Show fishy at a meeting of th liverpool L literary literary aad ai institution the following curious facts were narrated by dr warwick one of tk the tle members with wili respect to instinct in anitad ani Anit lna taa nals 7 ile lie stated that when he lie resided at Dun dul liam ilam the gent seat illie earl of t ord and Warringto nhe was wat wa lond pond walkin waikin walking grotle one evening in the park and arid came carme to tea a pond where fish lit iii intended tended for the table were kept ile he took kotce of a fine pike about six coundi I 1 in n weight a which cheh heit helt jt it observed him darted hastily away in III GO so doing doin duin it struck its head against gal gai a tenterhook tenter hook in a post of nf which there ee everal everil in the pond to prevent poi ching and audas andas asit it afterwards appeared fractured its skull and turned the optic nerve on oil one rde nde thu tho 8 agony ony evinced by the fidi was war most horrible I 1 it rushed to the bottom bot hot toni toai and boring its head into the mud whirled itself round with sueh such velocity that it was almost lust lost to the sight night for a hort short interval it then plunged about the pond and abd at length threw itself completely out of the tila water on tile hie bank bani ile he the tile doctor went au ani I exam examined ned it and found that a very small portion orthe of the brain wa wak wan v protruding irom from the fracture of or the skull lie he carefully replaced this and with a smili pm lil ill silver silven toothpick raised the indented portion orthe of the sun kull kuli tull suu the figh fish rt iila rila ined still a short he then put it again arain into the pond it appeared at first a good deal relieved but in a few minutes it again darted and plunged about until it threw itself out a rif tile the water a second time A see second time dr warwick did what he could to relieve it and arid again put pill it into the water it continued for several times to ta throw itself out of the wat water r and with the assistance assir assif tance of tile the keeper the doctor mide a kind of pillow for the fish fiali was then left in the pond to its fate rate upon mi aking hig his hi appearance at the pond on the Ul following owing morning the pike carne cance towar towards rid riv him to the edge of the water and actually laili its ita head upon ile ils liin lie foot the doctor thought this most extraordinary and he fie examined the fulls skull lind and found it was going on oil all right he fie then walked backwards and for fur forwards wards along the edge of the pond some time and the gish fiali contin coutin continued tied to swim up rund rind dawn turning whenever lie he turned but being blinded on the wounded side of its kull kuil it always appeared agitated when it had that side towards the bank as it could not see sec its benefactor on the next day he took some young youny friends down to see tee the fish fib which came to him aa as usual ustad and at length lie he actually actu aIly ally taught the pike to come to him at his hig hi whistle and feed out of his hand with other persons it continued as shy ally as na fish usually are he ile dr warwick thought this his a most remark able instance of gratitude in a fish for a benefit received and as it always came come at hla hia whistle it proved also what he had previously with other naturalists natura lists disbelieved that fishes are sensible I 1 to sound NY Dutchman |