Show M 1 I 1 f A t AJAX pei charon iaron will stand this season ason at james Christen sens stables bangham city utah 7 and 12 1 AJAX was imported from france in june 1905 by 1 0 aster of keota iowa and brought broi ight to brigham utah in may 1906 pedigreed foiled april 1902 bred by hatton commune Cb crappell appell st SIRE moka 44 he by by by brilliant III 2913 2919 out of rosette roset M by lewis 2430 DAM aubine 11 II she by by brilliant III 2919 by fenelon 38 33 out of aubine by freoni I 1 swear that the above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief 0 J 0 importer subscribed and sworn to before me this the ath day of october 1905 SEAL F M SMOOT notary public RANT WANTED A 5 or G room house TO rent notify studebaker bros office brigham utah a 4 FOR SALE day bay mare r bears ears old weight about well biche price inquire at this office tt if i FOR SALE 10 acres hay land due clue west of 0 the 0 S L depot also 3 3 3 acres at end elid of watery lane apply to jens hansen a 11 list your real ecate with lee dunn they can sell your property it if anyone can tf tc BATHS for a good refreshing bath call at berss barber shot shop on west side of 0 main street halt half block south of court li crase the ah quorum of elders meet a at honeyville Honc every v thursday evening at 7 p m ot of this branch requested to lo al attend rend it S er president S II 11 L hannem Ean seas s shoes are letter better 7 your barber work wilt will be given special care at nelson bros barber shop also good bath tub service ioe list your real mat estate with lee dunn they c can zu sell your property it if anyone can tt tf the utah aa a barber under tinder the he management of oscar Pt Pei ersen and david blew hewlett lett will give you efficient service and full value tor for your money the particular man gets his barber worl work done at as the nelson barber shop they always give the best of action good bath room in connection LEE DUNN bunn BARGAINS feet with willi building first class business property on main st WE CAN FURNISH you rods on north nordi main st all set out in first class S year old cherry and peach trees arid alid has good 3 room house 4 ads good orchard in 3 ral ard 3rd ward ads 2 cor lots good C G year old elberta peach trees 1st ast ward ANY AN EXCELLENT HOME new with salo rods orchard can be had pit at less than cost to build Is located within GO 50 rods of court house C 6 rooms down stairs and 4 upstairs bath pantry and alof closets ets city water in house and electric lights will sell tor for 2150 or tr trade ade tor for good farm under bear river or hammond canals LEE DUNN fence cheaper than w d t I 1 et me fjords worlds fair st 1204 2 11 paa cincinnati 0 over des lifts of iron fence shown to our cula adue alce s will i 5 4 d see U 3 0 P W BOTT no ko south main st brigham ut U P etel aril 31 ONE NIGHT ONLY fred raymonds great dramatic comedy success 0 L n WITH stith ITS TS WEALTH or OF SCENERY AND EFFECTS A BEAUTIFUL STORY OF HILLS vaudeville fe features altures zand and musical U IT numbers incidental to the play liay 11 phu H play i U treat Con ipen d I 1 PRICES and P M I 1 TIIE THE SMART SET GIRL 17 1 11 1 I 1 1 aa 1 vwe who is looking for the latest stylea lea in spring millinery will find her wants anticipated in our new and attractive collection of dainty hats for the coming season here are fanciful creations that will delight the feminine eye and fancy elegant shapes beautifully trimmed and having a dash and go with them come in and have a look at them it is a free exhibition that you will surely enjoy low prices rule mrs M E campbell campbele Camp belh one door south of robbins Rol bins bakery maju main street brigham city v rm 1 l A r fal fr aff N A 0 S i cli a n on following lines as long as they last SHOES HATS AND CAPS SWEATERS UNDERWEAR GLOVES I 1 DRESS GOODS WAIST PATTERNS DRESS PATTERNS RUBBER GOODS AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES AT 1 10 t to 0 ad 20 aper per pent cent discount iseo WE CARRY A GOOD LINE OF GROCERIES AT RIGHT PRICES yours to please ath south main street brigham OR S L gyss ow E Y IS TRIE THE PLACE WI WHERE YOU GET YOUR st S A garden areld ALL KINDS U and mail orders promptly L filled SPRING ARRIVING ARRI VING DAILY af Hr i THIS PAPER IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE TO ITS MANY READERS THAT THE E N PM RILIng 30 and 32 richards st salt lake city 7 I vill will refund gash cash on every dollar spent in their retail department april 3rd ard to ath in order to introduce their splendid mountain lionly lion brand hobery sweaters garments union suits shirts and drawers in tact fact everything knit table whole eale and retail remember member Ke the place HALF BLOCK SOUTH OF SOUTH tabernacle GATES N a ax 1 y you can make befth better r food with vath rog PURE lighter sweeter more palatable and wholesome ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO nr W YORK L l iia ca |