Show HE KE resolution SOLUTION in relation to recorder of marks and brands brand resolved Kc solved 1 by the twe governor aud and IZ legislative gisia gisla tive assembly 1 ol 01 the territory of utan utah that the surn sum of two hundred and fifty eight dollars and sixty four cents be appropriated out ot of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise ap appropriated to pay the recorder of 0 marks and brands for the incurred for tor or the publication of the books hooks containing lh mr mckand kand brands and th it the said books brand brandr sheetS aud characters and property pertaining to said office be b come cume the property of the he approved january I 1 11 it 1857 I 1 hereby certify that the above Is a true copy of the original n 1 11 lle ile lie e in my onnic IV II 11 HOOPER secretary pro teni tein appointed bf tir the governor |