Show ITEMS OF INTEREST mrs david hewlett Is recovering from it long siege of 0 sickness bishop wm vm facer and family ot of willard were in town tuesday vc veal al wanted at Ilor m 28 asi 1 mr J G chadwick of park val j ley has been in town for a few days this week canvas gloves sac ii di X N L hansen clarence merrell ferrell li returned from pr aio oio monday where he has been during the winter veal want wanted cd at horsleys Hor iu 28 mr will miller of oc penrose was here on business tuesday L 11 miller of the same place was here yesterday X fine line of aliens mens boys and youths clothing just arrived at larsen Jen jenseni sens Iless rs alma alina and stevie Stev le wight have been in lown iown a lay day or two this week visiting with relatives and greet ing old friends mr james R millard father of mrs walter L grover of garland carland died at his home in farmington farming ton on the he esth dinst the little babe of mr and mrs peter thompson died yesterday we sympathize with the youns young patents ILS as we know their disappointment is keen mr john A hansen came up from provo saturday evening where he be has been working on the pipe line tor for merrell lumber company hundreds of oe new bargains this week at hoists tf mr john burns whose death at fielding last week was announced in these columns w was is taken to farmington his former home tor for burial get your fine english walnut trees of heber C doden tt if fred sorensen spent a lay day or two in brigham this week with his family having been out with the sheep most of the winter mrs christian of brigham city came to logan last saturday to visit her relatives the jeppson family the lady will remain here a I 1 few days lo 10 logan an republican can we e can serve best in style quality y and price in mens boys and youths clothing A A new line just in larsen jensen V according to the Millen lal star mr joseph F r hansen who aho has been laboring in the london conference has been released and will sail for home on S S Cym on the iolli in s st it THE MOST BEAUTIFUL location in brigham south main street with excellent peach and cherry orchard and berries 7 room house barn etc 2 acres of land for sale by MRS ELLEN HOLTON mrs if E campbells millinery store was beautifully decorated last saturday this being their grand spring opening and presented a pleasing and inviting appearance all visitors were served during the day with punch and eake cake the kind that mrs campbell makes which has become so far famous hous the hat display was most varied and elegant that the opening was a grand success was evidenced by the large number of ladies who attended miss estelle jensens hensens Jen sens childrens recital will ivill be given on the of this month those who delight in seeing and hearing the little tots perform may look forward to a 0 treat on this occasion there will also be numbers rendered by grownups grown ups M N L Hens cas shoes are better mr adolph harris was in from the blind springs lifs week good ripe oranges are cheap at IL L erdmanis Erd manns tf frank earl rare vur purchased chased the residence formerly owned by L P johnson Jo linson in the ward and is now living there our new suits for men boys and youths are the latest and best see them before buying larsen ez jen sens mr air and mrs peter edwards will leave the latter part of thra thia week for geyser beyser Je nevada I 1 filere they have a ranch they do not know just at present how long ariev may mar stay when you hane haie occasion to t 0 stay in salt lake city over night get a room at the windsor hotel just a few doo doors rs south of 0 the kenyon light clean and alry airy rates reasonable ron hon willard S hansen spent a few lions in bri haar list monday ile he came down from collinswort CollIn stort on the cache valley and went back at noon he is looking none the worse tor for his strenuous two months at the state capital this week our bargain barbain table is overloaded with new bargains come and get a snap choist son N L hansens shoes are better anton thompson is building a ml lai gher fine chicken farm ou on its his place in the 3rd ard ward lie he already ali has hae one of the largest flocks in town veal wanted at m 29 the people of bothwell ward are gettic right down to business in the mattar matt ar of 0 raising means which I 1 to finish the new m meeting house this week a lot of oc neat invitations are being distributed announcing the banquet referred to in these columns a couple of weeks ago canvas gloves sac adz IN L hansen hamsen A H of 0 Garl garland arld and bishop archibald oi of Plym plymouth oath were in this city on business the latter part of last week anya canvas gio gloves sac iz N L hangea mr air D lorin rees sold a car of splendid horses list last week to condrac con trac tor P amoran J moran off ch salt xia city citi the animals must aasve been extraordinary specimens of 0 horseflesh as Is they brought an average price ot of each N L Har hansens sens shoes are 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