Show the time for emigrants EXECUTIVE utah may loth 1869 S MR please publish the annexed extract ot of an official communication received by me from general A S johnston commanding the department of utah in reply to my requisition tor for or troops to protect persons and property on the northern route to california and persons person who contemplate leaving the territory A CUMMING EXTRACT HEAD QUARTERS department of utah CAMP T may 5 to nn 1113 excellency A clummings Go GOVERNOR vennon vERNon or urah UTAH TERRITORY SIR 0 iii lii V it per persons bono sono dimtrois del dis trois ot of emigrating from the territory coald could assemble at a given gisen time and place with their fam fim illes trains stock etcy etc complete protection protections by a escort could be ile given them and should I 1 be notified by any considerable number of such intention I 1 will furnish the force for the protection with great respect your obedient servant signed A S JOHNSTON colonel 21 caa cava and brevet brig gen US USA ACom chomg g mm ss and nd CABINET maeer MAKER ward appo B D site bite P H young toung ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE ON HAND or made to order of all sll 11 ll muda taken in 4 am T FURNITURE on hand almy establishment ward t G S L city common and dining dinine cb chain airs congress and arm chairs rocking and childrens chair lounges table tables bedsteads ac I 1 have a wall mail GRIST milu HILL and can grind grain toi for ferd feed at bort boro dim nim nolice wheat and flour taken in exchange for furniture nt itt J jac C LITTLE bowa KOWa iANS select SCHOOL HE tb rd quarter of this institution will commence OB on T ank Mi monday ticlay the of this thib month months in tife tire mory dory t ry of 0 tiie the social hall hll hours of attendance attena anoe ance will b rom 8 to II 11 in the forenoon and I 1 to 4 afternoon rha tha following branches branche will be taught reading Red ln anzi ln writing writing ArlA aria larth eng rag ish grammar grammars and geography terms terna reading and spellings spelling 3 per quarter and tor for or tuition la in each additional branch 1 extra ezira ano anc the preceptor takes this opportunity of informing all who desire to the that the pu ment ix be in advance ad vanc 10 3 01 castrau a L no notices ti STRAYED OIL OH STOLEN F prom FROM form foric on tilt wednesday april 27 0 one ne potted t roan steer lour em ears old branded brar brai idel oil lett left I 1 horn born J 11 RUMELL zloy also from herdy herds one red two years old steers ster tr star la in forehead 0 of n rete lete aarow acro the ibe haltof hait halt of the til tail tall white whitt brandeal Bran dedon dett deil on left bb thou lder luer 00 whoever will give sive me of the above animals shall thail be liberally rewarded 10 3 J it WOOL CARDING ephe tue TUK carding machine ai at lital will be in operation in JL afew a tew few days da and sand will continue to ruu run the beason reason A liberal share bhare of the ilia public patronage pati anae is solicited i 9 am SNOW PEACOCK LIQUORS desirous of doping out our cur extensive exten ex tens sye ve mock stock ol 01 BEING liquors we will seii keil lula luls LOUIS luia WHISKY at THREE DOLLARS FIFTY per tier GALLON prother PJ Other LIQUORS in proportion 1 ir tf miller LLER RUSSELL co tire THE FARM laal lAai REOPENED KE RE OPENED LIJA ha lia iru irn ted tid the file pr praises far farally ably E ELIJAH known know n as the house 24 south street ward word about oliree abr ee blocks east ot of Rd rord cabot co s sure where lle lie deigns keeping a firo fira cias clas boarding house and anil solicits I 1 he patronage ol 01 the public noa bon rd a and nd lod nod lodging g I 1 it g PC per r week we e k 1100 boar hoar without lodging Lod nod gins glus per week noard isoard dy days sirgie niale abeal 75 supper lodging and breakfast good and aud curral ou on the required in advance 82 8 2 am m GREAT excitement AMONG THE TILE PI UTES inES fane lie payson manufacturing are now ready to T J do all kinds of forging fitting abid burning for machinery and mill work their nali nail factory will be ready for oper operation atlon in lit a few days merchants and outliers wl I hing to supply them selves belv s with nalis nails or mill works will do well to send bend in their orders soon all work rk entrusted to us warranted to be done in a workmanlike anner manner tn we will receive in exchange for our work and nalls nails cash casby cashy iron wagons cattle pork butter cheese chette wheat and most kinds of produce sabih SABIN BEEBE CO K X B A journeyman blacksmith capable of forging all kinds ormill 0 work and machan ry wanted also aiso a fireman to beat iron for rolling men with nille niile nl lle ile would be preferred 9 am CRACKERS FOR THE TILE ILLION MILLION GLOBE BAKERY NEXT DOOR TO livingston LIVINGS TON KINKEAD AND CO fl a STORE STOKE RD GOLIGHTLY begs bees to thank his patrons for pa it past favors and elicits an ine ini of his present stock of crackers Crack ere cre etcy etc or of the different of aichs viz vii milk crackers butter crackers rs bothun Cracker crackers Crac kerf kerr Fl and hard bread be he has hag a large quantity always in i n handy bandy hand band so that emigrants to the gold lold mines minea ele tle eirew ilk lit litre re can tan be supplied with a ailt outs out ot of the best mate motel lal lai and at moderate price at a mon moments lents lenta notice FINE FINK LIGHT BREAD hot at 6 5 pm everyday every day dat pound cakes wedding cakes sugar crackers cakes bum buns aber wine vine anti kuti dyspeptic sodd coda and other biscuit indue to order att UNITED STATES MAI mal L COACH FOR THE CAPITAL been completed ret let running A a semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY LINE lie lre between tween salt lake city and fillmore Fill Filiti more mory lorey loret the stages conveying the UNITED U lied STATES MAILS lil ill I 1 L S will leave salt lake city and Fil willinore linore pot port knees offices every monday and thur thui day at 7 am and make the trip through in three days those desirous of 0 traveling with safety and speed to and tr tri m the southern part of the territory will d dj well to avail themselves of this opportunity FARE from SALT LAKE CITY to PROVO 3 00 SALT CHELK cheek 6 goo 00 FILLMORE CITY 12 oo 00 fare to be paid or arranged fur at the timm time of 0 starting all Bag gages or pr cf taken by re charged extra JOHNM JOUN M bollwinkel bullwinkel 9 tt tr contractor TO THE yge TRAVELING PUBLIC am a on and after the gih dar day of bray aray ISSO we the undersigner undersigned under signed will commence running a DAILY LINE ab nb ur OF pile italis STAGES wrom from GREAT SALT LAKE CITY TO CA CAMP FLOYD and from CAMP FLOYD to G S L CITY leaving each point punctually at 8 AM ADI and arriving at 2 PM rai we have now FOUR FOUK CHANGES of horses on the road alsoc also good and commodious coaches and careful dri driver drivers vers verr therefore we feel warranted in saying that we can carry passengers pat through in in SIX HOURS N 0 avi eua CUA cewill we will be ready to receive horses horse on livery may 10 bythe by the day dy we week or month mouth at our NEW STABLE tn in great salt L lake a ke city on the hobt reabon reason reasonable able abie terms horgea ho bes oes and Carr carn carriages C lages laRes to let at all hours night or day our new CARRIAGES and bugg less tess ies now on the w way why 1 y from california will be here in a few week weeks when w we e will be able to accommodate the public with the finest turnout TURN out ott in utah territory X 0 1 eiva CIVA we will run nm an EXPRESS in connection with our stage line between camp floyd and great salt lake city no letters loiters will be received or carriea carrien Ls u except the postage Is prepaid on each letter twenty five cents all xii ili LII passe pass ingers bag baggage ralle gaile weighing over forty pounds will be charged at the rate of nive five cents per pound all package weighing under TEN pounds fri rii willbe fil be taken fer for FIFTY CENTS each all ail over ten pounds will be taken at the rate of five cents per pound pounds the undersigned undersigner under signed will not be responsible for any trunk package packages parcel or any other othe r of property whatever every except receipted for hy by otar our Agil agents at each end of the route A liberal share of public patronage Is earnestly solicited office in great satt salt lake city next door dobr to the post rest office WILLIA WILLIAMS fill sc JACK mair MAiv proprietors frask FRANK D GILBERT agent at great salt lave lake city J W mcfadden SU S 9 U tt agent A gent fent at cosimp k lioyd joyd leod nii nit bobs aub nub L KB ILE now opening a and ond splendid stock of staple A DRY mry GOODS AND GROCERIES just received by aay any or in part 0 or tue the tu following yard yards brown sheeting prints blue Bloe drills Drilla A prime article of tea call and examine for tor yourselves vt small smail profits ready saie tale and quick returns IR sit our motto remember Ke member L stewart BROTHER 9 stephen goddard doddard od dard new bif east temple street II 11 THATCH eil cil A received direct from call ahli rh li a fine assortment II 11 bf consisting OF yard yards domestic DOME mome STir 1000 BLEACHED boo hoo IlIC HICKORY KORY mory ISO dih dibs DRESS dregs S PRINTS PRIM 2300 2500 2500 2100 yards yard DEMM LAWS LAWN and G ING und a good article of TEA things too numerous nume rou to mention The above articles will kiil be sold euld at wholesale ur or retail as cheap aa us the tiie cheapest at if ir 9 2 an n 1 11 12 1 2 blocks south ut or uie vie court noue houe NEW goodse lew NEW GROBS rs RADFORD CABOT co have nave just received direct from california a large assortment of ms dwy G coody 0 0 us C cac eme V consisting OF BROWN dolf BLUE DRILLING DRILLS G PRINTS or of all kinds kincl LAWNS SCOTCH PLAIDS FLANNELS UK DF LAINE thread PINS ac RIBBONS kibbons AND DRESS TRIMMINGS at ac DYE SI of all kinds alf of which we will eeli meli 11 at the I 1 lowest cort cost prices price str S tf senning SELLING OFF fene subscribers being belne desi desirous rou of closing out their prest 1 sni eul tui ui lit ot of GOODS would inform their former patrons patron and thu the public generally that they have yet left iett an n assortment or of BOOTS AND SHOES nard HARD HARDWARE WA REcon consi stingy slating in uart part of door lock docksy knob antl anil thumb lat latches chesy chess butts rate kate sn ada shutter bluges hl hine hile ne 1 trap and anil T liuget F hasps and but Lut butch butchers chers ersy knives ac ac aw books boots hats bate cipf rendy ready made clothing cioth cluth lnE ine fancy veau ind hosiery bobinet bilks bilk flowers braids buttons butto bulto nF gloves hiitt umbrellas para bole S lead rous roua ilna llna Vict victoria orla oria cap uette urese trimmings fringe fringes lace ac also aiso powder black lead if ad saltpeter salt pete chalk mountain to in copperas copp erab and aud alum and palls pall also a few of HODGES STEEL PLOWS circular and upright saws mahogany and black walnut veneering steel hoes boe ac ac all nil of which wili wit be oid old bold low for tor adah block stock stocks wool wheat wheaty oat onto barley and corn E D WOOLLEY moo for the following articles deseret currency will be taken kern fini fin coatey coate debts and rotates tine rine noes ribbons hobery ho lery lery Iery nc and anil stile sile coni tit artificial flowers buttons bonnet ummer summer shawls cap nett licit ladle ladie lac lat iier ller riding batsa neck ties tiep cravat sy drugg hot shot i pouches sta ta ti onery c kc 3 E D WOOLLEY CO MJ NEW GOODS G 5 ast U S A A wllliam willlam iiii 1111 NIXON east esst temple streets street be between the deseret heading reading roam and saloon and john willis willii bakery AS jupt received a choice lot of assorted merchandise U HAS to which tle tie wishes to call the attention intention ut bia bla old friends and aud the public generally la in part ot of TEA TOBACCO COFFE CO FEE LEWISS no I 1 ac 2 SUGAR GRAPE VINE RICE R H BUFFALO CHIPS CANDY in C chief hief NUTMEGS strawberry am and d oth er choice brands PEPPER and CEGARS a all nil 11 kinda kindo of 0 spice HOSTON BOSTON SOAP INDIGO mauder COTTON YARN LIQUORS WITH A CHOICE LOT OF or fancy bottled and case cage fruit oysters at dines nes and lobster lobsters london gin and other liquors yeast powder soda cream or of tartar and other useful articles in calicas calicos and delainey Del De laines alues bleached and ind bron brown linen sheeting linen table covers blue and brown drills bed ticking Alp accas lawney lawn laces bonnet and Rib ribbons bonss velvet Trimming ii a and nd a large variety of all kinds of smail small ware and not notions ionti together with READYMADE READY hadi MADE CLOTHING f 9 mens and boys calr calf and kip boots and shoes A chole lot of gen ls Vs gaiters and ChilI childrens drens calf kip and fancy shoes y boots oatt galt and Gatt Galtere erlb erit men hen and boys boya fiats hats and caps capi walt WAIT M no wheat flotie buttery butter eggs eps and all other kinds of produce in exchange exchanges for which the highest market price will be pali paid ALSO 1000 to buck antelope mountain sheep and el EK K skins ALSO immediately some good pine lumber and shaved shingles for which a good price will be pall pali if delivered goon foon W NIXON thankful for past favors favora will willi endeavor to merit a continuance of the same by selling good goods at fair prices for tor READY PAY ONLY IN casu CASH OR PRODUCE CAMP FLOYD TIE would also call the ibe attention of farmers residing south and in cedar valley to his large and well assorted aloes sloes of 0 general merchandise at camp floyd urai norih north b side of the creeke where they can always depend upon a good farlett of every thing in lu big bis line in exchange tor for forbath Cath beef catt leand every land vt vf produce tott to 10 tt tf WM NIXON sar san S ravn yahn tm iri DRY GOODS BY TILE THE PIECE OR PACKAGE CO AND JOB ners HERS OF WS doods gools cor front and sacraments sacrament ats st san francisco california E respectfully fully invite the file attention of the he 31 IV Y of sill lakes lake utah territory and caroli baues vanes 11 ri to 11 our large larke and varied stock ut STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS il ving sup bior facilities for tor or th ill purchase pur chase chaie of gt kris kria ls in the cities of sew new york M beton deton ston eton atul arbi ul balti inore morr brol irrl irmi a lone lonz experience in lit ire iru lie salt lake uke irmie trade we e are to cupply any liy iry article of stapie staple aly all armi airl fb dry G gis uk ls at prices an as luw low as they can cju be purchased at bt st lonis I kiil tie tle TIB ilie gile lucreal ng facilities for transportation from frona san S francisco Fran clico to great salt sait lake cly over those of the frum from tt st lui lur induce uj ui lu to efner etner govis KOOI at such tuch prices as will draw the entile entire dry gods goola trie trade of uti urr territory lu to tills eili port having a tit lit partner in new kew york Tor tw are endl enaL let lel to take lt alliee of i the vt of the clues b th as regards regard prices aud and style of gods g 01 ol W we e are constantly receiving by every clipper ship ancl anti ni st steamer ea mery a full ut of brown sheeting bleached brown brwn br wn and slid bleached hickory stripes striper plaid linsey W woolsey 0 isey ken xen kentucky tricky jeans jean so bed ticks tel lel alue aluc and imen linen diaper and anil towels rowels linen napkins napkin alid slid tabie table cloth cioth crash T ginghams lawna lawns white while linen bosom boum shirts shirt colored calico shirts linen check and hickory shirts gray flannel red he and anil blue shirt shirts Merrl merri prints blue denims isina drills drill W liate and colored blankets blanket canton flannel flannels woolen flannels flannel fia ria nuels quills auti anti Comfor tables and 31 spun yarn sewing swing thread curtain irs and cassi Vassi meres |