Show summary K kansas ansas is reported to abeln be in a quiet c condition sondi londi tion congress t had done but little up to december 21 the always beginning never ending and toothsome subject of slavery and its Us collaterals collate rals occupying C the most of the time and efforts of the reputed wise men in the capitol of our nation snow fell during the past winter to an unusual depth in upper california rumors of a threatened rising among the blacks in several of the southern states to have c come ome off orf on last christmas day had occasioned considerable alarm many slaves were imprisoned to await examination stringent vigilant measures were being adopted and 19 slaves were hung 0 in tennessee the accusation of having been concerned in the contemplated insurrection in california D C broderick has las been elected for the long and W BI twin for the short term in the senate of the united states slight shocks of an earthquake trembled san francisco on the ath and oh olli and sacramento on ort tile the icah of jan some of the southern states are endeavoring I 1 to establish a commercial intercourse non with th the free states and to open a direct trade between themselves and england and france the dean richmond a schooner feet long 12 feet deep and dna dra draikin drawing ivin Q 91 feet arri arrived veI vel in september at the liverpool docks direct from chicago illinois with tons of grain the schooner made the trill trip in 62 days including including inc ludin iudin 0 12 days accidental detention in tb the river sl st lawrence the m european times expresses itself highly delighted with tile the success of this experiment the prosecution of which promises mutual trade advantages es to en england land lahd and the rich grain growing region region which t finds mai mal ket in chicago the territory of minnesota has applied for admission into the union as a state in irl january and near the san joaquin ranch mountains cal a sheriff named barton and three of his company were ivere killed by highway 0 rob robbers bers berE the people of los angeles and the neighboring settlements had arran arpan arranged ged vi vigilance ilance organizations arrested some 40 perso persons ns an ani l hung 4 as we learn earn from the los angeles sar of jan 31 kindly furnished by br joseph cain dr E K kane the arctic explorer iras has left england for tor the west indies with the view vie v of improving his health which is said ta t bo very iery precarious |