Show A valentine story BY it 11 A GREENWOOD it was a clear bright sunshiny day on the of february 1852 when a young southerner passing down washington street near tap th south church was accosted by a girl apparently about eighteen eighteens i well di dressed essed but not in the tho extreme of fashion and of a peculiar pecullar beauty and loveliness that almost baffles description her white silk bonnet but half concealed the he finest head of glossy jet black hair in the world which played in many ringlets oyer over a neck of surprising whiteness and beauty her forehead was high it g but white and smooth as parlan mar ble while her large eyes beamed forth an intensity of off feeling eeling which impressed those who saw her with emotions of pity and almost reverence hr manner was certainly somewhat wild and singular nevertheless the bouth southerner erner too well bred to turn haughtily paused to listen to the tair fair girl whose tone of earnest entreaty were evidently making sad havoc with the poor fellows fel fei lows lowa heart ane southerner himself a practicing lawyer in richmond ya ira had just arrived in boston where he had come to attend to certain matters of business connected with his profession lie he was quite familiar with the city havi having ing some three year years previous graduated at a university near boston but familiar as he was with mapy of the peculiarities of cities he felt indeed surprised at the idea of a oung young and beautiful stringer stranger strange ge rs stopping topping him in the tie t K e street to ask him hira the singular glar giar question will you marev me sir now charles knowlton or as they called him at home charles know enow young and a bachelor and like all young bachelors 11 i in intended to marry some time or other but bat the idea of being forced into matrimony without a moments warning and without knowing an anything thin thiu about the lady who was to be his bhide bride brill except that she was young and handsome rather startled him from his propriety and for a moment it must be confessed be he stood gazing with astonishment upon the lovely maiden whose bright eyes seemed to flash brighter every moment with redoubled brilliancy the proud lip of the fair girl was seemingly just beginning to curl in scorn as she witnessed the young mans mauls hesitation she curbed her feelings ho however for the tile time looking once more upon him with her bright beautiful face and repeating with st still ill lii more earnestness if pos sible her former inquiry awill will you vou marry me sirl sud startled Sart led from his reverie at the sound of her volee voice he was once one more aroused from the ata st tile tiie like ilke posture he had fallen antoon first teeing seeing her thoi though gh he still continued to gaze upon the lovely being before him without uttering 11 a word ward 1 I must leave you then sir air she continued though heaven alone knows know my present misery it is ils true I 1 am asking of you a strange favol favors I 1 cannot indeed blame you but I 1 may yet find one whose manliness of heart will lead him to compassionate my present situation On once cemore more sir and for the last time permit mo me to ask you will you marry me sirl and here overcome by her feelings the tears began legan to dim her beautiful eyes while the lady turned to hide bide her falling failing tears and bobbed sobbed aloud the young lawyer felt keenly keen y the be awkwardness of his position and politely polite ly t tendering eri erl dering his arm to the lady for a stroll up the at street reet inwardly resolving to learn more about the matter if possible the ladys case cage seemed to be BO so novel and tin tir singular kin gular one moment he be fancied her insane but ut the calm beautiful expression upon her countenance now that she had adopted him aai her ler ier protector utterly forbade such a thought with all the gallantry romance and perhaps we may say impetuosity peculiar pecullar to southern character charles immediately determined to int iut the best construction upon the matter treat ng the I 1 he case as one really deserving his best beat services and ani snowing e past the me at the tremont where he wa and to escape the noise and street charles proposed to the of adjourning to one of the the subject could be discussed satisfactorily with the aid of ac a coffee and some little later and we find the pair in dished and ad well eil ell appointed ally known in boston as A thousand ill defined the oung oung young lawyers mind As renar remarked ked he was waa highly that he was a croaa man and that a 1 patently parent ly iu in distress was before there was something so the whole affair that hat he one moment to comply with tb in another tile the idea 0 of ot what tim the so romantic a marriage might night b his relations the jeer jeers 0 of coid cold laughter of a lnater matter of fact ed ari im ara are yon yott in aarif want of money no sir sir sin nothing of the kind C cannot 0 t I 1 be of service in s than that which you propose lr r indeed air sir bir you cannot cannat ly were I 1 tee ted comply with it not possibly hereafter cane cause 1 I Regret aregrett nay air do not pardon my seeming rudeness more tell me truly bow how you barrry Mar rry mel IM marry arry one whom I 1 hare oni inele ingle half bour hour aye marry me rut truet rui me I 1 a hereafter you shall know a have faith in humanity if me marry me and do it at knowing it to be rei regular dinner hour was then stopping confusion of the 1 lady the propriety near nearest i more quietly and cup of nice french refreshment A moment the elegantly tur fur f ur estal estat establishment gener Vinton syb sla ss 1 thoughts thought passed through we have already romar romantic yet he felt lovely woman ap him film singularly in ir almost determined at the ladys termination teral terai nation of be the he thought of acquah acquaintances and the world I 1 lady ask asked edhe adhe lie ile lle some other way efty your request might mim mig ht you yoi some regret re gretl mock me ni 12 madame madam and alone I 1 can bf bet at only known for a am not deceiving all but if yon you you yon have any pity or once by heaven I 1 will exclaimed the clawy lawyer almost before he himself was a wire re of af it however lie bad pledged his word and arid he lie determined ter mined to abide the issue freyou are Ar you eyou ready the lady excuse me madame adame in I 1 will be in a few m mo ments vou you know certainly ir you will find it there let suffice for the present and the lady politely offered a card upon which war was neatly engraved the name henrietta howard and just below the address 1113 baccon dacon street stepping into a carriage summoned for the occasion tiie the young lawa lawyer er accompanied by the ladr drove to ae office of the olty cily register everything in this department being satisfactorily arranged the handsome couple f presented themselves before the idy iny mayor w who 0 was wag ncik not long in performing the ceremony that should bind two willing hearts he arts in one for weal or woe until death should them part A few moments lamerand lat erand the young southern er accompanied his blushing wife to 0 o the carriage the steps were v r a put u t up the door closed ana the hackman stood st awaiting orders to the tremon house houst said the he bridegroom excuse me charles why not to our own house to our own house certainly my love the poor lawyer looked upon the face of his wife with wonder and astonishment je 1 e certainly coula see nothing amiss in those beautiful briant eyes of hers though to tell tile tire he truth lie did feel a little uncomfortable as lie he ventured to aire mildly and where is that hennietta henrietta why beacon street to be sure charles oharles Ch ailes arles beacon street no the law lawyers vers verb wits were certainly a little wandering and no wonder indeed had he remembered at that hat moment the he address upon the card it was certainly the place be should hav have thought of going to especially after what had just transpired ile he had scarcely time lima to recall to mind his rashness when the carriage stopped just before a costly and magnificent stone mansion het Ha glanced at hh his bride even the miles on her sweet f ice face gave no nol hope ile he could just say f shall we al abt here henrietta certainly charles 11 the young southerner handed out his wifely silence A well dressed servant answered the bell Is uncle at home arbert Jl JR bert obert inquired the lady no 6 miss liss henrietta ho be is not riot replied the man with a bow giving his bis hat bat to the servant and following lii lih bride into the sumptuously furnished parlor parlon the poor southerner felt now dow more bt ut a loss than ever while the roguish look of the lovely woman who was seated beside him on the he sofa holding his hand in hers and arid gazing up lulo ialo ilis his face by no means tended to recall film him 0 to o his usual self possession come charles suddenly exclaimed his new made bilde bride glee gire give me ma your arm while we take a stroll round th ehouse or rather I 1 should say your house 21 nay henretta henrietta do not trifle with me 22 tin indeed deed charles I 1 am not trifling all that you see is yours mine yes charles yours you have trusted in me roe ani and I 1 must tell you all The fair bride then led her astonished husband to a seat near by and arid thus continued three years since I 1 lost by death the best of fat fal fathers herb hers my mother died some five years before my father for many years 5 ears engaged in the he india trade left the principal cipal portion ot of his property including the house housein in which we now are to I 1 myself his bis issolee sole su suni suoi rOving ing daughter my uncle I 1 who was duly appoint eil eit my guardian was entrusted with the care of all until I 1 I 1 marry ile ha resides with me Dasti destitute tute of other means of support it was quite natural you know that he be should seclude me from the world as much as possible often he lie has treated me unkindly to dayi dayl escaped from the house unseen the rest you know but hanrietta henrietta will ivill not your uncle not a wordy biord charles if you please at present lt the servants were now summoned and duly informed of the facts i the domestics domestico then cheerfully withdrew henrietta had always been leen an especial favorite with this portion of the family while the rashness and hod cruelty of her uncle had been too apparent we will not detail the surprise the tha astonish ment and scorn of the uncle when on the following day jay he returned from his brief visit to lowell lwell on learning the change that had stra strangely and suddenly taken place in the domestic arr arrangements nwe of the family A trip to washington had been determined upon by the happy couple for the great capital of the united states at that season was gay con r cress cresa ress being cr heu hen then in session besides a visit vilt to his reh rel rei tives in richmond was needful to com plate the happiness of the young bridegroom arid and thus passed the honeymoon during daring the absence of the young couple the crabbed old oid uncle quietly withdrew thinking it better to leave ilta ilia lia ile requisite documents in the charge chargo of his brothers attorney than encounter the ir of the impetuous and hasty southerner it afterwards appeared although the circumstance was entirely forgotten by charles that henrietta had formerly been introduced to the young southerner by a mutual friend on the day of hii hil hi graduating at harvard harvard harvand the young girl having attended with her relatives as usual the au an nuni nuoi commencement charles is talented and respected he lip is now an acknowledged leader of his own political par ty the hero and heroine nf of our rambling little Valentine story are said to be by those who rh phi 3 know them the handsomest couple inthe 6 tate late |