Show A sleepy deacon beacon there are times and seasons when seep sleep is never appropriate and with these may classed the sleep of the good old cincinnati deacon the deacon was t the he owner and overseer of a large pork packing establishment his duty it was to stand at the head of the scalding trough watch in hand ta to time the length 11 of the scald crying hog in when the jus just t slaughtered hog was to be thrown in the trough and illo hog out when the watch told three minutes one week the press of business compelled the packers to unusually hard labor and saturday night found the deacon completely exhausted indeed he was almost sick the next morning when ahen church time but he was a leading member and it was his duty to attend I 1 the usual sabbath service if it be could ile he went the occasion was one of unusual solemnity emu ity as a revival was in progress the minister preached a sermon ven byell calculated for effect his peroration was a climax of the attitude of intent 1 i beauty assuming one ly listening 0 he recited to the breathless audi audle tory they whisper angels say lacil s illo iilo hog inell int came from the deacons pew in in a ste stentorian altor lai lar voice the astonished audience turned their attention from the preacher he ile went on however unmoved C r spirit spirits come corne wyl hog ilog out shouted the deacons deacon tally four 11 this was too much for the preacher and audience the latter smiled some snickered audibly while a few boys broke for the door to set apt their sides laughing outside within f full ull hearing the preacher was disconcerted entirely st down arose again pronounced a benediction and dismissed the anything 0 else than solemn minded hearers the deacon jooa came camel to a realizing sense of 0 his unconscious interlude for his brethren re reprimanded prim him verely severely ae while the boya boja caught the infection of the joke and every pi possible b I 1 e occasion afforded the man opportunity to say hog hill in hog out |