Show A SNOB snoa 1 IN A darlng daring the rough ard tumble of old boreas boro is since while walking r aking down broadway Broadw av holding ou oil to hat and arid gaiters tor for fear feir of being blown mown away a stately carriage swept past in till all the tin gilt and tinsel 1 trapp tripp rapp tipp ings in which upper BO so delights delight 1 to line iline kline A sumptuously dressed I 1 adv andi and gentleman ro re on the tile c ouch couch like ilke luxurious back g geat seat in all ail the con conscious scions dignity of buckram sit att a bit sit it the hie unbending driver when lo 10 the rollicking wind unmindful rui rut of or purse or took the stately 11 hut t of or the stately driver and whirl whirling hig it high it in the ilia nin nir deposited it in til the democratic dust down ui u ed drulhe t the hores feet herd was a I 1 rhe the carriage c could not riot proceed with a li atless driver the driver could not descend from his ilia stat sli sti tely e ly throne tile tiie snob within not demean hill himself to pick up hit own drivers ilat lint there was no nimble footman foote in to jump down like liko a trick triad d out and make a snatch at tho the mis inia sing I 1 heal heul piece so what was waa lo 10 ie lie done was ev evidently edff rint a heavy loza IOB of dignity and such a state of anaias could not bo be much longer cpr borne oil oll A little rg cd pd boy fi a slender slander morsel of linman human and the biffl alty in nn an gintant the tiie hat war was dra dragged U ed from amidst the tile hoof of or the fiera impatient lio llo horses ses and restored to th driver who wilo took ll 11 from tile ilia boy with a stiff stately condescension I 1 turned to look for the gli gil sl nimer ON ofa silver reward to the tho little reliah from tile the gentleman eitleman ent leman snob within w but truo to the creed bv by uhichi ilich filch he lie ind hid arrived nt lit bonum j of ot snob heaven a carriage the creed of or take all you oan can and arid keep all you get not riot a pewter sixpence wa vouchsafed tile tho little lttie liero hero for res 1 euing cuing the somewhat crushed hat at the tho imminent nent neut peril of ofha his own ragged ilfe life I 1 la Is this a man made in the imago of hii bial maker thought 1 I ca as with a sid bid ids but countenance I 1 the ie lean pale hd moved slowly away to tile the opposite side of the tile street and arid tile the carriage cirri apo ape with its broud brond and arid renti penurious rious burden hurried ont out of sight no ha he was but a libel on the name of manhood the tiie boy of want and toil was tile the man mail and the idle man inen but the tile puppet of miscal mi od |