Show HIGH WATER the tho weather eather has been very baim foursome for some days ays past which lias has caused the swelling of the livers jivers and creeks to 0 o overflowing by ile lle the tie melting of the show mow in ill the kan han kenyons y ons and on oil the sides of the mountains the jordan is overflowing ovel flowing its banks and much of the land oil on the bottoms ii ai more or less under water from a correspondent at ogden L we learn that hat the weber is unusually high and that several fine farms are submerged and the prospect that the water will recede so that hey they bey can be cultivated this season iti lil is not rot very L As a matler mailer of course the overflowing of the meadow lands on the bottoms will be a material ben benfit fit to them if the water dees not keep up too long and the crop of hay bay will b be e grek grea ly augmented if there is not quite so much wheat and corn produced since writing the fore foregoing goinz a person from the north reports that theo a den river is impassable the water being so high 0 and the bottom overflowed ove flowed to that extent that it is impossible to get got to the bridge without swimming |