Show REMARKS bj president daniel 11 II wells tabernacle harch march 1 1857 REPORTED BY G D WATT about the devils davila gate and the he prope prop property arly eely ly left there last lait season we expect to start back some team according to the notice which waa read this thia arnin mr naming nin as SO soon on as the season will vill permit us to carry arry feed for the diffie different rent stations on lle ile lie the route those who have boidi 11 go ids eft at the devil devils gate by making proper arrana arrangements yec rec rients can have lave them brought in and if any parsons prefer anin going fort for their beir own own go goods of course they have trie the privilege ile lle e I 1 have been highly interested and entertained this ahls day bv the instructions and exhortations we have they are calculated to inspire confidence and love towards our fattler father aati and our god br heber lieben and br lorenz lorenza snow abow have spoken lipon the unity of our feelings and the tiie identifying of our interests interest and it is frequently urged upon this thil people to ind entity their interests that we may chay have no undivided interests no half halt heartedness to be powerful we must be united and tobe to be united wa we must have our inter interests identified ilg haw w can we have them better identified led than in ewt tint we hare hive set our oar hands to do difan th an in consecrating all ow oln property to the he lord we have started out in a food good caise let us not look back but let us urge forward in the tl things lins of god and work together for each others benefit for in this we shall not sacrifice anything we talk a great gleat deal about sacrifices c when str strictly icIly theres no such thrine linn it is a mi monomer mi nomer nomen if itis ii a wrong view of the subject for what W we e do in the tiie king kingdom 11 d orn of god is the best inoes investment in nt we can possibly make it R pays the bast which ever way we may look at it it is the principle of nii all others to be coveted coveter to lo be appreciated and is the th ebest best investment we can make of all that pertains to us in this tins life it is an inestimable privilege and anil should be so esteemed by tile the cor coi community n we cannot fully fathom it we cannot aj a yet yit altoe altogether iier lien understand it for ear hath not inot ll 11 heard ard nor eyes seen the benefit that will accrue to ie tiie tile individual that will be faithful unto the end in this church ani aal kingdom and receive the exaltation to which lie he is looking forwe forward there ii virtually no sacrifice about it it is like sacrificing in the things of time in time to gain eter etemad nal nai rich es and such a sacrifice sink into insign finance in a moment all the sacrifice we could noke muke even of life itself in this world is nothing no hing to those who are faithful let us not be half halt heart ed but let us go into this matter whole and cleave unto goi god and ad his servants and identify our interests in his kinzlow kinz kina lom dom aiato As to the devil what whal have we to do with him it is true what we mard heard this forenoon while br joseph young wa waz talking I 1 if t we could breathe twice where we now do aice lice once the holy ghost is read ready reads every moment to administer to our salvation and the evil spirit is also ready rendy to lead us its in into temptation tint is true but look at the w word ord the lord gave ua u through b our first parents when he be planted us on this earth he said to othener tile tiie str pent because thou hast done this thou art cursed curbed above all cattle and above every beast of lle ile the lie field upon thy belly shat thou go and dust shall shail thou eat all ali the days of thy life ilfe and I 1 will put enmity between thee and the tile woman woman and between thy seed and her seed it sha shat 1 l bruise thy head licad and thou shall shail bruise his heel we have that advantage over the devil dezil we can if we have a mind to resist him and lie will flee from us ile he can be cast out and lie is subject to us we have the length and breadth of ourselves selves clear how LOT f om being contaminated with him I 1 will say that without fearing successful contradiction if he be overcomes us we fist let down tile the bars and invite him to enter or lie would not come f urther further than our heels the rhe lord gave us our agency to do as we please and it is for or us as to say whether we v vill viii iii lii ill be for god or tile the devil we may make our ourselves anil aril angels eis els to the devil or saints of the mot alot high we may have llave the tiie blessings of the almighty assisting s us or reject thern them and go to the hie de devil arvil itis ts c optional 1 with ourselves I 1 will admit that we have been corrupted ill in our generations for thousands of bf years yeats year and that filat the devil has lias power over us through gh this tins cause in in a measure that lie otherwise would not hot have and were it not for the multiplicity of the blessings of tile the almighty almi 11 lity hat gives us power and strength we would most likely likely be overcome of the devil desil dev des il we have become small in stature and short in year weak in body and mind compared with our forefathers in the primitive ages of tile he world we know they attained to a great age and large in stature q and anti had great power with go 1 I we know there has been beau a falling away and anti we have come down through throng it tie the tle loins of progenitors alio wio have bor cor corrupted rup rap eci th their thair air way ways changed the ordinances and but little of the blood WA of braham abraham may be flowing in in our veins god has looked at tile tha 9 generations of men and has brought spirits into tile tiie world and thy they have come through this long jong line of corrupted generation what has lie inada known unto us ile he has developed by little tila ilia ways of the lord if wo wiil will dursun the course ills his serra serva as rants tits have inid laid out through the tha cli innels of the ilia holy and eternal priesthood ile he lias again opened to tha the children of men the channels of life lire and wa may bring 11 ourselves back again to the might and power I 1 ilfe life i r and immortality spoken of this morning the lord wit will cut his work short in righteousness and und will permit us if if we are faithful to pro progress oress so fast that we may make up in a few years what we llave have lost iu ia a thousand we may gain in a few generations of righteousness what twenty of unrighteousness have robbed us as of it is a work of righteousness which the lord will bless and pro prosper proper per tile tiie principles of plurality irive been estabi estall shed 1 in ordan order to ralsa raisa up a righteous seed unto god tile tha way has lib been pointed out and arid it is a blessin blessing that has lias been restored to this generation it li a turning bick lick b ick to 0 o the tre holy principles of ancient day days even to that purity that was a known 1 fa iu I primitive ai etive ages in io this way only y inas may ay we rise from corruption through the licy lioy priesthood of our god we do not handle these thin thiu things with proper sacredness sacr ednes edues perhaps perli aps it is a principle prince aiple that is calculated to proc produce luce tuce health strength and happiness here as well as salvation sil hereafter it is so esteemed ese emed by many and when you see tile tiie prin pric principle ciple as it really is you will wil say that it is as I 1 tell you von 1 I know k now our forefathers have changed the tha orjin ance anco an and d corrupted their ways in their theli generations ions lons and it lias has brought misery and depredation degre dation oil on the human family and now if we cat can turn round and reform ia iii this ourselves our posterity wil will be bett r pre prepared pared to reform themselves and become mighty before god they tiley will ba be better jetter capable of receiving those principles which hiva huva i uve ive been made mada known to us they call can lay hold with greater power and faith on the blessings of tile the priesthood and cin cm obtain with greater power thin trun we no now can call because they will not have havo tile tiie traditions around them that we have they will ba be measurably free from tile the corruptions corrupt ions which llave been entailed on us I 1 do not wish to take up much time but I 1 wish to lopres s these facts upon the people I 1 wish to love luve my sit feel that this order is the tha ogder order of god and that in it they will find happi happl less and exaltation in it thy will vill find every principle that thit is calculated to lead them to glory and favor with god and exaltation into inlo liis ills presence and by it they are arc redeeming themselves and aia their posterity from the tiie corruptions corrupt ions of matl mall that have bean beau in ill existence for many generations before us an ani aul I 1 from which they have been brought out by the th a sound and proclamation of the gospel I 1 believe they do feel to appreciate and understand this aud I 1 wish to exhort the brethren also that they adhere to these holy principles and try to see and ind understand them thern as they the y exist and at act accord lug jug to the principles of life and silv tion llon lion and not according to those of death and destruction that they make male allowance for thousands of bilings they may mav have around them in their families there ure are many men who they have llave an understanding of these things and make no allowance for the traditions that hang liang around the women do you that they have been brought up in their gentile centile notions as well as yourselves A man may have perhaps perli peril aps three or four wives and not make such allowance for them as tily thy do for him and find fault and be very exacting in requiring of them the hie most perfect obedience to every whim and noti notly notia 3 it ii by taking such a course lie ha is liable to lose losa the holy ghost and nl if lie he does he will lose his ills women it is 13 upon tipon the principle that you are tare a mall man of god hai hat you have the holy noly ghost and desire to ral rai raise Is e up a holy seed to the name of the he most blost high that your wives have llave been heeti sealed to you they would not upon uny other principle have come to you now if it your wives discover that yourick you lick in any virtues pertaining to tile the holy priesthood and if you take a course that is not calculated to exalt them do you not bue sue that you lose their con confidence fi dence you will lose them also concluded on page 8 1 continued rom page pe 61 51 61 51 the tho reformat Tou has touched tou clied the hearts of both ngn nen man and women tho the tho people generally are turning ino round and they will serve god more perfectly than hitherto many of you have havo never tried this order u until gitil I 1 now low and let me tell you brethren that itis necessary for you to keep the holy ghost if you yon have not got it you must get it aud and nevel never be without it you must shed forth that influence on your family as brn bra joseph and heber told you this morning or they v ill leave you they tiley will not stay with a man who is destitute of it il it they ara are good women neither s should they this is a word for you my brethren who are now flow starting out on oil this principle ciple it is a good virtuous and aply principle and not to be trifled with the women as a general thing have power and 11 ad faith in this kingdom and arid they come into this tilis order with full fall purpose of heart desiring to do right violit L and arid in ill leading thern them if you will be care fill of your own feelings and have a little magnanimity of mind it will bo be better for fon for gor you and arid they will stick to you because it is for their salvation in in the kingdom of our god it ia for this they we aie here and they will viii cleave to you for it ang ano il it is your year office right and privilege to extend that blessing to them I 1 do not make these remarks jor wives to run ahead of their theli husbands for they the y seek their thein salvation through them of couise there are exceptions to all general rules I 1 am ap sp aklu akiu akiua upon general principles to saints of tho the most high this is a good people generally I 1 say to the sisters seek to have confidence in your husbands and believe that they are capable of cf leading you and when you seek instruction be cievo them capable of giving it to yeu you and be faithful humble and arid obedient to them their feelings should not bo be concentrated in if you but your feelings should be in them alid and theirs should ha he iu in those who lead them in the hie priesthood their feelings are concentrated in the lord their god and what is ahead and there is where inhere they tiley should be YOU should be g glad lad to see them step formara and walk onward in tile tiie path palli of their thein duty and not require them to devote themselves to you to the exclusion of and duties of life which lio ile before them As they progress and arid lead load on you will feel to travel in a tho same road this is the order arld and if order is maintained in this thing you ju will see the he beamut beauty vf of it and it wil be a bit sit facelo n to you and arid them to believe that your husband lie he who is at your head is progressing in the tiie things of god that should ba be a satisfaction to you ou and it will be if you are inspired by t tile right spirit and feeling in this tills way ivay you will have hava happiness and see good times I 1 have luve heard br brigham remark many limes times that lie did not belive th that at enoch had llad a better people than this a people who progressed half as fast in the things of god as have the tho litter day they lived in primitive ages when they were wera comparatively liure pure when they were not as our progenitors have been they built and perfected a city in years I 1 believe and arid I 1 have often heard br B bigham ig milam and heber lieber so express themselves that this people have made mado far more progress towards perfection in tiie tile same time than did enoch s people I 1 rejoice in tin his s and to see this ibid people 1 obedient to their head to their bishops and arid to their god there are great blessings happiness arid and salva tion for tin this s peo people gie gle 11 so 0 bolg 1019 as they ca continue faithful in these things rigi A ant nd t tle the e more they tiley identify their interests arid and become subservient and passive in the hands of this priesthood liere here they wiil will be both men and women the more satisfied and bud happy in this tilis life and belter better prepared to live in t tiie ilia I 1 a biesh flesh as well as to enter into tile tha lii III life ilfe e that is to come coine may the lord bless us and help us to do right and may we be worthy to receive his hia bLessi blessings the tile lord delights to bless his servants and hand bind in allens maidens and he lie will bless us until we become powerful in this liand and are raide rinde capable of bringing to pass his purposes all ali and d designs ill in the last days if we are in the world we are not of it because they will not let as ansbe be they drive us ter us and try to destroy us but it matters not wo we have llave been brought to these chambers of the ard wo we have tio lio nothing thing to do but praise his holy name and we cn cin inake make tile the arch of heaven ring with praises to our god and king and no one to make us afraid though it makes the tile v eanner I 1 inner fe feir ir and tremble while thero there is none to make lle ile lie the saints afraid in zion D dt art t us do tile tiie things thinas that are for us |