Show halls sarsaparilla yellow yellott dock and iodide 0 of f Is prepared from the finest red jamaica sar sap aap srilia artlia llla ilia and en english gilsa iodide or of admirable as a restorative estora tive and purliler puri purl fler of 0 the mood blood it clea cleanses it ses sea the system or of all morbid and impure matter remove removes pimples bolls and eruptions from the skin cures rheumatism and pains or of all kinds all ail who can afford afred should nse use iti it as it tends to give glye them strength and prolong life sold by druggists generally at loo per bottle B R HALL CO proprietors whole ale and s 8 cm clay street san francisco notices nugh HUGH 1 IV ILL PAY PAT per bushell bushels busall la in good pay fer for tor for 1000 buhela bubels hu heta hels hela of 0 CORN WOOD WANTED p WILL pay five gallons of unias Malas molasses ves res per cord for L WOOD delivered at my residence in the ward estt GEORGE 13 WALLACE T ank HE subscriber hereby gives elves notice to the public that he be J J ba hai haj re resumed umed amed the above business at his blis old stand in ah the elrd bird ward G S L olty one block bloche horth borth of temple block 9 jpseph joseph L HEYWOOD neywood FORK WOOL CARDING I 1 AM now ready to receive wor wool wooi 1 at my factory to card on dual term my machine Is new aad abid the latest patent from the slates states come on with your worl 53 also at my TANNERY blaess bide hide barks bark ac wanted immediately 10 4 SAMUEL TA takes TAKEN K E N UP 0 ON N april a white two year old wih with ted fed red ears cars red spots on the nek n ek ck and side vide red degillo he tha kore korf has no ear mark nor brand bas has a CALF ibe the awner owner Is requested to prove property and thle tale her away 11 3 B R west jorda jordan nm ills 1118 A WOOL CARDER purchased the carding machined formerly ai II 11 owned by A gardner ot of big cottonwood and J koldeway hol Kol daway of provo Is now prepared to receive and CARD WOOL at provo city utah etab county bring on your wool people from distant comities comi ties can have their colim rolim to take home with witti them good work warranted ja 93 ALANSON NORTON COME GET YOUR yoon r I 1 APPLEB appleba APP LEBr ledr fi attorney and coune llor ilor at law laws iv a will attend to the prosecution of claim claims collection of f debts ac power powers mf if attorney for tor uie the states stale or europe 0 inclan claims claim declarations tor for bounty land warrants deeds leases and all ether other legal documents drawn op up with depatch terms liberal OFFICE on east temple street west side opposite tc to mr g store stone 0 81 sr 81 city litt lilt I 1 WOOLS I 1 anne r ignec la is N NOW W PREPARED with new ye wand and L I 1 rrue true I 1 improved e tny iny ERY palely received from the r nast hast and experienced workmen to CARD WOOL we shall require the wool well washed and picked and would prefer it greased ret pet lib of tresh fresh butter or lard ird to elbs of wool WM 11 walger WALKER I 1 PS machine at farmington bear near the new flooring l mill of E smith co W n H IV W residence igla ward G 3 L city II 11 3 TAKE NOTICE AND SAVE COST costi 1 LL person persons n debt d to the ustate esi ate ale of ALMON W aa ji e of ceased on note due dus bm or otheral e are hereby notify d tot the last hime time thai that they are requested to call on the subscribe subscriber rand and set 1 j 99 he same came without unar ir delay or suits tails will vui br be com ced and costs added aa a the of baid said sij sid alj estate mast maet be settled up W f r APPLEBY wf trat r ir of sam gald etite LAST bast NOTICE I 1 LT persons persona indebted to the estate of dr WM aa lav rancey PRANCE late of G 8 L city decease deceased dg who wish to 6 ve Is cost are requested nested to call on the subscriber and 1 pwe awe the ame same forthwith either money ur wheat ad arid amat at market prices wil wll be received those no ea ather at present are aro requited to give their nor hor nol now eo as Is I 1 the amounts accounts of said slid IS tate tato mum mus ewt t ba settled up imm immell a abety 01 eit ely T WI W I 1 APPLEBY ita itu ll lit t attorney tor for aid sald ald estate TAKEN ury bry UP atean har HAP toris forr fort wei west jordn jordan one red reil three year I 1 N ili ill old COW brand brani on lett ett hip not readable I 1 one red COW with white minka the forehead four OE or five years old olit branded I 1 3 on left hip bip and a nd a 5 en on right night hio hip one red ard and white spotted CW points of horn born sawed off an illegible brand on the iho ha lett left shoulder 0 5 or 6 years 01 oid old all lia its have bave ve c alves calves I 1 tb tha the a owners are quested requested rc to taki take them away 1 F GILDERT orp t i L FIRE AND BRIMSTONE A 4 0 7 PIPER fakes TAKES pleasure in presenting to the public a superior L article articie of SULPHUR AND BRIMSTONE of noaie manufacture better than any imported from the states for SALE at NIXON and stores STOKES wholesale and retail who will encourage home manufacture 11 litt lilt tt if NEW STORE AT FAIRFIELD HE undersigned undersigner Under signed beg leave to inform their friends THE T and the public generally that they have purchased the large and well selected STOCK of GOODS formerly owned by miller russell boj co at fairfield cedar county try U tt T at which place they will continue the wholesale aie ale and retail dry goods and grocery business their stock consists in part of DRY GOODS BOOTS and SHOES STAPLE and FANCY HATS and CAPS GROCE RIES rles kc ac all of which will be sold low cheap for cash or exchanged for flour grain or good work cattle they have also ed the entire lot of the well known russell Russel lp major bajor waddles wagons in ebli territory and are now of fiering offering them tor for sale for cash caw or any of the above mentioned articles george goddard G S L city la Is their authorized agent to make mate sales of in that city and they also have agents in provo and payson thankful for the tha pa patronage patron heretofore extended to them by the people of this territory they ask for a continuation of the same A J STEWART ft CO ld U T mays 1860 litt A SPEEDY SIXPENCE BETTER THAN A 4 SLOW SHILLING M BROWNE CO late browne Thomp thompson son sou J JM have just received by Cris crismani mans TRAIN FROM california AFRESH SUPPLY OF STAPLE GOODS including knives and fork forks files flies butts butta screws and latches tugar sugar coffee tea scythes and snatches sn athes ditches matchers calloce cal looe dark and light shIrting shir tings og bleached and brown cambrice cam brics black and white cheap for MONEY moxey DOWN also padlocks hasps and staples stapled finishing nails till fill arid and drawer locks gun cap caps pocketknives pocket knives carpenters rules flat imons irons 8 by 10 glass pitchers pl chers tumblers plates bowlst bowl crips cups and saucer sauce rip halter chains maron matoni i trowels hatchets claw do tea trai sa s locks and knobs butcher knives strap hinges door handles handle carriage bolts scythe atones stones coffee mills tacks spades and shoves grain crad cradier cradler lef lep tin plates trying frying z pane pans bake ovens axes brass brasa kettles kett lef turpentine linseed oil white lead kc tcp ncy ac all of which will be sold at the LOWEST POSSIBLE LIVING PROFITS lett let the he public ju judge d e for themselves litt 11 tf tt I 1 I 1 puta puya an phia P UMA S FIRST TRAIN THIS SEASON 1 1 WM W M NIXON N I 1 X 0 N AS just received by the firt birot train through gli 11 from california a choice selection of GENERAL merchandise al 1 R 0 11 A N D 18 E consisting OF DRY GOODS MILLINERY DRESS TRIMMINGS LACES EDGINGS id I lanns LAWNS d ac sc gre also a FULL PULL and COMPLETE assortment STEPS towns SCHOOL BOOKS slates pencils and general stationery CROCKERY WARE consisting of caps and saucers dinner plates glassware waret aaret and everything in that line to perfectly tit out a household JEWELRY consisting of or vest and fob chaing chains finger rings earrings Bracelet bracelets sp brooches Brooch esy esp gold and sliver silver pencil caes ca oa es gold pens and numerous other articles in that line H HARDWARE A R 3 W A R E consisting of BRASS KETT KETTLES mettles LESy Sadiron Sad irons sg butts and screws table knives and forks of a superior quality tea and table spoons pocket sheep shear shears grais grass and grain scythes ncy acy thes cradles Sn snatches athes ac ac GROCERIES G R 0 C E R I 1 E S A CHOICE LOT of fine tea teasy ty dried fruit rat Ral raisins sins currant Curran tp candled candied citron oltron and lemon peel candles can fruits pickles Oy oysters Sardi sardine neey neep ac DRUGS and MEDICINES VARNISH PERFUMERY ac A choice lot of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC LIQUORS to which ha he would call the attention of the trade as they will be besold oad out by the package or barrel only amongst them may be found london jockey club gin catawba wine Bit bitters Sch eldam schnapps and balm of flowers fia Fla A LARGE LOT OF or READYMADE READY MADE CLOTHING to be b sold VERY CHEAP ten bales of 0 BLANKETS B LA for sale at COST and freight HATS and CAPS in great variety BOOTS and SHOES shows of grety every kind very low all kinds of grain and country produce will be taken in chanze chaner ex cash not refuse 13 of coulp but the invariable tr rule wiil win be py pay on delivery and no credit thankful to those who bavo lilt herig herip extended their patronage tn in him especially to those who tho have pal dup IV NIXON would still a continuation of their favor favors si and ard will asure assure them that nothing shall shill be lacking larking ingon on hupart hK part in t accommodate and curnish cornish them with a good article of overy every thing in his bis line at a ienir price aas kremple st city may 5 1860 W wrt M N NIXON I 1 X 0 N I 1 WOULD also call the ti of his freni friend fre tre nl south to his well selected STOCK of GENERAL GOODS AT A U C J NEAR CAMP FLOYD where me the trio trin movement of the th armyo armye he be still continue continues p us 1 sual usual to keep a fol ful and nd COMPLETE assortment if every eveny thing needed by the former farmer and the public generally act small profits froats quick ret net and pay dawn down will be ah his hig motto lamotto litt ll it tt |