Show in BUSINE to yoo i byry carding machine bitic is now it in sue suo inc luc leoper 0 lon I 1 ai at the tile sub sug ii Wor td ganyou all elwe who what have live wool to card eard can be dated doted dd ted i i I 1 8 t tf t tou YOU ang ING G WEAVING T r tf 1 SA atine tt linsey fiall Flati flannel lei Lel 0 clochi I 1 cioth cloth Cl othi oihi Carpet carpeting lue lug g nn na hort P notice tice anti an rea reason soju soji aoe afe alt term bertul 4 12 1 2 blicks douth south 0 of counch council house home ath ward i 1 11 0 w o cloth clo always oa on hand and ind foe for or sale gale v mt wag WAC E have for sale a number of excellent WE W wagons wagon suitable tur fur general ue use u e also ox yokes yoken chains chain ac c which we direr ater iou lou lu tor for nour hour wheat oiw 04 Is and lumber lumberg ic 1 oum OUK O 45 UK tf T S WILLIAMS CO chalm CHAIM CHASSIS nuil null WATCH MAKE maker it N orth temple temp I 1 e st street r lath irrl aril ariz arll G S li L city tj a ch blocki clo cio rep tep alreA A good am u of materials and crystals stame stamm on band hand 34 ly tac tatje TAt jb HE big dig C chinal anal anai to be jl dug dum foche fox lux ahe purpose pu ot of buat Irig granite to build li Is being surveyed and the tbt completion oi of all ail all ali ilat hat portion north of 0 little karoon kanyon creeks Cree tr between it I 1 and n d its la in great salt lake uke city olty br david N V j lk in has h as been appointed to superintend and to dispose or of the lands adjoining 7 aft f kree kreg 5 i u ron FOR saw SAM AT T theale the ait alt lake city post office co A all stam stamped i ed envelopes A at the rates aliree cent letter size at per 1000 loo six ageo geo 1620 do six SIT cent official sli sit size tat lat at do f it if 0 s kittl kitti lii iii othern tn in th this Is territory can n oe e f dished u with any of the above by th eraSh i E h B broome ho oais B egons 1 ta bhe ane undersigned undersigner under I 1 signed I 1 I 1 havin hasin a returned J his gi mission is ready naw to engage 1 1110 in its kia fo r viz viz vil that nial chigo JAS das I 1 have had many calls and com corn Is isa circe cirle I 1 take this method of informing the rr of this territory Terrt tory lt they have curn and nd will bring ort or send it to niril will up on terms terrain 39 33 am KO J M bazelow bas BAi eLOW jold kold rold OLD A AND D SILVER smith hei hEV having vino VIDo C X ke turned rom from his mission to the east wishes to fay ray ra to his old friends and anti customers that thai he intend ear ri on olt lifs ills business busine gs in all ils its branches at his bis old eld d stand standy stands first idor eav of the deseret store south sauth ample street vv where he be happy to se serve all ail vl ishill lilas g an anything thang in IM rim limone lim ire ines lne and em esp tally the cipar es rs t anable anti aad payment made easse eaby CALL ag 21 rn R SPICING VILLE MILLS f THE 0 ned beg leave leare fo to inform JL the 06 citizen of s pring forks hork bork P sAnd the belr grat it illel ill lii on olk aaring creeks iri irk nep me la is now in tit operation with two run of stone we are prepared ty do da ir ark to perlor to any in theroun the county brinz bring tu oil 3 gur iraln frain layou if you j ant your work done none welt inda and a bl auril out 4 iv ii J hontz CO proprietors frank franc L I 1 XI IIer iler mile nile PARKIN from sheffield eng mies ay inland landy laudy takes taves bis 1013 his method ot informing mechanics and the public generally that he be intends c commencing m trien illen cing the binl city and Is prepared kims kins oti ott alles flies a nd croni a along arong experience can beilue dh sll all stork S ork ort entrusted to 0 o hl lit carela a manner entime ensure public patronage patronise patro patr nige onise and slid he lie ille holier a al hn illness bulls hulls gunsmith llope opposite billiam ri lliAm iliam nixons Nix ons ditore east temple tempie str sir street et all orders punctually nally attended to 1 38 atu c DESERET dijt M a T tan TUN I 1 MIS M vis IS SHOP H 0 P N 7 edrad odrad HUlVA vad rAD hD having d from I 1 L nis DIS InIZ tn nion Flun dort in contti 67 y with C I 1 hiding riding has inix nM shop khi abi at wnm hl oom tom stand near his residence opposite E EM bralts Bial Bral rys rs nd 1 J blai blat lath ward p ail zil A all 11 worn work n urk in our linb lint done to 16 order ors olf on short mort no tice 1 w 7 r i I 1 I 1 ii I 1 wirl fett feut ilba aita for foi ti foe t I 1 n g 0 or r jery jert call dav ay W a little ou wars ways and ant ani dont nt torget forget the SMS 1 40 tev H 8 trl t ns f f gai gAJ sten enson EXSON sos soy ridi ar rs ip dese PESE RE T ige and aix AIN M F DEPOT 0 A calu TO J C LITTLE oum noum n re announce to his numerous nume rouf roul if q avd anil terest or ai AA and k irs sl at aclid jo 14 the leth wa d I 1 ink aas eat rv 0 of y iia ila nall nail aw wic wig cormela 10 ft ali kith A hone monteen Vone Mon leed teed tn ol 01 j po gostoff ini Iri practical candate candace bulit built and mui ani bellucco Bellr kl recent eco cco akrom rom londen london ibe the iw t alitt moot moor toot t expert vil ca carillet liRlee I 1 ak la 2 tbd turf territory vou would von d int inpyn 11 th citizens tf biti etti ar ed huijer niner the name nanie aad and styf clyto stylo 0 1 t I 1 J a 0 I ittie tittle o 11 an f ly reada to furnish kny any artio artia an fn ofir irhe tinon tipon the 11 raaf of abc and iek les ett leo vaid vald d e our well aid ald m aaa stured with alq to V shall baidie aare aale to furnish I 1 iose lose or of our frien arlenda Is who shan than favor ua Us etith irith ith arti eis eig both merul tar lar tal c filets tire rire ti rc re a lare large share ot of patroni patronage ige W mil eit lAll to bea beh letitit leai tiT tie tle the tinne lione coples ol 01 th Uial ulal nt to the boarts aln at ag hilt hilb ajit aa liht light nl la ahio ahlo nabie t for tor taen aaroa t arhl to take coffins for or thee thet theta theia leio wh they ibey lis lbs th IV 11 le kin jot sot carriages and ale Sg lAmade to lo orden order 1 ay MOW ANAM F t 1 01 sarita ka kuok cirps ca ses tIft lift fl au reyles dinine hableb tb le centre oat rat abr w rd table nd tables r kyo ryo 1 rolas solas oa louch fr lounges louit aid bid noard board wi every arn art cle cie clein it the tho cabine I 1 pe 11 all ball orders will ba be executed ana stricter strict ir accord inc ins to eomie romle I 1 farshid I 1 oett of tt nonfa 1 OUR tiri tirl loaia amsa ma mav V ju I 1 tn 1 sady MADY pay par WITHOUT ta liiv the tho th absence limn linn of ot cah cash 11 11 rif all ki t catti catlet city olis and aud tooM store ord rit r 0 JC J C do 60 herci hercl MERCi rANTS 5 OST ose 1 01 oa 01 fravert Or 1 avery aVERT f FOR var SALE HI BY 1 l at M p u B it no 0 w r I 1 I 1 isi pearl peari street new york tork rk 21 am I 1 j 1 l I 1 TAM yam all NOW nov oy am pPE NCr LT cr ag ji valley store stoe a general assortment of iry dry goods goods and anil brrown lellot all ail kinds watch I 1 will wl gell a ab low as any hoti hott house se i in lit the city tor for C oish ish sheaf bhea Vh ea and flour L 23 fa tt jory JOLLY ui ji livingston COS HIRD and last train will arrive by JL art of ensuing weeks week when oi 01 r assorts atit fur fun M thu eason deason n III ili 11 be GENERAL rE AND FULL our chaan pumps circular shw sw siw ac abeln tb thia this ds tra nain rain in 1 a having orders onders for lor please call cali 3 31 1 am 1 1 liaa liaw aia MAK THE subscriber ha has established tie tle the above business on his premises lf irk ilk ohp ward one liick blick north 0 05 tempie temple lloyl ll oci ocl rs gis cir CIT chereb he e quat quai as s prepared to execute execute orieta fon for or sli sll lucli qualifies me sand and style stylea fi J I 1 as claybe desired I 1 1 H j I 1 I 1 J I 1 L neywood in exchange to tor r hatsh hats otter W WANTED ANTED ae bea bed e r fox oxy yink fink and nd rabbit bit pelts yoa yon 11 1 l falso h firewood butter batter eggs pork rork lard wheat 1 lumber lumbery et i i i i it 3 tt TL JL if 0 V G 60 b S OUR first train of forty six six wagons loaded ioa loa ded witha with a very full and general it ot of N kotiw GOODS will arrive here about the dinst etien we v s shall hall be prepared to open arid and offen offer fori ifor Inspect inspection lon ion and s sale saie ale q a complete assortment ol tit all the various boods in our line irne and at al present 44 demand we ave would take tais occasion to thanks to our Ir friends lefitts and customers and in lit general out the territory 5 foi fol to the very fittra liberal patronage extended to ii us during the past season searon while we shall ghail endeavor to merit a continuance continua ce R of ther their fatora good goods at uniform and a as low ow rates zas jas call can be afforded in this market our second and third trains are expected to arrive next man month it v vu E f r LIVINGSTON 9 KINKEAD CO eue cut JOHN ARRIVED AT mil LAST JB IB KIMBALL lias has 0 opened his splendid stock block of 0 coxs foks in tit ends ende block one dour door north of n J jl the inhabit ants of G S L city and surrounding c country that ile lie hi wl will I 1 sell them at sucu prices as v writ wilt divid give perfect Ealis satis fac tion to those who wilt will pur Our ur chahe chae it bal I 1 I 1 I 1 although it was sald raid gerore ills his train arrived the snow north of him was wius five ret beet he lip hopes lippes the mild rays of cheap john will hlll melt it down to two believing that deep enough I 1 iorgov longood tor lor good d sledding and a I 1 healthy mattby bw busane ine lne M iia lia please pierse call a and nd ex examine amine i the goods wheat flours oats butter cheese and ERS eggs tak taken in edcha exchange ie for goods 37 am B Kl ta 1 store STOKE oluff gym WMS S GOIBE GODBE L M ifould 1 I 1 1 would respectfully an announce nourice to hig his friends and the etab that ad he lie has bag just jiust returned from front the E east ast with a valuable collection of lse icv blitch cl PI be open for in spec tion lna ina in a few days daya dum eum comprising ii arom arem piete assortment ent DRUGS chi chiefly eily elly botanical al alki a full assortment ot of the celebrated family rembie Rem eie ele n s soaps loiis lolis ana dna r t gunpowder capi knives s tor toy fancy G goods ot 0 every description spices janis jams I 1 preserve es cordials cordiali Cor dials no kut a candre candle t is it i medical liquors i i to i i lit iti 1 11 i in abich be disposing oj of orthe post most rea reasonable nabie term enn 11 sa dont t fall to cill elii abid aad see tee him aimone hI monE of I 1 I 1 old stand 11 T i Z Sod aWater water fresh trini the fountain i N B customers supplied tupp TIed w wilh wild luh ith medicinal car cal comical and historical almanacs freb FREE GRATIS FOR FOH NOTHING AT ALL ai bui THE PEO beo NIXON TOON wishes to call cail y y he be attention of od 0 clis torne tolue S and he the p public to his hla larce laree an 1 assorted stock mock of 61 READY MADE mabe wares wre cutlery ard and Not notion lon loiR no nott be surpassed fo and urlce bv any honse house in I 1 3 calr and exal examine 1 1 M 4 A choi chol ot pt tine flue gold nd plated jewelry weira i tin TinT toys oil violins and string s s ax 0 1 1 liv lip ir t tl I 1 rt tl boo 4 i tyl I 1 if cincy y alid and Look looting kij OI aises les leh ses k sal Sat Sutta table tabie bce at arc to suit sult I tille th e 1 umes um 1111 i j I 1 M afi 1 dry arr rood tood at ut f rop n shoes r lla ila band caps cam e 1 I 1 ropa 1 k b tal tan i nf N f il r paw W 04 0 il T JW i I 1 iiara llara tare lAre 1 Lea leathel thel 1 14 1 f r ft anu iii ici lacot ol 01 drugs and arul q n beila a large t tt r a and n I 1 tucki side pwe and puff corn bafo gingg sate fare v t arif I 1 to cise out my present ti ts nives nines nail rail es ynh inh y now supply y fir birthey fin fer they 1 r w att th smail wanes lace 1 11 ac it a ia d ra rate tes ear ma 1 pelt peli dyrr ani and cows and work oxen and neavy heavy fagoni tor sate a aal ani it d ta ken in exchange t A few ro romps xii mr for sale aale re low at THE PEOPLES STORE 40 ain T i TH V ethrid of j JL announcing to the citizens of glat great sait Salt lc davist davi an dWeber that ute uwe ve ird ire rd extensive arrangements arn annl lor for imming STOCK ta yli thel tile reft hii ime of I 1 bear BEAK RIVERs luven in ln county near the mouth month of the lalai where the tha range Is unsurpassed ty any in a this 4 i we will take stock to herd at the rate af 9 a cent ent ana an a halt half per day each head and pay all danial dar dani mages ae accruing to owners but hur and tor fur the benent tiene fit tit of abse ahse resl hig g in this thia county and the anh I 1 we propose to receive stock at tle te stray Pound puni in G GS S 11 t rily ort ott the first of every commencing s no ath of at Sessions Settlement on at gast gastier ber on wednesdays and at osden ogden catron orty on dass days without any my extra charge charged for tor to tia tim herd ground N NB sheela weh oti ott mabe babp screed nimi nimr ly by the r artles W 20 61 ga 61 gi E K HANKS blaar BL AIl it COS culp SC SCRIP 1 r C its ltv SCRIP wanted to pay I 1 tax ax 1 I by am D L gret gref K ar i oats am iCorn leorn 0 AN BE HAD at 44 41 ani 1 BLAIR GREE it BASSETT DASSETT OXEN AND WAGONS 0 NS OR SALE at FOR 44 gm gre GRF greer GHEER R hes bes bessett teS SETT 4 eash CASH PAID var OR ALL KINDS of PRODUCE JL 44 am BLAIR greer green basserr BASSETT GOODS C CHEAPEST 1 EVER defered iti ift this Y nii rii fi i arket arker at tit fa gin gln gid BLAIR greer HASSETT I 1 I 1 boocks S SCHOOL CHOOL BOOKS cheap states akl ibl price at am blair GREER REER G BASSETT 1 1 CORN conn i WA adrat rat tat foot adamsons ada ms on s ill fil dy by 44 bm malit GREER kassett BASETT WHEAT WHEAT WANTED bushels imme immediately I 1 pay cash and goods 44 6 n G assortment give us jf a call t aa ani wm lit AIRI GREER CREER BASSETT 23 corn colln WANTED W ANTED bus bushels hels of se sheil sheli td d corn coin for bread 44 gin bin BLAIR ewt gleea f BASSETT dI ITAI eaps CAPS t mand mind fens ENS TENS and BOYS and nt at only cost and Car carriage ridge 4 41 bm om BLAIR bnair GREER green atias atlas bassett nassrat SF TT bows HOOTS AND AAD RETAIL derall derail PRICES as cheap as they R q can be lad lid la in the static states 41 44 um BLAIR blaik greer GREEF BASSETT SOLDIERS SOLDIE RS AND vellow TELLOW CITIZENS ATTENTION W WHEAT HEAT FLOUR cornand CORN vand yand mer chandeze chan dize tur tor or sale gale by byr h S M af at brine urine haina hains fort andin and in for ait alt ot soldiers claims against the r rnell win pay the highest pric prie arine 43 ani lio yio FOR eor tig wig THE E E EAST A S T A I 1 G GENERAL AGENCY for claim claims tiff ry description raving having formed a nery w atuk ith the ifie largest commercial agency la in tiye the united states stater branches brand braDd lits of are located at bt 8 1 loius louis mo jio galve ton tecoy tex tes charleston S Cs C s new corleain Orle orie anty ants ain la new york city clr cir band S san ari I 1 rancom oi CI I 1 offer odfer my iny ber ken services vices icea to 10 the citizen af utah ua alu all tp t a attend to and fyr them moneys and 0 r any ny or any information that they may fanty ant oti oll reasonable terms fenus in any part ir the lt 9 1 i I 1 S M af bl BLAIR airi 0 attorney and councilor at law 43 am G S SL L CIty its itt foil foll OR SILE SALE lil 1 F oll olt SALE SALIC I 1 A A T salt sait lake city post office a large JL of 3 cent mut stamp received by the last dt california 1 I au bli I v E F ron rok 01 SALE salle amules A few good american lio ITO horses r s 1 e s a and ana it also alao a few prime flat nead head for at the deseret store or of toe ho W vau etten avard 7 tt r rois S saile ALE I 1 IN N the ward great salt lake lahe city oitt a tannery T A with every efery n utensil ilten sli sll lor tor carrying it on alo aio al A lo 10 o a love |