Show from G GElz Riz cromwell the death of cromwell cromwell lied in the plenitude of his power and greatness up lip iad lad llad succeeded beyond lii all ill expectation far more than any other of those men inen 1 had suge sude succeeded ceded who by their genius have raisel raised I 1 therA thenis elves as re rie had d done one to supreme authority autho rity for ho he lad had iad at ate e apted and accomplished complis hed with equal s success ucc fcc cas t itle itie it e most in os t opposite designs during eighteen years that he had been on an ev ever er v victorious actor on the worlds world s stage lie he hid alternately sown disorder and established order effected and arid punished revolution 0 over oTer overthrown thrown and restored government in his country at every moment under all pit circumstances he iad hid had distinguished with admirable safra sagacity r city the dominant domina nf interests and passions oath of the e time so as to make them instruments of his own rule careless whether he belied hij antecedent conduct so long aa as lie he triumphed in coi col concert cert with the popular instinct and explaining the inconsistencies of his conduct hy by the ascendant unity of his power ile he is per hap the only exam i pie ah idi affords q raf 3 inq one brg brn man b having abing governed t the 11 lut iUt pta pla it prote proved d raffi sufficient glen plea t for r most v various arlous cesti destinies and in the bourse course villi s violea violent aad changeful a n g cefai career incessantly exposed to ail ali all ill kinds of cofene crie mies and cromwell experienced this crowning favor of fotune fortune fo tune that his life was yi never actually attacked the sovereign against whom killing had been declared to be q no altur mur mun der never found foun d himself face to face oace with an an as assassin the world has never known knori abnot another ner exam pie of su success access at once so constant and so bariou various et or of fortun fortune e so invariably favora blein blem biem th the e mad midst at manifold conflicts and cerps yet crom s wells deathbed death bed was clouded with gloom he ile wa was s not only unwilling to die but also and most of all to die without having attained his hl real and final object however great his egotism may have been his soul was too great to rest patis satis satisfied fied with the ibe highest fortune if it were merely personal and ad like himself of ephemeral earthly duration weary of the ruin he had caused it was wa ils bis his cherished wish visit to restore to his country i a regular lar and stable government the only go government veirl which was suited to its wants a dio alo monarchy riar ilar under under the control of parliament and an at the same time with an ambition which extended beyond the th grave under tinder the influence oi of that thirst for permanence which is is the stam stamp of true greatness he aspired to leave his kame bate name and race in possession of the throne he failed in both designs hi his bis s crimes had bad raised up olst obstacles acles against him which neither hiis hils prudent genius por lor his perse persevering vering vexing will wi could surmount and though covered as far as himself was concerned with power and glory glori he died with lis his its demrest hopes frustrated and leaving behind him hm as his successors the t two wo enemies benemie s whom he had so ardently combated anarchy and the stuarts god does not grant to those great preat men who have laid the foundation of their greatness amidst disorder and r revolution the power of regulating at their pleasure and for succeeding ages the government of na nations ions lons |