Show SCHOOL ATHLETICS promises to become permanent in ution in box elder county contests planned following Is a copy of 0 a letter that has been fatout sent out to the several schools ot or the county brigham city cily utah march 1907 to the principal ot of schools dear sir the brigham city high bligh school athletic h has is arranged for a county meet to be held in brigham city on april 20 1907 this is the first effort along this line in our county and believing it is a good move and also knowing that you are interested in the educational progress of our county we sincerely hope that lou will ghe us bour support by working the thing up lip in your school so that you can cain have a representative biorn your school in all events first second and third place will be contested for in it the following events 1 yard dash 2 yard dash clash 3 4 40 yard run 4 yard run 5 hurdle race 6 race 7 relay nelay race 5 8 shot put i 6 9 hammer throw 10 pole vault 11 high jump 12 groad broad jump pupils from all grades above the fifth may be entered for information regarding any events apply to our committee or the university of utah again k 0 aln hoping this meets with your favor favo r and that you are successful in working your school to action we ire are yours respectfully COMMITTEE rr T asti sW of the brigham ball park aslock association ati oil grounds near the depot and have laid out a regulation track there we hope to see the boys receive due encouragement coura gement so that these high class sports may be continued |