Show if there were some orle way to i leach each that gi gibat eat crowd of girls who go to dances unattended by pants p or es c ort cort anti and show them thein how very unladylike such actions abc it would he be a long stride in th the moral awalt awakening ening needed both heie and in other towns we fail to understand how a girl who respects herself can enter a dance hall unescorted escorted lin without blushing she must certainly understand that she Is looked upon by the boys who go there without partners as public property at first there may be no immoral or particularly improper thought in their minds but they put it down that this girl is out to catch on and she on her part publicly admits by her action that she is unpopular and must resort to this mad kind of thing to be noticed ali why V not put a little higher valuation on yourselves girls and merit the respect and admiration of the boys instead of throwing yourselves at them in such an undignified way |