Show DISCOURSE by di president lieber C kimball tabernacle march 1 1857 1 1 D BY GEO geor 3 D WATT A more sensitive man inan than ihan br joseph smith never ived lived arid and that sensitiveness was in proportion to the light he lie had bad so it is with br briham brigham and ami so it liswith br heber and so it is wi with th br daniel and irwill increase upon him as lie he pr presses ehl ebl es his ins way forward and works werk s in the b harnes harness ar and becomes used to il if and arid lie he will be just as good rood a team bilia hoise holse as tiie the lord ever used and I 1 know it I 1 will speak of br joseph young I 1 often speak of him lie he is one of 0 the life most molt sensitive men that ever walked on uie the earth and that is I 1 in proportion op to the light he fie lias has and if the lord hair llad not laid his hands oil on him and said imy iny my servant joseph be thou lck ick and go to thy bed and rest lie would have been I 1 in 1111 iiii his grave long iong ion lon ago his late sickness saved his life that may be a curiosity ta to you but bill the best days I 1 ever had bad with legard i to the happiness hap liness mess of my spirit have been when I 1 was prostrate on oil my bed an ani and d in reality could not help myself people will say 0 how I 1 pity such and such buch brethren and sisters beca because tise they tiley are unwell it if pers persons cris would ap heir their blessings when they are on beds of sic sickness k ness and say 94 Fat eat father ler ier thy will be done a and n not 0 mine there would be no room for th that t pity 1 I 1 3 when n necessary in gods provi dences towards 0 W a r us me 1 I would as soon lay layon on a bed of sickness as to do anything else for we have got to larn I 1 arn that lesson I 1 have to struggle I 1 and br brigham has to st struggle e to tb exist here oil on the earth T vi li say not tha that I 1 speak peak of these things to boast that if the thi this s people both men and women would pray and that devoutly before god gott in jr t heir their secret p places aces one quarter as much as br brigham and I 1 and br joseph young dodou do you would see det diffrient d days S f firm fiem m what cousee you see sew today to day when jesus came to i his I 1 Is people oil on this continent andai and appealed in their twile m ast dst they could not at first realize 1 e and appreciate him film they saw him and felt the wounds ili in his side in his hands and in his h ls feet arid and he talked with them and instructed them and chose and arid instructed twelve di disciples caples and after healing their sick alid and blessing children lie he administered bread arid and wine to tile the people and taught 1 them to watch and pray always ile he cou could la not heal their sick until through prayer they had bad become humble a aid d got the power of god on them and when he had done this lie he said sald sa u brilla bring all your children chil chii dien and he blessed them one by oil orl one e and the tile power of god rested ersted on them and angels descended from heaven and arid encircled them round about and ministered to them bafo before re the eyes of the people what do you suppose we ate are going to do with you are you evel going to be prepared to see god jesus christ ills his aneals angs isi or comprehend his servants unless you take a faithful and arid prayerful course dd you actually know joseph smith no do you know br brigham no do know br heber no I 1 you do not da do know the twelve you do not it if you did would begin to know god and learn that men who are chosen to direct and counsel you near kindred to god and to jesus christ for tor keys iley 1 power and an d authority of the kingdom of are in ir that lineage in eake I 1 speak of these things with wilh view to arouse your feelings and arid your towards god the father and his son jesus chilst chiist that you may pray and be humble and peni penitent ent when jesus christ came to this earth he came to fulfill fulfil the tile law lav arid and lie he taught tile the people to seek to the father with a broken heart and contrite cont rite rile spirit ard llen ilen then lien whatever jiley they asked ile lift would give it you yon so come unto III lii him bim m repenting and being son sony y for your sins then lie he will hear you arid and forgive you and lie he will forgive this whole people why hy because br brigham never would have said 0 1 o you that god would forgive you kou if you would repent unless he had received some intimation of that kind from tile the father and the tiie son and the hie holy ghost but br brigham told you the he truth and arid the lord will wili forgive you if you stop sinning now and begin anew today to day to work righteousness with full purpose of heart eart then through continued faithfulness that spirit light aa glory will wui rest upon you that br joseph has been talking about this morning in orning I 1 am speaking of thee these things to comfort you for they comfort me I 1 am talking to you of nothing more than what I 1 know feel and anti have exper experienced leli lell ced what br joeph young has said is good 1 I feel very well in my body and ili in m nay y spirit liat that is I 1 feel well in regard lo 10 the things I 1 feel well because there are some trying ng to live their religion and worship their god in spirit and in truth when they hear the servants of god declare the truth here they understand it and the seed springs up and brings forth fruit co to the glory of goj god and that fruit will remain but there are others who wiio hear the word arid and do not dot conceive th they ey sil sit and arid hear the he voice of god speaking through I 1 agh hij his ser ver servants varN and like the sound hereof but the moment they leave this place they forget forger jt it some say sav that they have not faith hat they cannot believe what is faith it is confidence what is confidence it is faith some people are striving and ao 00 get faith when saving faith falth is is simply confidence in god flowing frol from waldir wal wai walking kir in obedience to ills his commandments when men you have confidence in ili yourself in in any man wo vvo g man roan or child you have f faith falth and when you vou have hot confidence you have not faith I 1 I 1 believe they are co partners and the principle of falth faith and carifi confidence lence is synonymous to me if I 1 you have not faith to deed your property y over to the trustee in trust it is is because you have not confidence in the trustee in trust if it you had llad confidence in ili him you would have faith 11 ip him you inay may pay your tithing you may j tithe your sage mint and catnip and this and that and the other otheir and after all 1 vou you you may be leaving the inore more weighty matters undone u it is not best to b become come stereotyped in paying liying tithing arid and stop at that but if you aie ate going to become stereotyped I 1 Wi wish hyou you to stereotype the whole fiola I edition and let it remain so and then go on an arld arid d make another I 1 do not dot object to your stereo pi g one ohe ne letter ietter at a I 1 tims ime if you will go on thio through agh the whole edition in regard to deeding over your property no one compels you to do ii if I 1 do not compel you to do it the trustee in trust does not god does not but bill lie he says that if yon won you yon you will do this that and the other thing which he has counseled for our good do so and broye him he goes to work arid and proves us its as we go to walk and prove one another under d er various circumstances the lord say says cast in in your tit tithes lies lles and then your offerings tithing tyis trig is one thing and off on iriti eings dings gs are another and when that is don dono your property properly to tile the church and make stron strong the handi hands of nun nur president andee will handland distribute it to the best advantage adan adian tage we are to he be tried in all things like unto tinto abraham and god even told abraham to offer tip his son isaac ile he went and built the altar got the she t wood arid and the knife andwan and was wai ready to do tile tiie work but instead of 0 offering up liis his son tile the lord said to him t take ke this ram ani and offer him linn up and put your son to usury anu and lie he shall be become corrie a multitude of nations his offspring friall bea beas numerous as tile the sands on the sea shore and as the stars in the firmament it will he be aist so with tile tiie property deeded over to the trustee in trust every man become becomes a sieward steward and puts out liis his property to usury the principle ol 01 the consecration is to hold hoid property secure and in the channel of or blessin blessings 11 3 and iu in rease our property should not be darer to us than salvation and sli sil siluid should uld freely be put to the best bastise be stise use for cor building up the he kingdom of our god to illustrate us my ideas I 1 will use a comparison here is is my little finger loes not ili til he e blood go 0 o into hat that finger as f freely reely arld and as f fully ully in proportion as it goes into my leg or into my arm does it always stay there does that little finger become selfish superstitious with the principle of idola try tri arld and never restore that blood to the fountain no for if ia i did the fountain would be weakened and the tile finger finder woud would wither wittier because of ali all an air interrupted communication how can this church exist upon poll any other principle than that of free interchange ter accordi according Dg to the dictation of if the head my bly finger re restores tores back the blood to t the f fountain where it again becomes impregnated with the principle principles kot sot life and then when it goes back again is is not that finger impregnated with the power of my vital vitality lity of my attributes if that is is a fact when we take the fhe same course with the awn th ngi q of god and turn in our property it will become empowered with the tile attributes of god and his son jesus christ and the holy ghost and of all those who act act acl with them in the eternal worlds and from them to us and from us back to the throne of god and except we become impregnated with saving principles as they exist with god with jesus christ with angels angeh with peter end with joseph you may bid farewell to salvation every soul of you I 1 wish that this whole people would so get re ligion that br brigham and myself and other good men could always freely and fully teach you all things pertaining to salvation and show you your condition even as the lord views it here is the kingdom of god here are the prophet and the apostles the patriarch and all the leading men of israel and where is there a man roan in europe or in any other country who sprung from this church but what sprung from the authority the life vitals and power of this church and king kirg kingdom dom if lie he has not got his power unto salvation in this church lie he has lias not any power towards an exaltation in the celestial kingdom of our god and those who have power from the true source have not predominance over those who hold tile the keys in advance van e of them for the kingdom of god is a kingdom of order how can you becom impregnated lin preg with the spirit and arid power of god except you become impregnated through us there is no true path except lo 10 do as you are told by those whom the lord has called and chosen and placed to direct you I 1 do not care ao so much whether you xou have faith or not for if you have confidence in in yourselves your yours elveI will risk the confidence you should have iu in sa s1 us and if you have loat confidence in yours rilva you will not have much confidence in your bieth re ren and ia i that case I 1 want to know what confidence d ce you can have hare in your god ane lord of often ten takes S a course to try t the fhe he confidence of his people deop I 1 e for he lie planted a branch of tile the olive tree in the tha poorest spot ili in all the laud land of his vineyard ine lne ard and arid he caused it to yield much fruit that at J was as food good that was considered a marvelous an and one of his servants said I chow how camest earnest thou hitherto hither to llant clant this illis tree or this branch of the tree for b hold hoid it was the poorest spot in all tile hie land of thy vineyard and the lord L mi of the v vineyard i said unto him counsel me nor not but go to and do all ail things as I 1 command jou you now suppose I 1 should say here john jolin william and richard I 1 want you to go up near the tile arsenal a arid and dig a well yell and cheri when you have dug jug lug ten feet you will find fiad water they would be very apt to say rive live we have not a particle of conff lence lenco in that operation I 1 would reply I 1 do not care about that it is the wll well I 1 want and that will wilt afford water they go to work without one particle of confidence in what I 1 say and ana dig to 0 o the depth of tell ten feeland feet and come coma to goad water by so sod doing aing have llave they not obtained knowledge with olt wit confidence yes ye by their work and andje je sug suj says by your works shall you be judged and b by ay your youn our oun wora worl works ks shall shil I 1 you be justi justified fired john bill and dick dich dig tile the well pelf and I 1 1 hase have accomplished my design with them though ih ill py had not a particle of ot confidence in in me nor in in god gail and when they have found water they say that gives mo me confidence in you br heber and arid in your god 5 rile the file result of their works gives them confidence it may stimulate some of you to go to work upon that a principle e viz viz to 0 do 0 as you are told 0 wl without lout rout knowing whether louwill you will get water or not I 1 weil well ell eli go oto to work and dix ilig the big cottonwood cai canal ai oil on the same principle plin ciple bezin bejin lo tomorrow morrow morning morn iri iii and do not cease until that canal is done arld and I 1 will warrant the water to come and when it comes that will increase your confidence brethren will you all with your your bishops lay aside everything that is not of greater importance and go to work oil on 1 hat that canal until I 1 it is euls Quis finished hed bed if you will work instead of merely saying you will and go to with all your hearts it will be but a short time becore before you yoa oll oil see sec the rock being bein boated on oil it for our temple aud it need not be ge oni only y a few years before the temple is built you will receive your endowments arid and blessings bless blesi ings aud and god our father will protect us and give sive g ve us good peace until we have accomplished that work and many other things ile Us will strengthen our feet and fill our granaries wili will you go to work at once on the canal let ting your bishops lead out and you follow if you will raise la tse ise your right dight hands ali ail all hands were raised rai ral sed aed if you live up to the covenant now made you will soon accomplish the work and it will b but a few f ew days before tile the will be in i readiness for plowing and seeding and god will bless bles the earth and strong strengthen theli thell it lo 10 yield an abundance through your going I 1 and doing that eliat little work and letting jetting the water in into to that canal so sn that we can boat rock from tile the quarry unto this tills place let ui w go to andio instead of merely saying that ahat is di awing dialing our feelings 9 into the one ineser reservoir voir upon tile tiie lle ile lie same principle let e every eveny v ery mail man render over his property with il deed that cannot cannat be broken throw it all into the bia big bi reservoir suppose that one puts in one drop another ivro wo ancher ten and another a hundred do you |