Show FATAL ASSAULT A correspondent at manti under date of may aly loth says that on the evening of the lith of may alay at pleasant creek in sanpete county a man by the name dame of thomas ivie committed an assault upon isaac allred striking him twice with a fire brand breaking the aku skull which caused death shortly after ivie was immediately arrested and committed to answer for the offense at the next term of court deceased had a large family which by that fatal occurrence are left to mourn the loss of a much loved and respected husband and father THE LATE Twi TEMPEST pEsT the dalna daina damage e done by the late wind storm to wheat and 0 other ther cro crops p 8 was greater than at first anticipated many blany fields were severely injured the wind literally away the soil and uprooting the growing in grain to a great extent in the counties of box elder weber and davis where it was the most severe ANOTHER LARGE CALIF CALF A cow belonging to james smithies hies bies of this county recently had a calf three days old weighed ninety nine pounds stich such stock is worth raising and i should supersede the small breeds that too man many y have in this thia territory |