Show 1 A If muk A bk if ar n l buel t I 1 in ta agricultural TH ire IVE 1 I WE now dow offer the largest lamest assortment of agricultural implements oh 06 thia this coat roat coa coat t all ot of recent importation among which will be found goo of the celebrated REAPERS REAPER S ant combined MACHINES 9 made byWard by warder ery erf boikan child springfield ohio four hundred of the above arenoa are now in uge use on the pacific coart also aso for sale PITTS tf f halus THRESHERS with a full sort ment of all other kinds in the tho line for bale eala at the lowest city prices J D ARTHUR SON corner washington and davis street streets san Franci francisco scoy 8 am california A oard CARD F for FOE ok THE TEE spring summer elo Clo clothing b trade trado e OP OF SAN FRANCISCO BADGER AND r no and awl battery st san francisco importers and wholesale dealers beniers ENTIRE NEW AND FRESH STOCK W WE E would call cau the attention of country merchants t to 0 our unusually large block stock of goods gooda our stock com comprises aises every article in the clothing and furnishing laie lale we have constant constantly lyon on hand the largest stick elick and greatest variety of cassimere wool and hats likis of anghouse ani any hou house bousely bou seln sein in the city and our prices for these goods I 1 are less it s a than those of any other house es as we receive them direct from the manufacturer on consignment our oar stock of spring and summer goods Is particularly attractive and the great feature to the country ii erchant Is the unusually low price priceless less than the cost of importation we also keep the staple articles Artl arti cies clea in the dry pry goods line which goods we have purchased in this market under the hammer and are offering them at new york cost and find less we publish this card in order that we tea my may make acquaintances quain and induce those who have not heretofore purchased of us to call and inspect our stock all that we ask ark Is an opportunity to show the goods and name the prices and we have no fear tear of the result good articles and low prices are the great treat inducement to all who purchase to sell again merchants who buy of us can make a good profit and sell to their customers at a low figure respectfully your servants ADGER BADGER 33 wholesale CIol clothing hing bing and elat hat warehouse 83 8 3 battery st san francisco TREADWELL COS GOS oos L T OP OF MACHINES U A CH I 1 N H S for the harvest of 1860 R E A AP P ac E R H S mandys s celebrated RE REAPER nearer apen APER and MOWER combined made by woods of falls fall made in 1859 stronger and better than ever before cuts six teet feet snugly packed tor for shipping to remote districts made expressly for treadwell dl co san francisco MICKS hicks REAPER with new improvements mentse made in 1853 1850 being the latest and best machines ever turned out by him six feet cut made mad expressly for tor treadwell dl co san francisco HUSSEYS REAPER fly substantial and effective ma chine i REAPER a good and enduring reaper SEYMOUR MORGANS or N Y V REAPER R A tair fair machine cues cuts elx teet feet MOWER ver TER does not reap cuts five fet tet I 1 EAGLE REAPER and MOWER mowen cam motion cuts fiva five feet WOODS MOWING MACHINE a Eplen splendid did two horse machine WO WOODS 0 D S S a new machine worked by tw two 0 horses from behind can be raised and lowered to sui suit t HARVE harvesters S ILLINOIS II HARVESTER ARVESTER a molt molide de f sl si rable rabie machine cuts ten feet and Is twice as effective as re reap apers erss at same bame expense of running THRE thee thresher S HER S TREA DWELLS 10 norse HORSE I 1 made after the sell nat battern tern b spencer A very superior machine SPENCERS 10 HORSE norse celebrated THRESH ER E R with perio perlo power better made than ever RUSSELLS 10 HORSE celebrated ER R made at M as sillon ohio PITTS pattern 10 HORSE and 8 norse HORSE THRESHERS THRE made by nourse mason magn co HALLS 8 and 10 norse HORSE THRESHER smiths power 5 G and 8 norse HORSE THRESH ERS far superior to any otner machines of thel sizes EMERYS 2 and 4 HORSE THRESHERS a very simple and durable machine HOESE HORSE POWERS OS 8 and 10 horse powers PITTS 8 and 10 do do SMITHS band 8 and ana 10 do do 21 2 4 and 6 do do together with the best stock of hardware Hard agricultural agriculture sa s1 implements Implement sp billal millal belting etc etca in the country the machinery comprises the very best kinds in use and greatly improved in make and adaptability to the california market for sale low by TREADWELL U CO N E corner california and battery streets 8 am san francisco franciaco il THOSE IOSE lose OXEN AND MULES FEW good OXEN OSEN and MULES will be taken on account A of indebtedness to W 11 II hooper it if delivered immediately 94 9 4 GEO V W KNOWLTON WANTED LL kinds of FURS furst for tor or which a liberal price will b be 0 A paid also saxony sheep and lambs wool firewood ac 9 tf JOSEPH L heywood R G pOLO SMITH and JEWELER abne one boor north of U Crony Cruny ns store near bishop hunters east bast temple street G S L city all kinds of jewelry made to order inder repairs done in the best and neatest manner bring on your work to G bywaters Bywate is ils watchmakers ra shop att 1 1 20 REWARD STRAYED pom from the weber rang last december a large red OX about anut 6 or 7 years old face bi a large diamond en on left side S on left hip and L 0 cuton left horn ine above reward paid on delivery at taylors mill near ogden city 93 9 3 JOHN W WINWARD JUST RECEIVED lom PROM california fresh fre h supply of merchandize merchandise dize comprising A drugs Medici medicines nes neF sices paint oils dye stuffs Stuff ii ac ac including indigo alum and copperas gum shellac borax vet r jred cited umber and sienna also italian violin strings A large assortment of genuine havanna segars and a few COOKING STOVES of the matt improved pattern patter nil nir fi with copper furniture complete all of which will se be sold low tor for cash orrall orr aln ain 10 4 W S GODBE t fh u i i i r business ea ov JOHN KAY S surgeon DE DENTIST OFFICE EAST TEMPLE ST AT RESIDENCE 27 tt tf G S L C CITY olty IT Y H E E BOWRING SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKEK maker i next door to the post office n thanks to the public for tor or their past liberal R it patronage has baa constantly on hand SPANISH and bonora SADDLES nar Dar harness nesby nessy spanish spurs ac ac cash and produce taken to in exchange itt lit WM WK H HOOPER H left for the states has empowered the theonder under signed to attend to bia bla business matters during his absence there thera are many n bo KNOW themselves INDEBTED to him to whom leniency has heretofore been shown which can be extended no DO tarther further attention must be vv given iven to this notice or COSTS WILL FOLLOW OFFICE in the rear of geo cronyn cos store north of C A perry co lu in G S 1 L city itt GEO GRO W KNOWLTON W WM bi S GODBE GOD BE eps BPS constantly on hand band a choice selection of ICE ide IV DRUGS MEDICINES and CHEMICALS of the belt bett quality A f full all assortment of the tie graef enburg family remedies ibe the extraordinary treacy of which has been so abundantly tested in this territory A great variety of patent medicines medicine fancy soaps ollay eries erier combs brushes Br ashes ac ac indigo extract logwood madder and other dye dve stuffs nipple glasses breast pipes nursing bottles Bott lesy syringe syringes trus trusses Tr ustes ess esp shoulder braces and female abdominal supporters of or the best styles fresh baled cultivated hops prescriptions carefully filled all kinds of grain taken in payment BREWERY we can now offer the tin an articie article ot of ALE AND BEER that will compare favorably with any in the world WU wil S GODBE att one door south of drug drugstore store eat east temple street P PRO R 0 VISION V I 1 S 10 N FURNITURE AND LUMBER number SNIDERS UNIVERSAL STORE Y friends throughout the territory will phase take notice that in conr coni ecklon with my lumber i business I 1 have now opened a store for the purchase and sale of COUNTRY PRODUCE of all ail kinds including a BUTCHER SHOP sapp where I 1 shall bave babe have only the best of meat ineat I 1 have iso also on m my y prem premises aises a CARPENTER SHOP AND FURNITURE WAREHOUSE TVA where I 1 am prepared to furnish all articles in my line of business of the best beat of lumber on short notice and on as reasonable terms as can be afforded binor alTor ded C gall all and try S 0 SNIDE it at the sam eold place inthe in the ward GS 1 city IN INTRAN TRAN VAST M AV mue undersigned undersigner under signed a long experience lu in the JL L business would respectfully rek rei inform his bis friends and the people of utah generally that be he is on hand to make out t POWERS OF ATTORNEY LEASES ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT and all oher oiher documents of like character also applications ons for PENSIONS BOUNTY LAND and other claims on government made outa out ba the thi shortest notice i ile ne Is connected with responsible persons who ho will promptly attend to the collection OF MONEY in the united states and in europe i j no charges made for any information he be may bay may be able abie le to comman communicate leate teate on these subjects to any person who may f tavor favor avor aver him with a call cail bya by a strict and rigid attention to busl business ness he be hopes to receive a literal ob share are of pub public to patronage for reference in regard to competence integrity and just dealing dealings refer to any person who has been acquainted with him tor for the last ten or fifteen years or OFFICE FICE floe in geo cronyn co oos cos 98 store storey sign of the Ms big T east temple street G S L city 34 ay W CLAYTON G glober GLOBED L 0 13 E great treat public are respectfully informed that the tue THE said house bouse Is again OPENED and ready to revolve it will be conducted on the principle of PAY FOR WHAT YOU CALL F fon FOR or and at any rea tea reasonable reason telson s on abie able hour meals can be procured a as per bill BUI of fare it must therefore be evident that all classes can be accommodated r on this democratic platform the faymer mechanic ct anic and merchant will find and this a pleasant resort BILL FARE FIRE one large cup tea or r coffee corie oro bread and butter porter house steak mutton mutten thop chop tripe any style stylo chicken 0 50 nam ham and eggs eiga 2 eggs any style 3 tor for 0 1212 oihi 2 potatoes oyster soup per bowl loo bath bun ban 0 05 crackers and cheese 0 10 glass of days beer olo i REGULAR dinser DINNER AT ONE onn meats vegetables bready bread butter pastry BOARD FURNISHED per week OPEN ON SUNDAYS morning 7 to 9 noon 12 to 2 files of home and foreign papers free tree to patrons confectionery always on hand bath buns fresh every day candies and cigars FARMERS 1 will exchange with you by giving the cooked for the uncooked in a comfortable place thereby reliving many of a great burden I 1 I 1 alf DAVID CANDLAND 01 ni val vat Notice notices cj CATTLE AND WAGONS FOR SALE 0 hundred head bead of cattle cattie 0 for tor or sale tale twelve U W hundred head bead run on chicken chick en creek and the r remain em ain sin d der e rl in n ruby kuby valley also several hundred wagon wagons S for particulars artic ulars apply at my office at camp floyd J agent arent for 6 am ain russells majors waddell nL LIZABETH IZABETH TUFFS on the corner of emigration street a and 1 d the state road hoad esth ward manufactures artificial fir flowers 0 from feathers painted she also bir ber stamps embroidery on cotton linen silk bilk and leather lea t will wili our real friends of the mountains patronize home manufacture 3 am COAL COAL COAL 11 ll I 1 WILL COAL of an excellent quality at the mine in san pete county having U 1 always on hand band at 5 per ton or I 1 will dellver deliver it la in great salt lake olty it arrangements are previously made at 40 10 per ton GEORGE PEACOCK 7 ani am mantl mantil san pete county FOR eor SALE CHEAP OR TO RENT NE HALF of the commodious two story HOUSE on 0 ONE the state roads ward nearly oppose opposite t a claudius V spencers easily distinguished by its ltd th till e roof jt it comprises four rooms two on first door floor add and two on second stock store ply pay grain or cash or all of them then taken in purchase payment inquire of 0 COLSEN OLSEN on the premises or at his shop shops opposite cron Gron cronyn yuls NOTICE EXECUTIVE OFFICE offices april aprily LL parties who were appointed to office by the territorial A ill ALL legislature of 1859 goy 60 and those these who have neglected to apply for their commissions are hereby notified that I 1 will on and ater after atter the first dakof day or june next proceed to mke make new appointments under the supposition that the parties appointed have declined acceptance att ALFRED CUMMING GUMMING governor of utah territory ATTENTION EMIGRANTS ting THE HE w would 0 uld respectfully inform the traveling public that they can rely upon finding s a c complete in assortment of outwitting outfitting Out fitting good coodsy groceries flour floury grain etc at their store at millerville 9 thirteen mues miles east ol 01 fort bridgers bridger also at their new RANCHE it at the crossing of the north norih platte on the cherokee rall rail two hundred and twenty nive five miles from denver otty city 6 am MILLER RUSSELL CO TAILORING DONE rno 0 accommodate gentl deuil gentlemen emen who may avish wish to have I 1 PA PANTS DRESS COATS VEST VESTS CAPS and all to the trade made in superior style styles the U un der signed has OP ENEDa TAILORS SHOP on the south east rast corner of t the be council hoage hoase blocki block where he will be mo trapp to 0 o attend in business to all those of his friends who may wish to patronize him please take nolice notice ile he will make a patr pair of pants in ins 8 hours houm and a dress coat in 30 20 hours there Is U no disappointment about it cutting ono one on reason reagon reasonable able abre terms 76 7 6 E B G ERICSON GENERAL outfitting outwitting OUT FITTING PROVISION STORE HOME INDUSTRY COMPETES WITH EASTERN importation W JE JENNINGS N KINGS begs to inform the public that he be conly W i brantly t antly keeps on hand A no I 1 beet beef pork porky Il lutton mutton nants hams venison Sausa sausages gess lard nard batter and eggs egg AT HIS OLD STAND EAST TEMPLE STREET and anil fi is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with their patronage W jennings keeps constantly on hand a large laree assor assortment t ef good BOOTS at 6 per pair extra extras 7 double extra kip and calf boots hoots at 10 and 12 ladles kip kipi 2 75 calf 3 cow 2 59 50 mens heavy brogan at 3 W jenn JeEn jennings ings warrants his boots and shoes to wear I 1 to 0 t he satisfaction of purchasers G give v a him a call cheap as the cheapest IV jennings keeps constantly on hand hind a superior stock istock of CALF SKIN at low prices also well tanned SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER unequalled unequal led in quality and price in this thia Terri territory torp call andee 33 3 W JENNINGS boull say to his friends and patrons arons call and settle if it yoh yoi yon you hive h ve lot tot money id ld klobe bour dour your account call and close by due bill att REo REOPENING pening OF THE TEE CITY BREWERY W H HOCKING respect imely f antly I 1 to 0 call the adf antion of the public B BEGS to Ws his MALTING CELLAR which Is the besu best in utah he bah hai recently made exten sive hive Improvements on his premises premise TWO BLOCKS emst EAST AND HALF A BLOCK SOUTH OF POST OFFICE OFFICEs w where here vi with ith the advantages of a su perlor a KILN and a fast grinding MALT MILL WILL ind ina maving engaged a dutch brewer brewery who has badiong experience in philadelphia and other large cities as in alister and brewer brewery he can now offer to the public fir tir first strate rate articles of LAGER BEER AND ALE wholesale or retail aloy aiso also small or table beer and vine tine gar all of |