any one of us. ta The Public Safety Committee of the Council has written three letters concerning the recent fatality in Kearns of a crossing guard. The letters addressed to the County Commissioners, to the County Sheriff and to the Granite Board of Education, seeK to determine what steps can be taken to prevent the reaccurance of such a tragedy. Mr. John Boy den, attorney for the improvement district, is currently investigating a technicality in law which has temporarily stopped the progress on the civic center. The Youth Committee recently working on the civic center has new plans to set-u- p ema teen-ag- e ployment service to provide gainful employment for local teens. Also on their agenda are plans to initiate various hobby clubs, (ham radio operators, etc). It has been reported that person or persons are attempting to solicit money for contribution to the civic center fund. The Council warns Keamsites that no such solicitations have been authorized and anyone being approached is urged to immediately contact the Sheriffs Office with particulars. The Council sent a wire of endorsement to New York on the proposed merger of the Bank of Kearns and Zions First National Bank. This merger is designed to provide Kearns with better banking services. The next Town Council meeting is scheduled for January 8 at the Kearns Jr. High. Praise is due for those interested citizens who champion the cause of better lighting, signs, etc. Dont give up your good work. It is discouraging to note, for example, the case of the 5600 West railroad crossing where investigation by the Public Service Commission failed to produce electric signals, that n.uch of their work is to no avail. This mishap should not be used as an excuse for snide remarks about the County Sheriffs Office. Little credit is given this overworked and understaffed organization. These men are employees just like the rest of us and we have no right to expect more of them than we are willing to give to our employers. Lets not wait for another to make us take a good tragedy look at the guy (or gal) behind the guy in front of us! Local PTA News With Pix of New World Globe . Mrs. Petuskey, librarian; Mr. Jack-ma- n, principal, and Mrs. Bastian, PTA president, viewing points of interest on new world globe. West Kearns PTA presented gifts to the school before the Christmas holidays. As their gift to the school they selected a beautiful 16 illuminated world globe. The revolving world stands on legs and was presented to Mrs. Petuskey, school librarian, to be placed in the library for the students use. Mrs. Petuskey remarked that the few children who had been able to enjoy it so far were far better able to comprehend the relationship of the countries to one another in ;heir world structure. A leather briefcase was presented to Mr. Max Jackman in appreciation of his fine endeavors as school principal. GOOD HEALTH, PEACE AND PROSPERITY riuiiummiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiimiiiiimimiiiiimuuimiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiii |